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四畳半神話大系 (2010)

电视 日本 日语 动画
故事以主角的第一人称进行,“我”(浅沼晋太郎 配音)是京都大学的一名三年级生,原本期待着有一个玫瑰色多姿多彩的大学生活,希望自己能交上飘逸黑长发的漂亮女朋友。然而事与愿违,主人公经历了一场失败的恋爱,身边的朋友也少得可怜。主人公唯一的朋友小津(吉野裕行 配音),长相像一只妖怪,以捉弄情侣为乐。主人公常常唾弃小津,却离不开他。随后主人公认识了师妹明石(坂本真绫 配音),她是个性格冷淡的黑发少女。 .. 查看全部
故事以主角的第一人称进行,“我”(浅沼晋太郎 配音)是京都大学的一名三年级生,原本期待着有一个玫瑰色多姿多彩的大学生活,希望自己能交上飘逸黑长发的漂亮女朋友。然而事与愿违,主人公经历了一场失败的恋爱,身边的朋友也少得可怜。主人公唯一的朋友小津(吉野裕行 配音),长相像一只妖怪,以捉弄情侣为乐。主人公常常唾弃小津,却离不开他。随后主人公认识了师妹明石(坂本真绫 配音),她是个性格冷淡的黑发少女。 正是因为自己当初选择了网球部,才导致大学两年如此失败,于是“我”假想如果自己入学时选择了另外一个社团,会不会经历另外一种截然不同的大学生活呢?本作从平行时空的角度,围绕着主人公重新从大一新生选择社团开始,选择了各种各样不同社团,发展出不一样的青春故事。

导演:汤浅政明 / 夏目真悟 / 三原三千夫 / 牧原亮太郎 / 宫泽康纪 / 横山彰利 / 高桥知也

编剧:上田诚 / 宫泽康纪 / 汤浅政明 / 森见登美彦

主演:浅沼晋太郎 / 坂本真绫 / 吉野裕行 / 藤原启治 / 甲斐田裕子 / 诹访部顺一 / 佐藤节次 / 真山亚子 / 宫内敦士 / 大原沙耶香 / 桧山修之





When a nameless student at Kyoto University encounters a demigod one night, he asks to relive the past three years in order to win the heart of Ms. Akashi, the object of his affection.
汤浅政明 Masaaki Yuasa
夏目真悟 Shingo Natsume
三原三千夫 Mihara Michio
牧原亮太郎 Makihara Ryoutarou
宫泽康纪 Miyazawa Yasunori
横山彰利 Yokoyama Akitoshi
高桥知也 Takahashi Tomoya
浅沼晋太郎 Shintaro Asanuma
坂本真绫 Maaya Sakamoto
吉野裕行 Hiroyuki Yoshino
藤原启治 Keiji Fujiwara
甲斐田裕子 Yûko Kaida
第 1 季 共 11 集

第 1 集 Tennis Circle "Cupid"
One night, at a ramen stall behind Shimogamo Shrine, the main character meets Higuchi, who claims to be a god of matchmaking (who gives his name as Kamotaketsunuminokami and then Kamotaketsunominokamo moments later) and who tells him that Akashi will be bound to either him or Ozu. As a freshman in college, he had joined the tennis circle, which was filled with couples. Lamenting over his failure to get in a romantic relationship, and encouraged by Ozu, he spends his next few college years concentrating on foiling his fellow student’s romantic relations.

第 2 集 Movie Circle "Misogi"
As a freshman in college, the main character had joined the movie circle, encouraged by the promise of friends and the joy of filmmaking. Treated badly and having his ideas struck down by the president of the circle, 8th year student Jougasaki, and encouraged by Ozu, he devotes his next few years to making movies on his own, culminating in a documentary exposing the worst aspects of Jougasaki’s character.

第 3 集 Cycling Association "Soleil"
In his freshman year, the main character joined a cycling club, Soleil, in the hope of attracting a girlfriend. He finds himself too frail to bike, and quits the club, but refuses to quit cycling, saving up for a better bike to compensate for his weak stature. The bike is stolen and the main character ends up depressed. Akashi, formerly of Soleil, recruits him to pilot the plane she is designing to be entered in the Birdman contest, wherein human-powered one-person planes are launched out over Lake Biwa until they fall. To please Akashi, he trains himself, believing further pedaling ability to be key to victory in the contest.

第 4 集 Disciples Wanted
In this episode, the protagonist signs up as a disciple of Higuchi, but discovers that he is 15 minutes too late to be the first discple, the position having been usurped by Ozu. Higuchi makes him and Ozu do several meaningless tasks, and the main character is not sure what training he is receiving. Akashi is also a part of the disciple group. The protagonist receives a task to find a mystical tortoise brush that can clean almost anything, and he’s helped by Akashi-san in this quest.

第 5 集 Softball Circle "Honwaka"
As a freshman in college, the protagonist joins a softball team. His reason for joining it is that they do not seem to take softball too seriously, and the guy to girl ratio is in his favor. He also thinks the people in it are nice, though soon he changes his opinion to them being too nice and un-accepting of any differing views. He soon finds out that the group was in reality a group that promoted natural foods made by one specific corporation, and whose owner’s daughter occasionally visits them.

第 6 集 English Conversation Circle
More determined than in previous episodes, the main character decides to join three circles during his freshman year, one of which is the English Conversation Circle (notably, the other circles and his exploits therein are explored in the following two episodes). He meets Hanuki, another member of the club, and becomes closer and closer to her, whilst living with Kaori the love-doll, and writing letters to an elegant girl named Keiko.

第 7 集 "Hero Show Association" Circle
Another one of the three clubs the main character joined in the previous episode was the Hero Show Association, wherein he dresses up in a hero costume and performs shows for kids. Jougasaki hires him to take care of his love-doll Kaori, who he falls in love with. In the meantime, he corresponds with Keiko and gets close to Hanuki.

第 8 集 Reading Circle "Sea"
Another one of the three clubs the main character joined in the previous episodes was the Reading Circle Sea, where the protagonist finds him self in a silent, solitude club full of reading. Ozu lends him a young adult novel to read for his club. Inside the cover of the novel the protagonist finds a name and an address of the author, Keiko, to who he begins to correspond with.

第 9 集 Secret Society "Lucky Cat Chinese Restaurant"
As a freshman, the protagonist joins the Secret Society Chinese Restaurant, not suspecting it to actually be a secret society. The Society appears to be a syndicate of sorts which has organized most-all of the dubious campus activities from the previous episodes, in particular the Cheery Cylcle Cleanup Corps which stole bikes and planes from episode 3, the Library Police from episode 4 and the Print Shop which had provided the protagonist with papers in episodes 6-8. The society is led by Aijima, who sets the protagonist and Ozu on various missions for the organization, several of which were alluded to in previous episodes.

第 10 集 The 4.5 Tatami Ideologue
Disillusioned with any form of campus life, the protagonist joins no clubs as a freshman in college, choosing instead to spend all his time within his 4.5 tatami room. He awakens after 2 years to find that he is surrounded by an infinite number of seemingly identical rooms beyond every door, window, and wall. He sustains himself on castellas he finds in the rooms, and explores, collecting bits of money. It becomes clear that the rooms are not in fact identical, but bear slight variations corresponding to the choices he could have (and has) made throughout the rest of the series.

第 11 集 The End of the 4.5 Tatami Age
The protagonist, still trapped within the 4.5 tatami world of the previous episode, continues searching for a way out, to little avail. After much exploration he eventually comes back to the room he started from and despairs, thinking of how fervently he wishes he’d done everything he did in the past episodes. He realizes that in every room, Akashi’s lost mochiguman is still hanging from the ceiling, finally admitting to himself that he had loved Akashi. He proclaims his intent to seize this opportunity, and a swarm of white moths appear, which he moves back to avoid and in doing so ends out tripping out of the tatami world back into reality.
四叠半宿舍,青春迷走 / The Tatami Galaxy

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