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刀使ノ巫女 (2018)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 动画
长久以来,名为“荒魂”的魔物威胁着人类世界的安全,然而一物降一物,对抗荒魂,则要请出随身携带着御刀的巫女们。她们隶属于日本特别祭祀机动队,是一群特殊的存在。平日里,巫女们在学校中过着平凡的校园生活,然而,一旦荒魂开始肆虐,女孩子们就必须拔出御刀,开始充满了危险和死亡的战斗。 .. 查看全部
长久以来,名为“荒魂”的魔物威胁着人类世界的安全,然而一物降一物,对抗荒魂,则要请出随身携带着御刀的巫女们。她们隶属于日本特别祭祀机动队,是一群特殊的存在。平日里,巫女们在学校中过着平凡的校园生活,然而,一旦荒魂开始肆虐,女孩子们就必须拔出御刀,开始充满了危险和死亡的战斗。 个性开朗活泼的卫藤可奈美(本渡枫 配音)、拥有着和年龄不相称的沉稳气质的十条姬和(大西沙织 配音)、温柔高贵的千金大小姐柳濑舞衣(和气杏未 配音)、沉默寡言内向不羁的糸见沙耶香(木野日菜 配音),在和荒魂战斗的同时,这些少女们还在争夺着专门为她们设置的竞技比赛的冠军宝座。

导演:柿本广大 / 信田祐 / 牧野友映 / 笔坂明规 / 下司泰弘 / 浅见松雄 / 工藤宽显 / 小林孝志 / 福井洋平 / 白石道太 / 滨崎彻 / 山内东生雄

编剧:高桥龙也 / 青岛崇 / 砂山藏澄

主演:本渡枫 / 大西沙织 / 和气杏未 / 木野日菜 / 松田利冴 / 铃木绘理 / 濑户麻沙美 / 内山夕实 / 市道真央 / 渊上舞 / 水濑祈 / 中原麻衣 / 雪野五月 / 野上尤加奈 / 朴璐美 / 小清水亚美 / 伊藤静 / 种田梨沙 / 川澄绫子 / 星野充昭 / 大和田仁美 / 井泽佳之实 / 日高里菜 / 斋藤千和 / 喜多村英梨 / 松田飒水 / 井上穗乃花 / 村濑克辉 / 佳穗成美 / 水谷麻铃 / 清水彩香 / 川崎芽衣子 / 长江里加 / 增谷康纪 / 进藤尚美 / 下地紫野 / 大野柚布子 / 小形满 / 柚木凉香 / 绫濑有 / 三瓶由布子





The story is centered around a group of shrine maiden who wield swords while wearing school uniforms known as Toji, and they serve as a unit in the police force in order to exorcise strange creatures known only as aratama. The government authorizes the Toji to wear swords and serve as government officials, and the government has set up five schools throughout the country for the girls to attend. The girls live ordinary school lives, while occasionally performing their duties, wielding their swords and using various powers to fight and protect the people. In the spring, the five schools send their best Toji to compete in a tournament. As the tournament comes closer, all of the representatives rigorously train themselves in order to get stronger and improve their skills.
柿本广大 Kakimoto Koudai
信田祐 Nobuta Yuu
牧野友映 Makino Tomoe
下司泰弘 Geshi Yasuhiro
浅见松雄 Asami Matsuo
工藤宽显 Kudou Hiroaki
小林孝志 Kobayashi Takashi
山内东生雄 Yamauchi Toukio
本渡枫 Kaede Hondo
大西沙织 Saori Oonishi
和气杏未 Azumi Waki
木野日菜 Hina Kino
第 1 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 The Point of a Sword
Kanami and Mai are students at Minoseki Academy, and are chosen to represent the school at a national tournament. Upon arriving at the tournament, Kanami and Mai briefly meet several students from the other participating schools, though Kanami takes a particular interest in Hiyori, as she is intrigued by her fighting style

第 2 集 The Distance Between Them
Kanami and Hiyori run from the authorities and Hiyori questions Kanami's motives for helping her. They run and hide in the city areas, where they enjoy themselves while Mai, having gained permission from her school principal, starts searching for them using her family's resources.

第 3 集 Innocent Sword
Kanami and Hiyori use the number that Mai had given them and are met by Rui, a former Minoseki student who agrees to help them by the request of Minoseki's headmaster, President Hashima. Rui allows Kanami and Hiyori to stay in her apartment.

第 4 集 The Burden of Resolution
Kanami and Hiyori continue on their way to the meeting point, though Hiyori warns Kanami not to join her if she doesn't have the resolve to kill. They are then intercepted by Ellen and Kaoru who battle them briefly, but Kanami and Hiyori flee when Ellen and Kaoru call in their S-Equipment.

第 5 集 A Night of Mountain Hunting
Kanami and Hiyori are approached by Ellen and Kaoru, who claim they are working for Mokusa, a faction of Toji who oppose Yukari. The battle they had was merely to test their abilities. Hiyori remains skeptical, but they are separated by an Aradama swarm.

第 6 集 The Space Between Humans and Disgrace
Kaoru wakes up and reunites with Kanami and Hiyori. Ellen allows herself to be captured by the Elite Guard. Suzuka interrogates Ellen, believing her to be a part of Mokusa since her grandfather is also a suspected member.

第 7 集 Heart Ache
Yukina attempts to inject Sayaka with noro in order to increase her power, but Sayaka rejects the injection. On the submarine, Kanami and Hiyori meet Richard Friedman, Ellen's grandfather and one of the leaders of Mokusa.

第 8 集 Day of Disaster
Akane explains to Kanami and her friends that twenty years ago, a massive aradama named Princess Tagitsu attacked Sagami Bay, causing great destruction. A number of Toji led by Yukari were sent to battle it. Included in the force were Kanami and Hiyori's mothers: Minato and Kagari, respectively.

第 9 集 After the Festival
After a training session, Kanami and her friends are invited to attend the village's festival, where they enjoy the festivities. Friedman explains to them that the village shrine is one of the few left in Japan that possesses noro not confiscated by the Origami family.

第 10 集 Resolve for Tomorrow
Yukari continues her attack on Mokusa by raiding Minoseki, Osafune, and Heijou academies, arresting the directors, and disarming their toji. Meanwhile, Yukari goes to her stockpile of noro and lets it engulf her. In the submarine, Friedman suggests that they flee overseas to escape

第 11 集 Gleam of Moonlight
Kanami and her friends assault the Origami family shrine while the Elite Guard attempts to intercept them. Ellen and Kaoru team up to fight Yume, Mai and Sayaka face Yomi, and Kanami and Hiyori encounter Maki and Suzuka.

第 12 集 A Single Sword
Ellen and Kaoru regain consciousness and meet with Kanami and Hiyori. Working together, Mai and Sayaka are able to defeat Yomi, and Sayaka tells Yukina that she pities her before leaving to join the others. Suzuka stays behind to dispose of Yume's body before she revives as an aradama while Maki goes to find Yukari.

第 13 集 Hero of the Next Generation
As a result of Princess Tagitsu's defeat, her body dissolves, spreading her collected noro all over Japan and resulting in a sharp increase in the appearance of aradama. This results in the government being forced to temporarily use Toji academy students to fight the aradama

第 14 集 Family Scene
Mai hears news about how more and more Toji students are being forced to transfer out of their academies by their parents due to safety concerns. Mai's own father expresses his wish to have Mai transferred out of Minoseki, to which Mai protests.

第 15 集 Slothful Person's Honor
Kaoru is tasked with leading a squad of Toji to investigate sightings of an aradama in the forest, though she doesn't take the assignment seriously due to her lazy nature.

第 16 集 Audience in the Prison
Kanami and her friends celebrate Sayaka's birthday and they begin to discuss the identity of the noro thief. They talk to Akane, who confirms that the noro thief is actually Princess Tagitsu as a human-like aradama.

第 17 集 The Goddesses' Madness
Kanami, Hiyori, Maki, and Suzuka accompany Akane to meet Yukari, who has fully recovered from her possession and is in charge of protecting Princess Ichikishima.

第 18 集 Aradama Domination
Kanami and her friends are assigned to protect Princess Takiri. However, negotiations with Princess Takiri do not go well, as she sees humans as nothing more than subjects to be ruled. Kanami suggests sparring with Princess Takiri, since she believes seeing each other face to face is the best way for humans and aradama to understand each other, but Princess Takiri refuses.

第 19 集 Call of the Evil God
One week after Princess Tagitsu's attack, Kanami and her friends are shocked to see Princess Tagitsu publicly reveal her identity, claiming that the great disaster at Sagami Bay was the fault of the Toji. Yukina blackmails the government over their involvement in the disaster, forcing them into siding with Princess Tagitsu.

第 20 集 The Last Goddess
One week after Princess Tagitsu's attack, Kanami and her friends are shocked to see Princess Tagitsu publicly reveal her identity, claiming that the great disaster at Sagami Bay was the fault of the Toji. Yukina blackmails the government over their involvement in the disaster, forcing them into siding with Princess Tagitsu.

第 21 集 Sword of the Thunder God
Having absorbed Princess Ichikishima and becoming part aradama, Hiyori fears losing control of her powers and flees to avoid hurting Kanami.

第 22 集 Gate of the Netherworld
Having absorbed the essence of the other princesses, Princess Tagitsu begins opening a portal to the netherworld so she can retrieve her true body.

第 23 集 Moment's End
Kanami, Hiyori, and the rest of the group take a brief rest before facing Princess Tagitsu, who they learn is attempting plunge Earth into the netherworld by opening a massive portal.

第 24 集 The United Maidens
Kanami and Hiyori seal Princess Tagitsu in the netherworld along with themselves, closing the portal and saving the world.
Toji no Miko / 刀使巫女 / 刀使的巫女

AT-X / Tokyo MX / MBS / BS11
6.5 6.8
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