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无耻之徒(美版) 第二季

Shameless (2012)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 喜剧 家庭
在这部剧集里,获得艾美奖的William H. Macy扮演有六个孩子的单身父亲Frank。他收入不高,整天酗酒,根本不管儿女们的死活,不到20岁的大女儿Fiona(Emmy Rossum)不得不承担起照顾五个弟妹以及养家糊口的责任。 读高三的Philip(Je.. 查看全部
在这部剧集里,获得艾美奖的William H. Macy扮演有六个孩子的单身父亲Frank。他收入不高,整天酗酒,根本不管儿女们的死活,不到20岁的大女儿Fiona(Emmy Rossum)不得不承担起照顾五个弟妹以及养家糊口的责任。 读高三的Philip(Jeremy Allen White扮演)绰号「Lip」,虽然到处惹是生非,但学习还算用功。班上出了名的小荡妇Karen(Laura Slade Wiggins扮演)总是在课后找Philip「单独辅导」,并以口交作为「回报」。他们俩干那档子事的时候,Karen的母亲Sheila(Joan Cusack扮演)就在厨房里烤甜饼,但是却装作不知道。 读高二的Ian(Cameron Monaghan)是个同性恋,课余时间在当地一家杂货店里打工。Ian和老板Kash保持着秘密的性关系。Kesh是个有家室的男人,膝下有两个孩子。尽管Kash是个穆斯林,但他的妻子却是个白人,还是个虔诚的穆斯林。 只有10岁的Debbie(Emma Kenney扮演)是家中「最正常」的孩子,只不过……她有小偷小摸的毛病。与此同时,她8岁的弟弟Carl(Ethan Cutkosky扮演)虐待动物成瘾,偷人家的自行车,而且还从教堂的募捐盘里偷钱,美其名曰是「补贴家用」。没人注意的时候,整瓶整瓶喝啤酒是他最大的乐趣。 最小的孩子Liam刚刚学会走路,是个黑白混血儿。他是Frank的亲生儿子。Frank和Fiona请不起保姆,只好全家人轮流照看Liam。等轮到Debbie的时候,她把Liam带到学校里当「展览品」。 Veronica(Shanola Hampton扮演)是Fiona最好的朋友,Veronica的男友Kevin在Frank常去的酒吧里打工。Veronica和Kevin喜欢玩「女王性虐」游戏,经常可以看到Kevin双手双脚被捆住,嘴里塞着钳口球,而Veronica穿着紧身皮衣在旁边玩弄他。 第一季共12集,第二季于2012年1月8日播出。


编剧:约翰·威尔斯 / 保罗·艾伯特

主演:威廉姆·H·梅西 / 埃米·罗森 / 贾斯汀·查特文 / 卡梅隆·莫纳汉 / 杰瑞米·艾伦·怀特 / 伊森·卡特科斯基 / 珊诺拉·汉普顿 / 史蒂夫·豪威 / 艾玛·肯尼 / 劳拉·威金斯 / 琼·库萨克 / 路易丝·弗莱彻





A scrappy, feisty, fiercely loyal Chicago family makes no apologies.
第 2 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 Summertime
Fiona spends her summer with a new guy and bartending, while Debbie runs a daycare at their home. Meanwhile, Kevin realizes his extended weed-growing left him with a huge electrical bill and Frank borrows his youngest son Liam to help him pay a debt.

第 2 集 Summer Loving
As Sheila conquers her agoraphobia, a worried Frank finds a new financial plan in fellow bar patron Dottie, whose declining health and city pension make her an ideal match; Fiona juggles her job, the kids and her burgeoning love life, and Jasmine tries to help by setting up Fiona with a sugar daddy; Veronica takes some old folks from the home on an excursion; Lip worries about Karen's growing relationship with Jody; Ian tries to land a recently released Mickey a job at the Kash and Grab; Debbie wants her own room; Carl moves into the van.

第 3 集 I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day
Fiona hopes her moral compass isn't leading her astray when she reconnects with her married high school crush, but when she finds an abandoned purse with over five hundred dollars inside, she assumes her luck is finally changing; Frank is willing to do just about anything to stay in Dottie's good graces, even marry her; after Harry's passing, Debbie becomes obsessed with death; Kevin thinks about buying the Alibi; Lip meets with a colonel to glean information for Ian about West Point; Jody asks Frank for Karen's hand in marriage.

第 4 集 A Beautiful Mess
Fiona deals with the consequences of sleeping with Craig when his angry wife shows up at the door; Debbie develops a stress-rash and Fiona wonders if she's putting too much responsibility on the kids; Sheila has made it all the way to the hair salon and Frank realizes his days in the Jackson household are numbered; no longer having sex with Karen, Lip tries to dig up dirt on Jody; Ian continues on the path to West Point; Carl house-sits with his friend, Little Hank; Ethel meets Malik, a boy on Kevin's youth basketball team.

第 5 集 Father's Day
Frank tries to claim Eddie's insurance benefits and pension, despite being a prime suspect in his death; Fiona attends a ritzy wedding with Richard and lies about her background; Lip is devastated by Karen's rejection; Carl rents Frank's room to a hooker.

第 6 集 Can I Have a Mother
Grammy Gallagher shows up on a medical furlough and tries to track down a former meth lab protege that owes her money; Sheila plans Karen's wedding reception; Fiona double dates with Steve and his Brazilian girlfriend, and discovers that Steve is married; Ethel reacts to Clyde's death; Frank discovers the identity of Eddie's insurance beneficiary.

第 7 集 A Bottle of Jean Nate
Lip tries to get back in Karen's good graces by crafting a prenuptial agreement for her and Jody, while Ian continues to give Lip the silent treatment; Frank wants to kick Grammy out but Fiona resists until the basement meth lab explodes; Fiona is invited on a boat trip but doesn't realize Steve and his girlfriend are also attending.

第 8 集 Parenthood
With Grammy near death, Frank exits the house but walks in on Ian and Mickey locked in passion at the Kash and Grab; when Lip drops out of school, Fiona proposes a deal where they both earn their diplomas, but Lip acts out and gets himself expelled when he realizes that Karen plans to sell their baby to the highest bidder.

第 9 集 Hurricane Monica
Monica returns to party and plot scams with Frank, but the rest of the family suspects she hasn't returned to stay; Fiona reconsiders her decision to kick Lip out of the house; Grammy's death affects everyone differently, and leaves Frank determined to make sure he gets every last penny his mother left behind; Sheila and Jody think Eddie's ghost is haunting the house.

第 10 集 A Great Cause
Fiona starts to plan for her future now that Monica is back but her reprieve may be short-lived as Monica falls apart, spends the squirrel fund and gets arrested; Steve conspires to reunite Estefania with her true love so that he can be with Fiona; Lip and Ian learn the true identity of Mandy's baby; Sheila takes in a homeless crack addict.

第 11 集 Just Like the Pilgrims Intended
It's a typical Gallagher nontraditional Thanksgiving that includes a suicide attempt by Monica, Carl shooting a bald eagle, and Karen going into labor; Steve agrees to allow Estefania's boyfriend to steal his identity; Ian sleeps with a businessman named Ned; Frank tries to get his share of his mother's money from his brother Clayton.

第 12 集 Fiona Interrupted
A lonely Frank schemes to break Monica out of the psychiatric facility. Jimmy earns his way back into Fiona's good graces and she asks to meet his family while Ian runs into Ned again.
无耻家庭(美版) 第二季

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