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海绵宝宝 第五季

SpongeBob SquarePants (2007)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧 动画 家庭
海绵宝宝是一块穿着短裤衬衫打领带、暴牙大眼睛的黄色海绵,他生活在太平洋中央一片名为比基尼的海底之下。这里风和日丽,平静祥和,生活无忧无虑。海绵宝宝住在一个菠萝形状的房子里,与之为伴的是他的宠物小蜗(蜗牛)。开朗、纯真的海绵宝宝有许多好朋友,比如乐观单纯的派大星、性格古怪的章鱼哥、自私市侩的蟹老板还有力大无穷的松鼠珊蒂。平时他都在蟹老板的快餐店里打工,闲暇时就和好朋友们四处玩乐。这群性格各异的家伙们.. 查看全部
海绵宝宝是一块穿着短裤衬衫打领带、暴牙大眼睛的黄色海绵,他生活在太平洋中央一片名为比基尼的海底之下。这里风和日丽,平静祥和,生活无忧无虑。海绵宝宝住在一个菠萝形状的房子里,与之为伴的是他的宠物小蜗(蜗牛)。开朗、纯真的海绵宝宝有许多好朋友,比如乐观单纯的派大星、性格古怪的章鱼哥、自私市侩的蟹老板还有力大无穷的松鼠珊蒂。平时他都在蟹老板的快餐店里打工,闲暇时就和好朋友们四处玩乐。这群性格各异的家伙们凑在一起,可真是闹出不少的笑话…… 本片为美国最受欢迎的电视系列动画之一,在2003~2009年期间,曾经7年当选美国儿童选择奖最受欢迎的动画片。

导演:保罗·提比特 / Alan smart / Sherm Cohen

编剧:史蒂芬·海伦伯格 / 蒂姆·希尔 / 德里克·德莱蒙 / 保罗·提比特

主演:汤姆·肯尼 / 比尔·法格巴克 / 吉尔·塔利 / 罗德格尔·邦帕斯 / 克兰西·布朗 / 劳伦斯先生 / 罗里·艾伦 / 卡罗琳·劳伦斯 / 迪·布拉雷·贝克尔 / 赛丽娜·欧文 / 玛丽·乔·卡特利特





The misadventures of a talking sea sponge who works at a fast food restaurant, attends a boating school, and lives in an underwater pineapple.
史蒂芬·海伦伯格 Stephen Hillenburg
第 5 季 共 36 集

第 1 集 Friend or Foe
After yet another attack on the Krusty Krab by Plankton, SpongeBob asks Mr. Krabs why they hate each other so much. Mr. Krabs tells his side of the story, in a series of flashbacks

第 2 集 Spy Buddies
Mr. Krabs enlists SpongeBob and Patrick to spy on Plankton. The pair visit Sandy for advice, who gives them a pair of laser pants. They start following Plankton and end up at the Chum Bucket, with Plankton thinking that they came to eat. While waiting for Plankton, Patrick tells SpongeBob that his laser pants are malfunctioning. As he continues trying to control them, the laser shoots out and destroys the Chum Bucket. Plankton becomes angry and attempts to destroy the Krusty Krab for revenge. However, Plankton is revealed to be Mr. Krabs, who entered into a bet with the real Plankton (who created a robot Mr. Krabs to replace the real him) to prove that if he were Plankton, he could finally steal the Krabby Patty formula.

第 3 集 Boat Smarts
Mrs. Puff presents a film on good and bad boat drivers.

第 4 集 Good Ol' Whatshisname
Mr. Krabs organizes a work contest for SpongeBob and Squidward that involves naming all the customers at the Krusty Krab. He shows them a brochure for a cruise vacation as a prize. After efforts from his two employees, Mr. Krabs did not tally the scores, but tells them that to know the last customer's name will decide who will win. Squidward then asks the fish his name but the fish has a name that sounds alike to "What's it to ya?" So Squidward steals the customer's wallet to look at the driver's license. Squidward gets arrested. In jail, he gets the prize from Mr. Krabs only to find that the cruise that the brochure offers has long been expired and that the prize is just the brochure.

第 5 集 The Krusty Sponge
After a food critic raves about SpongeBob's cooking, Mr. Krabs makes him the focal point of the Krusty Krab restaurant. The next day, Mr. Krabs begins selling yellow patties (tainted meat), replacing the Krabby Patty sandwiches. The new brand makes the customers sick, and Mr. Krabs is ordered to the court. The Krusty Krab changes back to normal after Mr. Krabs takes the judge, who is a huge fan of SpongeBob, to his restaurant.

第 6 集 Squid Wood
Rejected yet again by Squidward, SpongeBob decides that if he can't hang with the real Squidward, he'll make his own. So SpongeBob builds a ventriloquist dummy modeled after his favorite neighbor. At first Squidward is pleased that SpongeBob is distracted by this mini Squidward.

第 7 集 New Digs
After being late to work, SpongeBob decides to move into the Krusty Krab.

第 8 集 Krabs à la Mode
Plankton alters the Krusty Krab's thermostat as part of another Krabby Patty stealing scheme. It backfires on him when Mr. Krabs turns the Krusty Krab into a skating rink. Plankton goes in and attempts to steal a patty himself but gets pummeled. He freezes the customers, but Mr. Krabs stops him and sets the thermostat. The Krusty Krab is turned into a popular public pool the following summer.

第 9 集 To Love a Patty
SpongeBob falls in love with a patty. After some time, the patty has spoiled. Oblivious to this, SpongeBob decides to take it on a date. When at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob still thinks the sandwich is beautiful until he smells it, then sees the hideous appearance of the expired patty. Mr. Krabs tells SpongeBob that Krabby Patties are meant to be loved and eaten. SpongeBob then eats the spoiled Krabby Patty, feeling nauseous afterward.

第 10 集 Breath of Fresh Squidward
Squidward gets accidentally electrocuted by his own electric fence, causing a complete change in his personality. He becomes cheerful and friendly to everyone in town and SpongeBob thinks that he is replaced as fry cook. SpongeBob's behavior towards Squidward changes over jealousy, making Squidward feel saddened. SpongeBob goes to his house to apologize, but becomes ill-tempered after slapping Squidward, who is suffering again from electrocution upon entering his house.

第 11 集 Roller Cowards
SpongeBob and Patrick are determined to ride a new roller coaster at Glove World, called, "The Fiery Fist o' Pain". However, the more they think about the extreme coaster, the more they get scared, so both of them find ways to stall themselves from riding it. After learning that Glove World will close in five minutes, they decide to ride the roller coaster and become strong to face their fears.

第 12 集 Bucket Sweet Bucket
Plankton tricks SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward to help him redecorate the Chum Bucket. Plankton sees this as an opportunity to purloin the Krabby Patty formula, as Mr. Krabs is on vacation. The two remodel the Chum Bucket by dismantling the Krusty Krab, while Plankton fails to retrieve the formula in the process. Mr. Krabs arrives and moves the now Krusty Krab-like Chum Bucket to his place, deserting Plankton.

第 13 集 The Original Fry Cook
It is a normal day at the Krusty Krab where Old Man Jenkins is making an order until Jim, the Original Krusty Krab Fry Cook, arrives in his golden limousine. Old Man Jenkins, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward remember back when the Krusty Krab had "class." Squidward had long hair and Jim was the fry cook. Jim makes a Krabby Patty and SpongeBob eats it and loves it. He wants to cook like Jim, and Jim says not to step on the patty, since the customers run over a Krabby Patty made by SpongeBob when headed to greet Jim.

第 14 集 Night Light
SpongeBob reads a scary book before bedtime. Because of this, he sees scary creatures when he turns off the light, such as the chair being a monstrous brain beast and a coral branch tapping the window as a monster's hand.

第 15 集 Money Talks
Mr. Krabs makes a wish that he could talk to money. When his wish is magically granted by the Flying Dutchman in exchange for his soul, Mr. Krabs becomes restless after learning that they want to be spent. Mr. Krabs starts to regret his deal, and asks the Flying Dutchman for a refund, who refuses.

第 16 集 SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget
Squidward invents a Krabby Patty-making machine to try to make SpongeBob lose his job. SpongeBob will not go down without a fight, so he competes against it.

第 17 集 Slimy Dancing
SpongeBob, Patrick, and Squidward enter a dance contest, but Squidward fails to proceed to the finals, so he decides to coach for SpongeBob to win the trophy. At the night of the competition, they win the contest. However, they get disqualified when SpongeBob reveals that he has a partner, which is Squidward. The trophy is confiscated, and it turns out that all the contestants are partnered. The only individual dancer in the contest is Patrick, making him win the trophy.

第 18 集 A Flea in Her Dome
SpongeBob and Patrick organize a party in the Treedome to welcome Sandy, who is returning from Texas. However, unknown to her, Sandy has carried fleas. The fleas take over the Treedome, until Sandy get an idea that would rid the fleas. She opens the door, letting saltwater get inside.

第 19 集 The Donut of Shame
After waking up with a hangover from a party last night, Patrick accidentally takes SpongeBob's donut. He is wracked with guilt over his action. SpongeBob arrives to watch a videotape of the party and it is revealed that the donut is a birthday present for Patrick. Patrick shares his donut to SpongeBob.

第 20 集 The Krusty Plate
During an evening of washing dishes at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob cannot remove a spot from a dinner plate. He attempts to use various methods, to the point of destroying the restaurant. In the end, SpongeBob succeeds to clean the plate, but destroys the Krusty Krab in the process from a nuclear explosion.

第 21 集 Picture Day
It is picture day for Mrs. Puff Boating School Year Book, and SpongeBob has spent all morning getting ready for it. He has to make it to Boating School without getting dirty, but this proves to be more difficult than he imagined. After several attempts, he has finally taken the picture. The episode ends with SpongeBob looking at the yearbook.

第 22 集 Pat No Pay
When Patrick eats Krabby Patties without paying, Mr. Krabs puts him to work in the restaurant to pay it back. However, he only causes wreak havoc up the restaurant and makes it explode.

第 23 集 BlackJack
SpongeBob's parents go missing and he suspects that his cousin BlackJack, the family bully who used to torment SpongeBob when they were little, has kidnapped them. SpongeBob goes to BlackJack's house and sees his parents. They explain to SpongeBob that they are throwing a party for BlackJack's return from prison. His cousin arrives and all of them enjoys the party.

第 24 集 Blackened Sponge
While brushing his teeth, SpongeBob accidentally gets a black eye. Too embarrassed to tell anyone the truth behind his injury, SpongeBob makes up a tale about a fight with a thug. When at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob learns the bully in his story really exists after it arrives, which makes SpongeBob tell the truth.

第 25 集 Mermaid Man vs SpongeBob
Plankton turns Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy into his minions with his mind controlling device. Plankton controls the heroes and orders them to encourage the customers of the Krusty Krab to eat at the Chum Bucket. By feeding them Krabby Patties, SpongeBob turns Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy to normal and they all go to the Krusty Krab, leaving the Chum Bucket empty.

第 26 集 Le Big Switch
SpongeBob and an executive chef trade jobs in a cultural exchange program. SpongeBob does not start out well at the new restaurant as the owner demands him to cook other than Krabby Patties. The owner continues to yell at him until he tastes a patty, realizing how good it tastes. The owner begins to sell Krabby Patties, which all the rich clientele enjoy. The exchange program ends and SpongeBob is eager to return to the Krusty Krab. SpongeBob takes the Krabby Patties back and all the customers follow him.

第 27 集 Fungus Among Us
SpongeBob becomes infected by an itch-causing fungus. When at the Krusty Krab, his disease gets on the Krabby Patties and fries, all of the customers at the restaurant get infected. Eventually, Gary arrives and saves everyone by licking the contagious fungi off.

第 28 集 Atlantis SquarePantis
SpongeBob and his friends visit Atlantis. Several attractions at Atlantis have charms to each of the group, including Sandy, Mr. Krabs, and Squidward. However, after popping the Oldest Bubble, they are chased by the guards. Plankton appears and is adored by the king, who makes Plankton as the replacement attraction of the bubble. SpongeBob and the gang return to Bikini Bottom.

第 29 集 The Inmates of Summer
Instead of getting on a ship headed for summer camp, SpongeBob and Patrick accidentally board a ship full of prisoners on their way to jail on Inferno Island. At the prison, the warden gets annoyed by the two. Out of boredom, SpongeBob conceives to make a play. The play is shown and the warden likes it, until the prisoners use the boat prop to escape.

第 30 集 The Two Faces of Squidward
SpongeBob and Patrick are scared of a cricket and after sneaking into Sandy's camping trip SpongeBob and Patrick are stranded in a cave. SpongeBob and Patrick meet an old man, who convinces each of them to eat his friend. SpongeBob and Patrick then make attempts to eat each other. The old man is impressed, and he then reveals that he is really Sandy. Sandy gives SpongeBob and Patrick survivor badges.

第 31 集 The Battle of Bikini Bottom
Mr. Krabs opens a mobile underwater restaurant to compete with Plankton. SpongeBob and Patrick are tasked for the job and are unsuccessful with their first customers. They fall into an abyss and wake a sea monster up. The monster purchases Krabby Patties and Plankton comes along. Plankton is mistaken by the monster for a dessert (a chocolate éclair) and the monster chases him away.

第 32 集 Banned in Bikini Bottom
When Patrick and SpongeBob discover they have conflicting views on cleanliness, their disagreement blows up into an epic battle. After several attacks to each other, SpongeBob gets dirty, while Patrick ends up clean.

第 33 集 SpongeHenge
SpongeBob breaks Squidward's face by slamming a door into it, and the resulting plastic surgery repair makes Squidward look handsome. His new-found beauty is making everyone in Bikini Bottom become in love with Squidward.

第 34 集 20,000 Patties Under the Sea
SpongeBob's holes create a jellyfish-enticing sound when wind blows through them. SpongeBob cannot stand the jellyfish anymore, so he hides in a cave for a long period of time. After a while, SpongeBob makes several stone replicas, which produce better and louder music, to make sure that the jellyfish will leave him alone. He succeeds, so he runs to the Krusty Krab, only to discover that it is already abandoned.

第 35 集 Stanley S. SquarePants
SpongeBob loves Krabby Patties so much, he cannot help singing and dancing when he is around the delicious sandwiches. A community headed by Miss Gristlepuss, who is against all things fun and delicious, bans Krabby Patties. Mr. Krabs decides to open the Krusty Krab at SpongeBob's pineapple house. Miss Gristlepuss arrives only to close the restaurant, but she trips and a Krabby Patty is dropped into her mouth. It makes her love the sandwich and the restaurant re-opens.

第 36 集 To Save a Squirrel
SpongeBob's cousin Stanley comes to visit. Stanley attempts to get a job at the Krusty Krab, with a help from SpongeBob. After several troubles by Stanley, Mr. Krabs tells him to get a job at the Chum Bucket, with the purpose of destroying it. Plankton hires Stanley and he accidentally destroys the Chum Bucket, much to Mr. Krabs' delight.

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