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2024年6月 上映开播时间表

3.4 电影 6月1日 美国 恐怖
When Anna's daughter Joey goes missing, it's assumed to be the result of bad parenting - but dark forces are suspected when every child in town also disappears. The children return but show signs of d
7.8 电视 6月1日 United States Reality-TV
Drag queen superstar, Trixie Mattel, along with partner David Silver will take the opportunity to homeownership and moving with the purchase of their dream home in Los Angeles, but it will need some r
7.5 电视 6月1日 美国 纪录片
This documentary provides an opportunity for Nicole’s own narrative and voice to be heard in one of the most notorious crimes and trials in history. The project features 50 participants, including tho
7.7 6.2 电影 6月1日 美国 剧情 爱情 同性 传记 战争
90年代美国海军航母上,发生了两起看似孤立的坠机事故。五角大楼派遣专员来进行调查,不料却无意揭开了美国军队中一段隐秘的同性恋情。军队世家出身的丹尼尔(Trent Ford 饰)英俊稳重,与女友感情和睦,在军舰上享有较高声誉。新来的飞行员马修(Rob Mayes 饰)活泼好胜,丹尼尔对他敬而远之。然而一次偶然的结伴旅行,让两人的关系发生了微妙改变,尤其是同逛同志酒吧的经历,成为了他们彼此的秘密。由于
7.2 电视 6月1日 United States Comedy
Lucille Williams was forced to sell her lounge. Lucille's brother, Henry Williams, recruited his fraternal twins to keep the business in the family.
6.4 电影 6月1日 加拿大 马耳他 美国 剧情 爱情
Beekeeper Eva uncovers an ancient fresco while rescuing a hive. Austen, a visiting archeologist, thinks it is key to his research, so he persuades Eva to help him on his quest across Malta.
8.2 8.2 电视 6月2日 美国 剧情 惊悚 犯罪
电视 6月2日 美国 纪录片
7.8 电视 6月2日 美国 纪录片
Disney has announced that a brand new documentary series called “World Eats Bread” is coming soon from National Geographic. This series consists of three episodes and will help you fall in love with b
8.4 电视 6月2日 United Kingdom Documentary History War
The invasion of Nazi-occupied France relived through powerful eyewitness recordings. Young actors who resemble the interviewees at the time of the war lip-sync the original testimony.
5.0 电视 6月2日 美国
It follows two world-class experts as they compete to best explain seriously complicated concepts to a panel of kids, concepts such as how bad was the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
6.6 8.0 电视 6月2日 中国大陆 剧情 喜剧 爱情 古装
家庭优渥、生活幸福的县令之女薛芳菲在遭逢巨变之后失去一切,受救命恩人、中书令之女姜梨之托,以姜梨的身份回到京城,并在肃国公萧蘅等人的帮助下,克服重重艰险,不断努力对抗不公,最终救出意外入狱的父亲,并帮助萧蘅匡扶正义,守护黎民百姓。 剧集改编自千山茶客的小说《嫡嫁
电视 6月2日 United Kingdom Documentary
Biologist and conservationist Lizzie Daly ventures into the Pantanal, where she uses the latest tagging technology to gain insights into the fascinating lives of a group of jaguars.
5.6 电影 6月2日 美国 剧情 家庭
6.5 电视 6月3日 英国 真人秀
The series surveys the nation's intelligence through scientific questions testing brainpower, not school knowledge or memorization. The questions lead to entertaining answers.
7.1 电视 6月3日 美国 纪录片
Deadly Influence tackles a wide range of cases from all corners of the digital landscape. From individuals seeking community who end up being targeted by toxic forums patrolled by angry, misogynistic
6.1 电视 6月3日 United States
Extraordinary stories, puzzling mysteries, and legendary journeys behind some of the world's most sacred relics, including objects of immortality, holy treasures, and revered monuments.
8.7 电视 6月3日 英国 剧情
Gabriel and his partner Andy adopt a child. But Gabriel has a history and he will need to embark upon a journey of self-discovery and attempt to repair his relationship with his dad before he can trul
5.7 电视 6月3日 United States Reality-TV
Follows Gypsy Rose Blanchard as she experiences life as a free woman, including reconnecting with family and finally living with her husband Ryan Anderson for the first time.
5.5 电影 6月3日 美国 惊悚 恐怖
A mysterious woman on the run, and the resourceful fixer assigned to bring her in. Their two unique stories inextricably link, as the stakes of the pursuit rise to apocalyptic proportions.
4.4 电影 6月3日 英国 纪录片
在伦敦南部的一个警察局,警官们震惊地发现一名男子在一间上锁的牢房中被谋杀。嫌疑犯是他的狱友,一个名叫凯兰·凯利的无家可归者,因盗窃被拘留。警方审问了 53 岁的凯利,他有一份长长的轻罪犯罪记录,他平静地承认在牢房里杀死了这名男子,但侦探们对接下来发生的事情毫无准备。
6.8 电视 6月4日 英国 剧情
Queenie Jenkins is a twenty-five-year-old Jamaican British woman living in South London, straddling two cultures and slotting neatly into neither. After a messy break up from her long-term boyfriend
5.9 3.9 电视 6月4日 美国 剧情 动作 科幻 悬疑 惊悚
故事背景设定在至高共和国时代末期,一个充满“阴暗秘密与新兴黑暗势力”的世界。受人尊敬的绝地大师索尔(李政宰 饰)同昔日前绝地徒弟奥莎(阿曼德拉·斯坦伯格 饰)深入调查绝地武士接连被杀害的真相,他们要面对的势力比预想中更加险恶,更不知不觉间走入黑暗漩涡之中……
6.5 电视 6月4日 美国 剧情
在这部根据 "ESPN 30 for 30 "播客《斯特林那些事儿》改编的限定剧中,老板唐纳德·斯特林(埃德·奥尼尔 Ed O'Neill 饰)暗地里录制的种族主义言论遭泄露,洛杉矶快船队主教练多克·里弗斯(劳伦斯·菲什伯恩 Laurence Fishburne 饰)正努力赢得总冠军。
7.2 电视 6月4日 United States Documentary Sport
A journey through basketball's most celebrated events, personalities, and narratives, unveiling the sport's enduring legacy and profound influence on society.
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