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Earthflight (2011)

电视 英国 英语 纪录片
由英国广播公司(BBC)精心打造、全高清钜制的大自然生态纪录片《万里傲翔》。拍摄时间超过三年,跨越地球六大洲,包括南美洲、北美洲、非洲、欧洲、亚洲及澳洲,超过四十个国家。摄制队采用了尖端的摄影器材,糅合新颖的拍摄手法,甚至把轻型摄录机挂在候鸟颈项上拍摄,由候鸟们亲自领航,带大家翱翔万里,横跨海洋和陆洲,进入候鸟与大自然的奇妙世界 。节目更被英国《泰晤士报》赞誉为「令人惊艳」之作。 .. 查看全部
由英国广播公司(BBC)精心打造、全高清钜制的大自然生态纪录片《万里傲翔》。拍摄时间超过三年,跨越地球六大洲,包括南美洲、北美洲、非洲、欧洲、亚洲及澳洲,超过四十个国家。摄制队采用了尖端的摄影器材,糅合新颖的拍摄手法,甚至把轻型摄录机挂在候鸟颈项上拍摄,由候鸟们亲自领航,带大家翱翔万里,横跨海洋和陆洲,进入候鸟与大自然的奇妙世界 。节目更被英国《泰晤士报》赞誉为「令人惊艳」之作。 第1集 North America 摄制队首站来到北美洲。一群雪雁迁徙时,不幸遇上来势汹汹的猎食者 - 美国国鸟秃鹰。雪雁马上成群结队,合力对抗凶猛的敌人。但前面还有更严峻的考验—要飞越航道狭窄的美国大峡谷,及抵抗急湍的气流。 在加洲,鹈鹕(又称塘鹅)在海面飞翔,魔鬼鱼正在畅泳,岸边的银汉鱼则准备产卵;在阿拉斯加,一群啡熊在河边捕食三文鱼,秃鹰看准目标,飞过啡熊抢夺鱼获。在大平原上,燕八哥身处战斗中的野牛脚下。 观众从候鸟的角度观赏世界时,亦可透过白鹭欣赏海豚在岸边搁浅喂食的画面。成千上万的水鸟与海中的史前生物互动;海鸥率领大家到莫诺湖,见识它们张大嘴巴,一口一口捕食大量苍蝇的特别本领。 第2集 Africa 摄制队把镜头放置在秃鹫的背部,带领观众飞过最多动物聚居的非洲。鲨鱼、海豚及鲸鱼等巨鱼正追踪大群美味的沙甸鱼,塘鹅看见如此丰富的午餐,亦急不及待张开嘴巴,俯冲到海中分一杯羹。大量小红鹳聚在S型的南非卡姆菲斯大坝上,寻找食物补充能量,鱼鹰于是与它们一起猎食。另一边厢,黑背鸥在海面跟从大白鲨学习,希望在海中最强猎食者身上,学会一些猎食技巧。 鹰的背部和翅膀同样装上精细的镜头,令观众能化身成雀鸟一般,飞过布满雾水的维多利亚瀑布,跃进尚比西河中捕鱼;与秃鹫在塞伦盖蒂上空,一起观察牛羚迁徙的情况,见证它们如何在瞬间变成猎物。 带毒性的碱湖四周,布满狒狒、鬣狗等捕猎者,虎视眈眈小红鹳,小红鹳惟有奋力御敌。 观众在雀鸟的翅膀上俯瞰非洲,进入了人烟罕至之地! 第3集 Europe 挂在鹤与鹅身上的摄录机,展开欧游之旅,带观众飞越威尼斯、多佛尔白色悬崖及爱丁堡…白鹳离开非洲,迈向通往欧洲的伊斯坦堡;而鹤则选择了一条较容易的飞行路线,跟随一班“护鸟使者”猴子,安全地抵达马匹直布罗山。 在法国,卡马格的白马向一群新移民溅起水花。罗马的高温造就了二千万只八哥在空中上演一场好戏,成功蒙骗了游隼。在匈牙利,沙燕在空中捕捉蜉蝣,而塘鹅则从石上缓慢地飞到水中,形成英国最宏伟的自然景观。 另一边厢,鹳和燕子默默地等待伴侣回来一起筑巢,缔造安乐窝;鹅终于在斯瓦尔巴建立了自己的家。一群候鸟监视北极熊,免得它们有机可乘,捕猎它们的雏鸟。 候鸟围绕卢瓦尔河谷、伦敦码头区和荷兰的花圃,自由飞翔的景象难得一见! 第4集 South America 秃鹰沿着安第斯山脉飞行,金刚鹦鹉闯入亚马逊的核心地带,蜂鸟和秃鹫飞往南美洲各处观赏伟大的自然景观。这趟旅程途经马丘比丘、纳斯卡线、里约热内卢和圣地牙哥。 在巴塔哥尼亚的海滩上,巨型的海燕遇上在捕猎海豹的杀人鲸。在伊瓜苏瀑布,灰蒙蒙的雨燕跳过瀑布,聚在鸟巢中,蜂鸟则在鸟巢下洗澡。在一片隐蔽的安第斯土地,一班羊驼在互相对抗,秃鹰马上成群结队飞上天空。 另一边厢,一只母秃鹰温柔地将它的子女推到200米高的山崖,开始飞行训练。金刚鹦鹉深入亚马逊寻找药用粘土,而一班神秘的森林动物,包括蜘蛛、猴子、貘都纷纷加入它们。 在秘鲁,秃鹰趁海狮打斗时拍翼逃走,飞往北面等待其他伤者。在巴拿马运河,鸟群聚集。在哥斯达黎加,黑鹫降落在生蛋中的乌龟身上,更在空中表演抛蛋的绝技。 第5集 Asia and Australia 第五集节目带领观众欣赏亚洲的候鸟。第一站来到印度,蓑羽鹤飞往印度期间遇上一名具威胁性的喜马拉雅山人;鹅选择了走捷径,在万里高空全速前进飞往目的地。 在拉贾斯坦邦,秃鹫观察着老虎猎食,希望能从中取利;鸽子则看准了一间布满老鼠的庙宇求果腹,又带领我们到地球上最多骆驼聚居的地方,更会展示在焦特布尔堡城堡附近躲避秃鹰的本领。9,000只鹤竟然能在沙漠市中心一圈圈带刺的铁线上栖息过冬。 彩虹鹦鹉在澳洲悉尼的黄金海岸自由飞翔。在内陆地区,成千上万的白色鹦鹉在空中盘旋,虎皮鹦鹉成群结队飞过乌鲁鲁(艾尔斯岩),实在是前所未见的壮观场面。 在中国,不少燕子和雨燕都会飞到北京的长城及紫禁城过冬。在日本,当地人喂饲他们最敬重的丹顶鹤,谁不知引来一班饥饿的红狐狸、白尾鹰和虎头鹰;它们竟然在和谐气氛中各自觅食,而优美的丹顶鹤徐徐在雪中翩翩起舞。 第6集 Flying High 最后一集《万里傲翔》揭示摄制队如何采用先进的摄影器材,把候鸟飞行万里的迁徙过程、飞行动态与生活动静,钜细无遗地呈现于观众眼前。为了捕捉某些珍贵而独特的飞行镜头,摄制队扭尽六壬,千方百计化身成各种飞鸟,与鸟群们一起飞翔。在肯亚上空,摄制队仿照秃鹫的外形,造了一只滑翔机,与它们拍翼齐飞,务求近距离拍摄它们的飞行美态。在非洲,摄制队操控一架无人驾驶飞机,小心翼翼地停靠在小红鹳旁边,一同飞翔;摄影师又驯化了一只秃鹫,将轻型摄录机放在它身上,全程直击及拍下了它飞越非洲灌木林的整个旅程,还拍得一些与它擦身而过的罕有野外动物。 部分候鸟习惯了摄制队的存在,竟跟随拍摄队伍的轻型飞机,于爱丁堡和伦敦上空飞行。当鹳鸟飞抵伊斯坦堡时,轻型飞机和直升机早已准备就绪,在地上摆放了摄影器材,为要捕捉它们到埗一刻的英姿。但制队的拍摄方法也不是每次凑效,一直跟随摄制队飞行的雪雁,来到美国纽约市时,被其他鸟群所吸引,飞离大队,摄制人员虽然在雪雁身上安装了追踪器,却因雪雁迷路而失效。








A nature documentary about a bird's-eye view of the natural world, joining the journeys of snow geese, cranes, albatrosses, eagles and other birds across six continents. Beginning in North America, snow geese face their biggest predator, pelicans glide under San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, bald eagles in Alaska swoop among brown bears, and on the Great Plains, cowbirds dive under the feet of fighting bison.
约翰·唐纳 John Downer
大卫·田纳特 David Tennant
第 1 季 共 6 集

第 1 集 North America
Take off in a ‘snowstorm’ of geese and glide under San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge with pelicans. This is the world on the wing – a world with secrets known only to the birds.<br /> <br /> The countdown to Earthflight’s epic adventure begins in the Gulf of Mexico as five million snow geese prepare to fly the entire length of North America. Each spring, these families of geese head north on a gruelling 3,000-mile journey to the Arctic to breed.<br /> <br /> Cruise with them on a tight schedule along familiar ‘flyways’, taking a route across the parched Monument Valley and up the Mississippi before catching skyscraper-induced thermals over New York City.<br /> <br /> One unwelcome fellow traveller is the bald eagle. At every opportunity it plummets into the flock to grab a meal. But it’s salmon not geese that lure the eagles away to Alaska. As the annual salmon run kicks off, duck and dive among squabbling grizzly bears as the eagles snatch a share of the feast.<br /> <br /> At the other extreme, brown pelicans seem to enjoy a far more relaxed Californian lifestyle. In the balmy seas of Baja, join a young pelican on its hunt for fish. It takes its cue from the breaching humpback whales and massing dolphins way below – that’s where the schools of anchovies are sure to be.<br /> <br /> Hitching a lift with pelicans on their leisurely route up the golden coast reveals the never-filmed-before behaviour of devil rays somersaulting out of the water and the daytime spawning of thousands of grunion fish. Eventually the pelicans make their final descent into San Francisco Bay, gliding past Alcatraz and slipping under the Golden Gate Bridge.

第 2 集 Africa
On the second leg of this world trip, head north over Africa. Plunge into the great sardine run with thousands of Cape gannets, explore the Great Rift with fish eagles and vultures, and slow dance with millions of pink flamingos on Kenya’s Lake Bogoria.<br /> <br /> Off the Cape, gannets race high above the waves. They are the dolphins’ keen eyes in the sky. From up here they readily spot the whorling shoals of sardines, and the first gannet to take the plunge sparks a feeding frenzy of gannets, dolphins, sharks and whales. Along the shore, kelp gulls follow young seals as they take to the sea for the first time. The gulls know that great white sharks hunt in these waters and will prepare dinner for them.<br /> <br /> High above the Serengeti, riding on a vulture’s wide wings, the full drama of the mass wildebeest migration plays out below. As the wildebeest cross the plain they’re attacked by lions, before facing the mighty Mara river where huge crocodiles lie in wait. The scavenging vultures just have to wait for the spoils.<br /> <br /> In Kenya, flamingos are on the lookout for their perfect lake – hot, toxic and brimming with tasty algae. Eventually they find the perfect spot and two million flamingos descend on Lake Bogoria, instantly turning this soda lake pink. Here they cement lifelong bonds in an wild party of synchonised dancing. But danger lurks in pink paradise in the shape of hunting baboons and fish eagles.<br /> <br /> On the longhaul flight north to Europe, glide with white storks on the thermals, encountering slight turbulence over Victoria Falls. Then take a somewhat smoother route up the Nile.<br /> <br /> Swallows are hot on their tails, taking a lower flightpath and refuelling rapidly on the wing as billions of lake flies rise out of Lake Malawi. Then these tireless little birds cross the vast Sahara on their 6,000-mile trip home.

第 3 集 Europe
Rome, Venice, London … Earthflight departs on its grand European tour, and takes filming to new heights. Using a host of extraordinary techniques that include filming imprinted birds from microlites, we soar with birds over the Grand Canal, the white cliffs of Dover and Edinburgh castle. It’s the world from the air as never seen before.<br /> <br /> Take to the wing with grey cranes and white storks as they head north for their breeding grounds, riding high on the thermals created by these world-famous sights.<br /> <br /> Discover how cranes take the shortest route across the narrow Straits of Gibraltar and many stop off in the South of France for a spot of R&R. But the famous Camargue white horses kick up a fuss around these hungry new arrivals, many push on again up the Loire Valley – where 50,000 cranes may fly by in a single day.<br /> <br /> Navigating by the sun and magnetic fields, birds also follow well-known landmarks – from chateaux along the Loire valley to the tulip fields of Holland.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, thousands of male white storks have left Africa behind and set their sights on Istanbul – their entry point into Europe. Next they must reclaim their ancestral homes – the chimney pots of Germany – and do a spot of nest DIY before the females arrive.<br /> <br /> In Rome, the heat of the city lures in 20 million starlings that perform nature’s greatest aerial display – one that outwits the world’s fastest bird predator, the peregrine.<br /> <br /> Barnacle geese strike out over Britain, but bad weather sometimes pushes them over London – normally a no-fly zone. Just over the Scottish border is Bass Rock – home to 40,000 gannets.<br /> <br /> Finally, geese touch down in Svalbard and start to raise a family. But ravenous polar bears threatens to wipe out their colony, and the plucky birds rally together to see off the world’s most dangerous predator.

第 4 集 South America
In this bird’s-eye view of South America, condors soar along the Andes, scarlet macaws explore the heart of the Amazon and hummingbirds and vultures show us the continent’s greatest sights. It’s a journey that includes Machu Picchu, the Nazca Lines and the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Santiago.<br /> <br /> In Patagonia, giant petrels shadow killer whales as they hunt seals by stranding their huge bodies on the beach.<br /> <br /> At Iguassu Falls, dusky swifts dive through the cascades to huddle in communal roosts and hummingbirds bathe below.<br /> <br /> In a secret Andean location, condors soar in flocks over 40-strong and scavenge on casualties from herds of fighting guanacos. Elsewhere, a mother condor gently pushes her youngster to the edge of a 200-metre cliff – flight school begins.<br /> <br /> Deep in the Amazon, macaws seek medicinal clay. They are joined by a host of secretive jungle animals, including spider monkeys and tapirs, all after the same remedy.<br /> <br /> In Peru, condors soar over fighting sealions waiting for casualities and on a mass exodus north, birds converge on the Panama Canal.<br /> <br /> In Costa Rica, black vultures descend on turtles as they lay their eggs in the sand and pick off the eggs that ping-pong through the air.

第 5 集 Asia & Australia
In this bird’s-eye view of two continents, demoiselle cranes negotiate a dangerous Himalayan pass on their way to India while high-flying bar-headed geese take the fast track 5 miles above.<br /> <br /> In Rajasthan, vultures watch hunting tigers hoping for a meal and pigeons visit a temple dedicated solely to sacred rats. Pigeons are also our guide to the greatest gatherings of camels on Earth and learn to dodge buzzards around the battlements of Jodhpur Fort. 9,000 cranes overwinter in the most unlikely of spots – a barbed wire compound in the centre of a desert town.<br /> <br /> In Australia, rainbow lorikeets drop in on Sydney and patrol Australia’s Gold Coast. In the outback, white cockatoos swirl in thousands and budgerigars pass Uluru (Ayers Rock) and gather in the biggest flocks ever recorded.<br /> <br /> In China, swallows and swifts visit the Great Wall and the Forbidden City of Beijing. In Japan, the country’s most revered birds – Japanese cranes are fed fish by appreciative locals and are joined in strange, momentary harmony by hungry red foxes, white-tailed eagles and Steller’s eagles. As peace descends, Japanese cranes dance beautifully in the snow.

第 6 集 Flying High
To fly like a bird, Earthflight not only captured remarkable images of wild flocks but also relied on some extraordinary relationships between people and birds. Filmed over four years, in six continents and more than 40 countries, the Earthflight team used many extraordinary techniques.<br /> <br /> For some of the unique flying shots, members of the team became part of the flock. The birds followed wherever they went – even in a microlight over Edinburgh and London.<br /> <br /> In Africa, paragliders floated alongside wild vultures, while a model vulture carried a camera inside the flock. In South America, wild-living macaws, that were rescued as babies, still come back to visit their ‘foster mother’ as he travels along a jungle river. In Africa, a radio-controlled ‘drone’ silently infiltrates masses of pink flamingos without disturbing a feather, and microlights and helicopters capture the dramatic moment white storks arrive over Istanbul.<br /> <br /> A tame vulture carried a camera across the African bush and recreated the behaviour of his wild relatives. Similarly, in the USA, a flock of hand-reared snow geese followed the migration route of wild flocks and took in the sights and sounds of New York – managing to get lost in Brooklyn.
飞越地球 / 万里傲翔

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