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星际旅行:进取号 第一季

Star Trek: Enterprise (2001)

电视 美国 英语 / Klingon 动作 科幻 冒险
"在Janeway和Picard之前, 在Sisko, Spock和Kirk之前,还有第一组探索宇宙的船员,他们为后人铺平了道路。最后的边疆... 有了一个新的开始. Enterprise进取号."-- 摘自UPN(派拉蒙联合电视网)2001年夏季的宣传材料 本.. 查看全部
"在Janeway和Picard之前, 在Sisko, Spock和Kirk之前,还有第一组探索宇宙的船员,他们为后人铺平了道路。最后的边疆... 有了一个新的开始. Enterprise进取号."-- 摘自UPN(派拉蒙联合电视网)2001年夏季的宣传材料 本剧是星际旅行系列电视剧的最新一部,但故事的源头却很古老,故事开始于星际旅行历代剧目之前,可以说是星际旅行的前传。时间设定大约是地球公元2150年左右,距离人类科学家第一次发现曲速原理一百年后。人类经过近百年的艰辛努力,终于成功研制第一套可以稳定超光速飞行的曲速引擎,并为之建造了一艘人类历史上最大的太空飞船,Enterprise!这艘飞船,是人类几代努力的结晶,它象征着人类不断进取,努力前进的精神!并将带我们进入那"人类前所未至的宇宙洪荒"!! 星际旅行: 进取号时间设定在星际联邦成立几年以前,描写了Jonathan Archer舰长和进取号Enterprise (NX-01)的船员一起历险的故事。进取号是第一艘能以曲速5的速度航行的地球星舰, 使得它的船员们能和很多外太空的外星种族进行第一次接触。他们遇到了一些我们熟悉的种族如Tellarites和Andorians, 还有一个非常着名的叫Shran的Andorian人。这个系列在2154年行星联合成立时结束, 行星联合的建立引发了星际联邦(the United Federation of Planets,简写UFP)在2161年最终成立!! Star Trek: Enterprise(星际旅行:进取号) 是Star Trek 星际旅行系列的第5部电视连续剧. 由Rick Berman 和 Brannon Braga创作, 2001年开播。设定在22世纪, 剧情随着 Enterprise进取号的航程而展开, 第一艘能达到曲速5的地球星舰。这部电视剧在很多地方打破了常规,它是唯一一部以正常的角色分派贯穿整部剧而且未作过任何更改的"星际旅行"系列电视剧,也是第一部以HDTV格式拍摄替代传统的4:3格式的"星际旅行"系列电视剧,也是第一个从整个系列的开始到结束全部采用电脑成像技术来表现飞船,也是唯一一部有带歌词的片头主题曲的"星际旅行"系列电视剧。这部电视剧原先的标题只有Enterprise进取号; "Star Trek"星际旅行是在第3季"Extinction"这一集才被加上去的。拍了四季以后, 这个系列被UPN 在2005年2月2日终止了, 最后一集在5月13日播放结束。自从the original series系列以后这也是首部被提前终止的"星际旅行"系列电视剧,也是第一个少于7季的系列, 但还有一点比TOS系列长一些,就是总算拍了98集。 网络上说进取号被终止的原因是因为收视率不高,第3季和第4季的集数都被减少了,更严重点说,很多爱好者认为整个系列并不连贯, 特别要归咎于它的黑暗风格, 而且在第3和第4季更加黑暗。 “UPN对『星际旅行:进取号』的演员、制作,以及全体的成绩感到非常骄傲,但不会再有剧集了,我们相信这出戏仍然是充满活力的,从影迷对书籍、影碟以及其它相关产品的需求就可以看得出来。我们很感谢影迷们长久对星际旅行系列相关的东西表现出热情,我们也希望他们能和我们一起期待未来这个系列的下一章。”“我们将合上Star Trek: Enterprise这一页并且继续前进...” 【关于片名的问题】说到这艘飞船的名字Enterprise,之前很多台湾译者将之翻译成"企业"号.如果各位查过字典,就可以知道,Enterprise有企业,或进取心的意思.经过我们对于星际旅行剧目内容的认真研究,大陆采用"进取"号的译名.就历史渊源来说,Enterprise,曾是美国历史上第一架航天飞机进取号的名字,虽然它没有起飞,却象征着人类对于未来永无止境的探索精神,进取精神!

导演:Rick Berman / Brannon Braga


主演:Scott Bakula / Jolene Blalock / 多米尼克·基汀 / Dominic Keating / Anthony Montgomery / Linda Park / Connor Trinneer





A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation.
莱瓦尔·伯顿 LeVar Burton
罗伯特·邓肯·麦克尼尔 Robert Duncan McNeill
迈克尔·维加尔 Michael Vejar
迈克尔·多恩 Michael Dorn
詹姆斯·L·康威 James L. Conway
罗克珊·道森 Roxann Dawson
小詹姆斯·惠特摩 James Whitmore Jr.
多米尼克·基汀 Dominic Keating
Menina Fortunato
贾米森·杨 Jamison Yang
詹姆斯·霍兰 James Horan
埃里克·皮尔波特 Eric Pierpoint
第 1 季 共 26 集

第 1 集 Broken Bow
The Enterprise, under Captain Jonathan Archer, sets off on its maiden voyage with a mission to return a wounded Klingon to his people.

第 2 集 Broken Bow (2)
The Enterprise, under Captain Jonathan Archer, sets off on its maiden voyage with a mission to return a wounded Klingon to his people.

第 3 集 Fight or Flight
Captain Archer wants to convert curiosity into deeds and decides to enter a ship floating in space. Hoshi has trouble adjusting to life on Enterprise.

第 4 集 Strange New World
Archer sends an away team to a habitable, luscious planet for observation. But when a storm occurs, the team begins to experience paranoid delusions.

第 5 集 Unexpected
When Trip is dispatched to assist a Xyrillian ship with its power source problems, he is delighted to have a friendly encounter with one of the ship's female engineers. However, shortly after returning to Enterprise, he discovers that their seemingly innocuous interaction has led to a surprising result.

第 6 集 Terra Nova
The Enterprise crew alters course to investigate the mystery of Terra Nova, a legendary Earth colony whose inhabitants mysteriously disappeared decades ago. But when they arrive, they confront descendents of the colonists who have become more alien than Archer could ever have imagined.

第 7 集 The Andorian Incident
Enterprise visits an ancient Vulcan spiritual sanctuary, despite T'Pol's concerns that her human colleagues will be an awkward and disruptive presence there. Upon landing, they discover that the monastery has been forcibly taken over by the Andorians, a paranoid and highly excitable race of aliens with a long history of conflict with the Vulcans.

第 8 集 Breaking the Ice
A Vulcan starship interferes with Archer's probe of an oversized comet.

第 9 集 Civilization
Captain Archer and the crew discover a fully inhabited, civilized though less advanced Earth-like planet. Disguised to look like its inhabitants, they pay the planet an exploratory visit where they learn that a pernicious illness is afflicting the local population. As Archer seeks to help them find the malady's source, he finds himself in a close encounter with a comely female alien.

第 10 集 Fortunate Son
The Enterprise crew is dispatched by Starfleet Command to assist Fortunate, a human freight vessel that has been attacked by Nausicaan pirates. On arriving, they are surprised to find that Fortunate's crew is resistant to Archer's efforts to help them and determined to seek revenge against their attackers, no matter the repercussions.

第 11 集 Cold Front
When the Enterprise comes in contact with an alien vessel transporting stargazers to observe a spectacular stellar event, Archer invites them aboard the ship not realizing that Silik, a Suliban enemy, is among them. Archer quickly realizes that Silik is engaged in a nefarious time-travelling mission and must stop him before he can tamper with the course of history.

第 12 集 Silent Enemy
When Enterprise is attacked by an unidentified enemy ship, the crew must work frantically to get their new phase canons to operate. Meanwhile, the captain charges Hoshi with finding out Malcolm's favorite food in time for a surprise birthday dinner.

第 13 集 Dear Doctor
The crew discovers a new planet with two races, one in desperate need of medical and scientific assistance. In the course of trying to help, Dr. Phlox recalls his own Denobulan past to address the ethical dilemmas that arise in the present.

第 14 集 Sleeping Dogs
While investigating a gas giant, Enterprise comes across a damaged vessel hovering in the atmosphere, and T'Pol, Hoshi and Malcolm board the vessel to investigate. However, once aboard, they are ambushed by a hostile female Klingon who hijacks their shuttlepod and strands them on the Klingon ship, which threatens to implode under the pressure of the planet's atmosphere.

第 15 集 Shadows of P'Jem
Archer and the crew are disappointed to discover that T'Pol has been ordered by the Vulcan High Command to leave Enterprise--and equally frustrated at her seeming indifference to leaving their ranks. T'Pol's last mission as a Starfleet officer, however, proves eventful when she and Archer are kidnapped by a militant faction on an alien planet.

第 16 集 Shuttlepod One
Tucker and Reed set out on a mission in a shuttlepod, as Enterprise is busy investigating an asteroid field. Disaster strikes while the pair are away, leaving the shuttlepod damaged and the warp drive inoperable. They manage to make it back to the rendezvous coordinates only to discover Enterprise was apparently destroyed when it crashed into an asteroid. With the ship seemingly no more, the pair are left abandoned in the middle of nowhere with only a few days of air remaining.

第 17 集 Fusion
Enterprise encounters a group of Vulcan civilians who have split off from the normal way of Vulcan life in an effort to explore their emotions. T'Pol is disturbed by the new visitors and warns the Captain that all attempts in the past to integrate Vulcan emotions into their lives has proven disastrous. Meanwhile, a message from Admiral Forrest leaves the Captain with the difficult task of trying to convince one of the visiting Vulcans to call home to speak with his dying father.

第 18 集 Rogue Planet
While exploring an uncharted planet, Enterprise crew members encounter a group of aliens who are hunting down indigenous creatures for recreation. During their exploration, Archer is mesmerized by visions of an elusive, yet familiar woman who needs his help.

第 19 集 Acquisition
Enterprise encounters Ferengi pirates who use a booby-trapped artifact to gas the crew into unconsciousness, then pillage the ship for treasures. But they haven't counted on Tucker, who happens to be in the decon chamber and avoids the gas, and attempts to win back the ship from the pirates.

第 20 集 Oasis
While exploring a crashed vessel on a desolate planet, the Enterprise crew is haunted by some ghostly figures, and they encounter an alien race that has survived despite insurmountable odds. Trip helps repair their derelict vessel and is befriended by Liana, an attractive humanoid alien who develops feelings for him.

第 21 集 Detained
While exploring a planet, Archer and Mayweather enter a “military zone” and are detained in an internment prison by an alien race called Tandarans, who are at war with the Suliban. While the Enterprise crew's previous encounters with the Suliban have been disastrous, Archer and Mayweather find themselves sharing a cell with some Suliban detainees who they believe may be wrongly imprisoned.

第 22 集 Vox Sola
A strange, alien creature comes aboard Enterprise, and captures several crew members in its cocoon-like web. With her crewmates' lives in jeopardy, Hoshi faces her biggest challenge yet, in trying to communicate with the lifeform, in order to return it to its home planet.

第 23 集 Fallen Hero
Enterprise is sent to the planet Mazar to pick up a Vulcan ambassador who has been expelled for misconduct.

第 24 集 Desert Crossing
When Archer and Trip are invited to a desert-like planet by an alien leader, they discover he is a terrorist who has lured them there under false pretences. Meanwhile, T'Pol, while in command, faces a tough decision when she cannot locate Archer and Trip in the desert.

第 25 集 Two Days and Two Nights
Archer, Hoshi, Travis, Malcolm and Trip have decidedly different experiences during shore leave on Risa. Meanwhile, on Enterprise, Phlox enters his annual hibernation cycle.

第 26 集 Shockwave (1)
Starfleet orders Enterprise to return home when the crew seemingly causes the destruction of an alien planet. However, a visit from Crewman Daniels leads Archer to believe that this disaster was the plot of one of the factions from the temporal cold war.
英语 / Klingon
星际迷航:企业号 第一季 / 星空奇遇记(港):进取号 第一季 / 星际争霸战(台):进取号 第一季 / 星舰奇航记:进取号 第一季 / 星舰迷航:进取号 第一季

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