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青い花 (2009)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 爱情 动画
这一天,个性温柔的美少女万城目富美(高部爱 配音)即将开始崭新的高中的生活,此时,一个熟悉的身影出现在了她的视线中。名叫奥平明(仪部ゆう子 配音)的女孩,竟是富美分别了近十年的青梅竹马。这意外的相遇为久违的两人带来了小小的惊喜和快乐,而富美对小明的感情,也在相处的时日中渐渐明朗。爱哭的富美和活泼好动的小明,这一对性格迥异的好友能够终成眷属吗? .. 查看全部
这一天,个性温柔的美少女万城目富美(高部爱 配音)即将开始崭新的高中的生活,此时,一个熟悉的身影出现在了她的视线中。名叫奥平明(仪部ゆう子 配音)的女孩,竟是富美分别了近十年的青梅竹马。这意外的相遇为久违的两人带来了小小的惊喜和快乐,而富美对小明的感情,也在相处的时日中渐渐明朗。爱哭的富美和活泼好动的小明,这一对性格迥异的好友能够终成眷属吗? 同时,在外表成熟的井汲京子(堀江由衣 配音)的心中,学姐衫本恭己(石松千惠美 配音)的影子始终萦绕不散。在这所女子学校中,女孩子之间的感情,就像春天的野花,一点点的,逐渐的覆盖了荒芜的山脊。

导演:笠井贤一 / 长井龙雪 / 樱美胜志 / 铃木洋平 / 铃木健太郎 / 桥本敏一 / 青井小夜 / 河村智之

编剧:高山文彦 / 水上清资 / 绫奈由仁子 / 志村贵子

主演:高部爱 / 石松千惠美 / 井口裕香 / 矢作纱友里 / 丰崎爱生 / 冲佳苗 / 仪武祐子 / 堀江由衣 / 小野凉子 / 中村知子 / 能登麻美子 / 福井裕佳梨 / 中原麻衣 / 藤村步 / 小形满 / 宫泽清子 / 北西纯子 / 传坂勉 / 川田绅司 / 滨田贤二 / 浅沼晋太郎





The trials and tribulations of a gang of schoolgirls as they walk through life together.
笠井贤一 Kenichi Kasai
长井龙雪 Tatsuyuki Nagai
樱美胜志 Katsushi Sakurabi
铃木洋平 Suzuki Youhei
铃木健太郎 Suzuki Kentarou
桥本敏一 Hashimoto Toshikazu
青井小夜 Aoi Sayo
河村智之 Kawamura Tomoyuki
高部爱 Ai Takabe
石松千惠美 Ishimatsu Chiemi
配 杉本恭己
井口裕香 Yuka Iguchi
矢作纱友里 Sayuri Yahagi
第 1 季 共 11 集

第 1 集 Flower Tale
Kamakura all-girl high school's newest student is this little crybaby Fumi Manjoume. In the morning of the school's welcome ceremony while on the train in a chance encounter she meets a girl from a different high school, named Akira Okudaira. As it just so happens, these two girls were childhood friends who had not seen each other for 10 years until now. This meeting at the station on the way to school, brought tears to Fumi's eyes. Akira saying that Fumi hasn't changed much since they were kids softly handed her a handkerchief to wipe away the tears...

第 2 集 Spring Storm
Through this chance reunion between these two childhood friends, both Akira and Fumi make a promise to go to school together despite the fact that they attend two different schools, while still making other friends along the way. Almost as if they were making up for lost time, the intimacy between the two starts to deepen. Entering school and overcome with excitement, Akira and fellow classmate - Kyouko Ikumi - decide to join the drama club. Respectively, Fumi decides to join the literary club and along the way mistakens Yasuko - the cool, boyish upper classman who is part of the basketball club - as part of the literary club. Yasuko later decides to make a guest appearance at Akira and Kyouko's club.

第 3 集 Rise and Shine
Planning to back out of joining the basketball club, Fumi is asked out on a date by her senpai - Yasuko Sugimoto. While thrown off guard and a bit flustered, she is surprisingly happy on the inside. However, Akira is invited to a mixer by her classmate Kyouko, whose fiance Kou Sawanoi, will be attending. For some reason, maybe the anticipation of meeting Kou, Akira left her home nervous and on edge. Meanwhile on that very day, Fumi and her senpai had a surprisingly quiet and pleasant time together. As the distance between them began to shorten at the library, they leaned in for their first kiss...

第 4 集 Youth is a Lovely Thing
After being asked by Yasuko to accompany her to school, Fumi worries about who to walk to school with: her childhood friend or girl who she likes. When revealing her predicament to Akira, she laughs and they come up with a solution to her problem. In the meantime, Kyouko starts to inquire about Yasuko...

第 5 集 Wuthering Heights (1)
Preparations for the school production and upper classmen's musical number are in full swing. With Yasuko making a guest appearance as the protagonist, Heathcliff, many of her fans have gathered in great excitement to see her performance. However, there's only on person on her mind: Fumi. Kyouko approaches Yasuko and carefully acknowledges that she knows about her and Fumi, which brings about some uneasiness to Fumi. This causes her to ask Yasuko a question about her first love.

第 6 集 Wuthering Heights (2)
Finally the day of the Fujigaya's performance has arrived. The first years start off with a performance of "Le Petit Prince," followed by the second year's "Little Women." Finally the upper classmen begin their performance of "Wurthering Heights." Fumi heart skips a beat at the sight of Yasuko's performance on stage. At the end of the performance, Fumi is taken aback as her senpai starts to cry.

第 7 集 When the Leaves Were New
The day after Fujigaya's theatrical festival, Akira and Fumi head off to Yokohama for a day to play. On that day, Fumi decided to stay over at Akira's place, making Yasuko a bit uneasy as she expressed her thoughts to Akira. After hearing Akira's thoughts on the matter, Yasuko decided to let it go. However, she later decides to invite Fumi to her home...

第 8 集 Love Is Blind
Fujigaya's school newspaper announces that Mr. Kagami is getting married. He states that he had no prior knowledge of Yasuko's prior experience, after being cross examined by Kyouko. With all this going on, Yasuko has been giving Fumi the cold shoulder, and, unwilling to take any more of this, Akira confronts Yasuko on behalf of Fumi...

第 9 集 A Midsummer Night's Dream
Summer vacation arrives, and Kyouko starts inviting people to a summer trip, even to Kou Sawanoi. It seems like everyone's invited except, Akira and Fumi. However, they are plenty busy with other plans for the summer holiday. However on Kyouko's camping trip during a "test of courage" activity, Kou debates whether or not to reveal a huge secret...

第 10 集 The Happy Prince
As the new semester begins, Kazusa Sugimoto and Mr. Kagami's wedding day is finally here. Akira, Kyouko and the theater members attend the ceremony. And while everyone is excited to meet the family, all Kyouko can do is look at Yasuko. While many emotions and thoughts fill the air, the bride and groom are greeted mostly with blessing for their wedding. After the ceremony, Fumi and Akira meet up at Enoshima to hang out, but to their surprise another unexpected guest appears.

第 11 集 Fireworks in Winter
In the blink of an eye, summer has past and fall has sunken in. Yasuko's basketball team has begun to excel pushing them into the national tournament. However, a rumor about Yasuko going to study in England after graduation begins to spread, which comes as a shock to Kyouko. In the meantime, Fumi runs into Yasuko at the train station, and looking at each other together.

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