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No Kitchen Required (2012)

电视 美国 English 纪录片
三位世界一流的大厨,离开设备先进的厨房踏进荒野,他们要周游世界,探索各地文化,在传统烹饪方法融入自己的风格。 他们是米其林主厨迈克尔.普齐拉奇斯、世界精英的私人主厨凯恩.雷蒙德以及屡获大奖的名厨麦迪逊.考曼,他们在自己动手捕获猎物的同时,还要对抗恶劣的环境,彼此.. 查看全部
三位世界一流的大厨,离开设备先进的厨房踏进荒野,他们要周游世界,探索各地文化,在传统烹饪方法融入自己的风格。 他们是米其林主厨迈克尔.普齐拉奇斯、世界精英的私人主厨凯恩.雷蒙德以及屡获大奖的名厨麦迪逊.考曼,他们在自己动手捕获猎物的同时,还要对抗恶劣的环境,彼此之间的竞争,并在简陋的条件下烹制食物,希望打动部落评委成为赢家,让我们一起迎接奇遇和惊险,挫折与胜利,因为对这三位勇敢的大厨来说,信手佔来都是菜...... 厨神竞赛规则: 每到一地,首先按当地的竞赛项目三位大厨比出食品原料优先选择权,然后品尝风味美食,自选的食品原料要靠自己捕获,允许大厨增加一项调料品或加工工具,其他佐料要由当地取得,要求在三小时内制作的美食必须具有当地风味,并由当地的族人首领或美食家组成评判小组评比出获胜者。 第一集 多米尼加 食材:淡水螯虾(就是小龙虾)鼠鼹(一种大号老鼠)海鱼 根茎薯类 第二集 新西兰 食材:野猪 胡胡虫(一种树木里长的大白虫)鳗鱼 第三集 泰国 食材:蛇 蛙 蝙蝠 第四集 斐济 食材:野山羊 螃蟹 海鱼 第五集 夏威夷 食材:海鱼 野猪 紫薯 第六集 路易斯安那 食材:海龟(鳄龟) 小龙虾 鲶鱼 第七集 泰国 食材:鱿鱼 螃蟹 龙虾 第八集 美国 食材:野兔 鳟鱼 火鸡 第九集 伯利兹 无食材:尾刺豚鼠 鬣蜥 犰狳 第十集 美国 食材:短吻鳄 野猪 雀鳝



主演:Michael Psilakis / Chachi Senior / Madison Cowan





Armed with only their sense of adventure and tenacious will to win, world-class chefs Michael, Madison and Kayne crash headlong into ten beautiful locations worldwide to learn the local customs, hunt in the traditional ways, and prepare meals for the toughest of critics - the natives themselves. The chefs go knife-to-knife, spice-to-spice, and head-to-head in the ultimate cooking challenge, bringing their own unique spin to traditional dishes.
Chachi Senior
第 1 季 共 10 集

第 1 集 Dominica
In the first episode of this adrenaline-inducing series, the chefs rappel into the lush land of the Caribbean island, Dominica. Equipped with only their knives and secret ingredients of choice, they are warmly welcomed by host Dr. Shini Somara and the Kalinago community. After a traditional performance by the locals and an exquisite feast, the chefs set out in search for the ingredients for their meals. But before they can dish up the catch of the day, they must first master spearfishing, track a manicou through the dense jungle, blindly hunt for crustaceans in dangerously murky waters and forage for tropical fruits and root vegetables like coconuts and yams. Combining these ingredients to create a delectable feast for their hosts proves to be a daunting task against the wind and rain on the unpredictable island. The chefs struggle just to keep their fires going, not to mention creating a winning meal before time runs out.

第 2 集 New Zealand
The three chefs, Michael, Madison and Kayne, must summon their inner warrior to win over the Maori people in rugged New Zealand. The pressure is on native son Kayne to prove himself and honor his Maori heritage. Commanding the difficult terrain and finding success on the hunting grounds proves to be only part of the challenge at hand for the chefs. When the ice-cold winds descend upon the cooking challenge, Michael and Madison really turn up the heat in order to best the hometown favorite.

第 3 集 Chiang Dao
The chefs battle a mighty language barrier and even mightier prey as they head to Chiang Dao, Thailand, home of the Palong hill people. The hunting and cooking methods of the Palong have remained the same for hundreds of years, but the chefs must do their best to put their own spin on ancient traditions if they hope to win. Madison tests his fears exploring the dark abyss of an eerie bat cave while Kayne struggles to keep hold of his game. Meanwhile, Michael charms his way to a successful hunt. During the cooking challenge, emotions flare as one chef is accused of hoarding the hottest ingredient. Will the chefs be able to overcome their unfamiliarity with the local ingredients and find a way to win?

第 4 集 Fiji
Michael, Madison and Kayne speed across the South Seas toward Fiji, a land where the locals were once feared as cannibals. They disembark on a sandbar and half wade, half swim to the blindingly white shores. For Kayne, the journey takes a brutal turn when he heads out to the reefs to hunt. Meanwhile, Madison unexpectedly confronts deep emotions when he is faced with the possibility of taking a wild goat and Michael nearly loses a finger to a crab. The cooking competition becomes fierce as the chefs battle to win the hearts of their Fijian hosts.

第 5 集 Hawaii
The three chefs fly above the dynamic landscape of Hawaii's Big Island before their chopper touches down. As the sun sets on their first day they find out that they'll be hunting for wild boar, casting nets into the surf for fish, and diving deep underwater to spear octopus. After a thrilling hunt, the fight is on as they attempt to cook up the winning dinner for their hosts.

第 6 集 Louisiana
Michael, Kayne and Madison find themselves in the backwater swamps of Louisiana where they must honor one of the most revered American culinary traditions: Cajun cooking. The dark allure of the bayou with its alligators and snakes proves seductive for the chefs, who risk life and limb to secure their ingredients. But will their efforts be enough to impress the Cajuns?

第 7 集 Koh Lanta
Michael, Madison, and Kayne ride wooden longboats to the shores of the Uraklavoy Sea Gypsies. The boats are a way of life for these ancient nomadic people. All three chefs try their hands at traditional fishing techniques using handmade nets and traps. Finally, the chefs must endure brutal heat as they cook to win on the sandy shores of the Andaman Sea.

第 8 集 New Mexico
The chefs head into Apache country as they begin their quest to win over the fiercest Native American warriors. New Mexico is known as the land of enchantment, but as the temperature drops, the hunting grounds turn grim. The cooking competition gets heated and the Chefs find themselves fighting the clock just to finish their dishes. In the end, one Chef is honored as a true Apache warrior.

第 9 集 Belize
Our three chefs chopper into the heart of the ancient Mayan world, where the modern Mayans welcome them. The chefs tangle with local animals such as armadillos, iguanas and gibnut using the traditional methods of the locals: knives, machetes and slingshots. The Mayans prove to be tough critics at the tasting and the chefs can only hope they've done enough to win them over.

第 10 集 Florida
The Chefs travel back in time to test their culinary skills with the Native American Seminoles. Confronted with the perils of dangerous territory and unpredictable prey, the hunt leaves one chef unable to join the others for the forage. As the clock winds down, the chefs struggle to overcome the inherent challenges of an unknown culture and foreign ingredients.

BBC America
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