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酷男的异想世界 第一季

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy (2003)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧
《粉雄救兵》(明珠台周日20:45播出)一反美国电视主流常态,以5位同性恋为主角,一时竟活活颠覆了老美们几十年来的视觉习惯。 《粉雄救兵》的五位“粉雄”,个个都是让人充满敬意的内心丰富的时尚人士。穿着优雅,风度翩翩,体谅女性,让所有看的女性观众都忍不住幻想,如果.. 查看全部
《粉雄救兵》(明珠台周日20:45播出)一反美国电视主流常态,以5位同性恋为主角,一时竟活活颠覆了老美们几十年来的视觉习惯。 《粉雄救兵》的五位“粉雄”,个个都是让人充满敬意的内心丰富的时尚人士。穿着优雅,风度翩翩,体谅女性,让所有看的女性观众都忍不住幻想,如果他们是我的朋友,生活将会怎样,那可真是令人心旷神怡啊。关于性取向?谁还去管他。 他们人手一份城中最时尚的职业,五人配合默契:Carson是时装设计师,负责着装修饰;Thom是室内设计装饰师,家里的事儿交给他处理;Jai是高级买手,负责选购所有的礼物及社交;Ted则是美食家,烹饪和品酒高手;而Kyan是专业美容美发师,负责脸部美容。 他们的专长就是从美学角度拯救那些在时尚、生活方面一塌糊涂的所谓“正常”男人,即不修边幅的男士。如今他们不但是各种脱口秀节目盛情邀请的嘉宾,在MTV颁奖礼上还坐上了首席,出书当然也在计划之中,原因是他们符合“人贱人爱”的时代风气,说起话来够刻薄还爆笑。 “粉雄”如何“救兵” 从衣着、家居、饮食、谈吐等全方位改造 这部真人秀节目更像是一个时尚人生课堂,更有看头的是,五位帅哥,个个伶牙俐齿,刻薄幽默,心地善良,善解人意,看起来很是爽快。也许出于他们特别具有的细腻感性,也许因为他们大多是从事与艺术相关的工作,所以他们似乎比普通人更富有创造性,更敏锐,也更加无所顾忌。 每一集都会有一位灰头土脸的倒霉蛋被这5位帅哥改头换面,五位“粉雄”每个星期都要从衣着、家居、饮食、谈吐等各方面改造一位所谓的“正常男人”。这些人通常是被忍无可忍的女友或老婆“推荐”到节目里的,也有自觉自愿报名的。只要是居住在纽约市内的男士都可以报名,一旦被选中,就可以免费接受改造。 首先,五位“粉雄”会先到被改造者的家中视察,发现症结所在。比如,“粉雄”会捡起乱扔的内裤说:“我想它遭遇了车祸,因为我在上面看见了车胎痕。”并且让被改造者将自己的衣物按照“丑”、“很丑”、“丑极了”分类。或者针对搭配给个命令:“手机不是配饰,别把它扣在皮带上,你给我马上解下来!”也会适当给点建议:“红酒确实不错,但是,它会把你的牙齿弄得紫红一片。去约会,去派对,记得只能喝白酒。”“招呼客人最重要的是把他们照顾得好好的,别忘记第一时间递上一杯饮料。”“别再为鼻毛狡辩!”节目最后,则是展示“粉雄”的改造成果———可以用化腐朽为神奇来形容。 作为观众的我们,当然看得过瘾,除了看这五位“粉雄”如何改造这些男士之外,还可以看到他们在翻箱倒柜之余,用上尖酸刻薄的语言来揶揄他们,不过最重要的是如何从这些个案中得到启发或心得,当然不可能生搬硬套,因为一来每个人的情况都不同,而且如果要好似剧中人一样改变,肯定是所费不赀,并非人人可以负担。 这是一个“让一小部分人先美起来”的男性版本。不知道在《粉雄救兵》如此火的情况下,那剩余的大部分人,会跟随脚步“美起来”,抑或是更绝望地“邋遢下去”?各位男士是时候反省一下啦!



主演:Kyan Douglas / Ted Allen / 杰·罗德里格斯





Five gay men try to improve the lives and confidence of straight men by giving them makeovers and advice.
约书华·瑟夫特尔 Joshua Seftel
Kyan Douglas
Ted Allen
杰·罗德里格斯 Jai Rodriguez
Bob Kirsh
Dia Sokol
芭芭拉·斯蒂尔 Barbara Steele
约书华·瑟夫特尔 Joshua Seftel
Thom Filicia
Jeni Zaharian
Jim McKinney
Patrick Huber
第 1 季 共 25 集

第 1 集 Hair Today, Art Tomorrow: Brian Butch Schepel
The first episode of a new series and it comes off spectacularly. Carson immediately assumes the position of leader of the 'fab five' and is easily the most humorous of the the group, while fans of Jai's are eager to hear more from this outspoken individual. After remarking on the absence of styling products in his bathroom Kyan brings Butch to the barber's for his only haircut in the past nine years. After a new haircut, a new wardrobe and an almost new apartment Butch is ready for a lesson in cooking from Ted Allen, the Chicago native. Jai finally seems excited when he is allowed to present his mock art gallery opening and is even happier when an art critic offers his business card to Butch at the opening.

第 2 集 A Great Mess in Great Neck: Adam Z
Adam is a successful Long Island entrepreneur who runs his own computer business, but his house is a disaster, his wardrobe is out of date and he has a bad habit of forgetting his wife's birthday. The Fab Five's mission: improve his look, bring order and style to his home, and teach him how to be a gracious host and to throw a great party.

第 3 集 Make Room for Lisa: Tom K
Tom is a guy who has grown older but forgot to grow up. He has pizza boxes under the couch, beer in the fridge and dishes piled high in the sink. His wardrobe consists mostly of old t-shirts, '80s-style jeans and a menacing pair of boots. The Fab Five's mission: help Tom convince his girlfriend Lisa to move in with him by cleaning up his look, diversifying his wardrobe, completely redecorating his apartment and teaching him how to prepare a romantic dinner.

第 4 集 He's a Little Bit Country: John B
John is currently a part time contractor and car transport driver, but at various times has also been a plumber, an elevator technician, a fireman, a carpenter, a short order cook, an EMT, a Navy Seal cadet and a stripper. Now that he wants to ask Tina, his New York City girlfriend of two years, to become his wife, he wants to change from being a cowboy in jeans and a big black hat. The Fab Five's mission: give this farm boy a more sophisticated style so he can engineer a romantic urban wedding proposal.

第 5 集 For Better and Verse: Vincent T
Vincent is a studio manager by day, but by night he is a keyboard player and back-up vocalist for The Cleftones with a desire to step into the spotlight as a solo vocalist. The Fab Five's mission: give him help in the areas of grooming, fashion and performance technique, as well as surprising his wife with a less-cluttered, more livable home decor.

第 6 集 Queer Eye for Our Production Guy: Andrew L
This week the Queer Eye turns its gaze on one of its own: show utility grip and sometime camera operator Andrew. Andrew's problem is his dormroom-look apartment, which he shares with his brother. The Fab Five's mission: get rid of Andrew's frat boy look and give him a grown-up lifestyle that will charm and impress his new girlfriend Diana.

第 7 集 Law & Disorder: John V
The Fab Five take a shot at remaking a New York Policeman, John Verdi, to help rekindle the romance with his model girlfriend of 3 years.

第 8 集 My Big Fat Greek Haircut: George Katsigiannis
The FAB 5 take a shot at a man who was once shot at. When he was younger, George took a bullet for his mom after an encounter with an armed robber. After a successful surgery and years of physical conditioning, George is now back in shape and ready to meet a new girl (especially after just being dumped).<br /> <br /> The FAB 5 work their magic to turn his apartment into a very stylish, yet cozy place. However, their big challenge is George's hair which is long and big like the ""hair bands"" of the 80s and early 90s.

第 9 集 Talk, Dark, & Dancin': Josh D
Josh has been working hard already to improve his own looks. He just lost about 100 pounds, but still needs further help from the FAB 5. His apartment is very thirft store furniture decorated, his fridge is constantly practically empty, and his clothes and hair could use a touch change. Josh hopes that his new girlfriend will love and appreciate him more for all the wonders that he does to himself and his home.

第 10 集 Make Over for Daddy: Tom M
Tom is a two time divorced dad who spends most of his spare change on his kids and not on his house or appearance. problem: tom is 6'6, and set in his ways. So it begins with Carson bringing balance to his wardrobe with cool tee shirts, flat shorts, and a more modern pool bag. Kyan sends hims to a spa and gives him a citrus face wash,Ted opens the door to sushi rolls.Jai gives him theater tickets and toys,and finally Thom fixes tom's apartment with a few mirrors,a bar,and a way to show off his kids art work. The event is a small party that includes Tom's sister bringing a friend,and it goes off beautifully except for Tom putting too much wasabi in the sushi rolls,the episode ends with Tom asking the friend out for dancing.

第 11 集 Meet the Folks: Alan C
Kids, meet Alan a sweet guy who is a penny pinching (scooby doo)Shaggy look like. He and his girlfriend Katie are planning to have their parents meet,so the Fab Five is off.Carson,after throwing out Alan's bright colored shirts, shows him that pale and earthy colors are better for him, he also buys a dark blue suit for the junior real estate tycoon. Jai assists Alan in buying a small trinket for Katie,they decide on a lovely pendant necklace and Mr.Corey is also given a quick lesson on hosting. Kyan sends Alan to the barber for a haircut and a old fashioned razor shave. Ted takes Alan to a glass shop for the cocktail party that evening where they buy a beautiful set of cocktail glasses and a martini shaker.Ted also teaches how to make canapes,roasted red peppers,mint julep, and good dry martinis.Thom has taken Alan's wide, empty spaces and made them into a dark more modern home. The preparations are foreboding as Alan sped through a touch up shaving cutting himself, as he makes the can

第 12 集 Neither Rain nor Sleet nor Length of Hair: Jeff T
Jeff Toale,husband,dad,taxidermist,outdoors man,former model,postal worker, this is a outgoing guy. Except he has one problem he desperately needs a makeover since he has a 30 year mustache and long hair, his wardrobe is atrocious, and he only likes to cook after doing the initial sweep the fab five split to their jobs.Carson along with Jeff and daughter Christina head off to a outdoor sportsmen clothing store Jeff is given outfits in denim,plaid, and boots.Jai takes Jeff to have his picture taken in an old modeling pose,and Jeff gets a frame and instructions to take a family photo.Kyan convinces Jeff to loose the long hair AND the mustache showing a surprising David Bowie clone. Kyan also gives Jeff skin treatment creams to help with aging. Ted shows Jeff and Christina how to make grilled fish wrapped in a banana leaf after a failed fishing trip. And Thom thrilled at a clean bathroom,lightened up the dark dining room and added new furniture to Jeff's room. The party started

第 13 集 Mr. Clean Comes Clean: Richard M
Rich Miller,a lawyer who believes in being yourself isn't even following his own advice,Mr.Miller has a toupee, and his wife and kids have never seen him without it.That's a big part of the iceberg, His house is huge but empty.Also Richard is shy in group scenarios and usually hides in the kitchen cooking. Carson quickly decides what Richard needs, a good power suit. Jai helps him with social skills by introducing him to the cast of Taboo! which includes Boy George and producer Rosie O'Donnell. Jai also helps Richard with the idea of romance with his wife.Kyan helps Richard move into the idea of being toupee less, and gives him some things to get rid of his paper white skin.Ted shows Richard the joy of having a catered meal. and Thom fills several rooms with tasteful furniture. When they leave the Fab five convince Richard to BURN his toupee.<br /> <br /> The preparations are fairly quick, then Richard's family comes home and sees him for the first time,Mrs. Miller's joyous while the kids are glad

第 14 集 Helping the Hard-Rocking Host: Steven S.
Steven is a rock music expert who dresses like an 80's band reject has fried tri- colored hair,a apartment that's been overpowered by his girlfriend Jackie's stuff,and a diet that's needs more healthy food. When Carson and Kyan take him shopping,he rebels against a paisley shirt and begin throwing things out of the stall.But he calms down when he finds out that Carson is able to work in his awesome collection of band shirts.Jai gives him tickets to an adult puppet show,a beautiful photo of Jimi Hendrix and passes for a walking tour.Kyan agrees that Steven's hair is a work in progress,he helps by getting rid of some of the colors and shaping it.Steven is then given a nose hair trimmer.Ted shows him how to make a wheatgrass smoothie and gives him a blender. Thom decorates the apartment so it looks bigger and to show that Steven exists in it. During the preperation Steven does everything perfectly, except the smoothie. On his arrival to the show, Steven's fellow hosts are amazed and Ste

第 15 集 Create an Officer and a Gentleman: Ross M.
Ross, a ex marine wants mix with his girlfriend Thersea who is more socially active has drafted the Fab five into helping. Carson who decides that Ross shall have a military-civilian mix wardrobe takes him to John Varatos's store where he models for the designer himself. Jai teaches Ross and Theresa how to salsa, and Kyan takes Ross to a skin care lab to have him looked over. Ted teaches Ross how to make a choclate souffle and they try out a few dessert wines. Thom drags the couple to a store where they buy a table,chairs and a new bed. He also surpises them with a flat screen TV. The preparations begin after a toast and salute, and the only serious mistake was that he under mixed his egg whites and chocolate in the souffle. Once Theresea has gotten over the shock, they enjoy the souffle and leave for the dance club. Once they begin dancing Ross is stiff and akward but during the last few minutes he loosens up.

第 16 集 A Very Queer Eye Holiday: Holiday Special
The Fab 5 are having a party! and they're inviting some of their past projects: Butch,George, John B.,and Adam. Just before the party, each of them went to a straight guy's house and see if they had kept themselves together. Over all the guys did beautifully with only a few foul ups (one ended in Ted chasing the straight guy around the room). The Fab 5 give tips through out the party and at the end they give the guys gifts:<br /> <br /> George- a set of knives Butch- free massages for a year Adam- a painting John-a tux Adam also gets an overachiever award, along with keeping himself and his house wonderful, he did additional housework and he lost a lot of weight.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile John and Tina give the fab 5 a gift : they would love it if the fab 5 would be John's groomsmen for their wedding!<br /> <br /> in conclusion the Fab five 's a version of Santa,their arrival is unknown.They know when you've been bad or good.They give you things and,they'll probably eat any cookies you've got laying around.

第 17 集 Radio Ralph
Ralph is a radio host and a part time DJ in a strip club, he lives with his twin brother Joey and well,his half of the apartment's a mess, his clothes are too flashy and he's been dating nothing but strippers. So Carson gives him toned down yet still cool outfits,Jai and Kyan take him to a Yoga class and tell Ralph that he's going on a blind date.Like with past long haired guys Kyan quickly shortens Ralph's locks and gives him the usual cleansers and products.When Ted finds one of the Sutton's knives,he discovers he can bend the blade, Ralph is given new knives,pots and pans. The food for tonight's date is stuffed mushrooms,shrimp,and a lemon dog cocktail.Thom after screaming about how horrible the furniture looks buys new modern pieces. Joey comes back and is amazed at their furniture then the date comes and the group enjoys the cocktails and snacks. And then they're off to to a rock n roll club for a live radio show where Christa, the blind date requests her favorite love song.

第 18 集 Stand Up and Deliver: Kevin D.
Kevin loves 3 things: his girlfriend Matilda,stand up comedy,and vintage stuff.Because Matilda's #1 he's asking her to marry him. Problems:His apartment is CHAOS!his clothes are old yet bad,and his act needs a little polishing.So it begins: Carson gets him some vintage jackets and pants,and some new shirts and shoes.Jai takes Kevin to a club to meet up with his mentor Jim Davis for advice and announces that Kevin will be the star. He also suggests that Kevin call Matilda's parents to ask permission to marry their daughter. Kyan gets Kevin a haircut that can be changed into several styles.Ted gets a couple bottles of champagne and show how to make caviar-creme fraiche-toast points. Finally Thom retros Kevin apartment and his best work is in the lounge renamed ""Boom Boom room"".After the Fab 5 leave, Kevin gets ready pretty quick,then he calls Matilda's parents and asks them in English and they bless him. Matilda comes over for the 1st time in 5 months and is amazed at both the apa

第 19 集 Compose Yourself: Warren L.
Warren is a musical theater composer,and he's STRAIGHT! anyway,This former Oklahoma baby faced boy has come to make it big in the big apple. Problems:He bites his nails, his clothes make him look younger,all of his food has something growing on it,his apartment is one of Thom's nightmares.So Carson shows him that dark colors look good on him and give him some things to make look him more adult.Jai checks out the space of the theater and gives Warren some feedback cards.Kyan gets Warren a manicure and a massage.Ted shows him to tastefully display cheese and crackers.Finally Thom toned down the apartment and made it more organized.The prep is worrisome as Warren oddly skips the usual shower,but he does wash up a little and puts on the anti biting stuff,he then gets dressed and then goes into the kitchen to do the food.With some creative techniques he gets it prepared and then drops some crackers on the floor. After his roommate and girlfriend come and admire everything they leave for the

第 20 集 Queer Guy for the Skate Guy: John Z.
This is the most romantic QEfSG yet! John is an Olympic medal winner,so is his lovely wife Sylvia who just for John,left her family in Italy to live in America.So to show just how much he loves her,John has to admit his wardrobe is nothing but sweats,tees,and track suits.He has to admit their apartment is nothing but boxes because they haven't been able to unpack yet.And he has to admit his toes are scary.So after deciding that this event will Italian themed Carson drapes John in Armani.Jai gives John a piece of art work that in John's eyes represents the hopes he has for his and Sylvia's life together,then Kyan takes John for a extremely needed pedicure and gives him a spa kit.Ted shows how to make ravioli and gets him a bottle of wine.Thom paints and decorates the apartment with light colors and shades.The prep is quick and when Sylvia comes she is amazed at the apartment and dinner.The couple quickly dashes off to Central park where they lovingly skate.

第 21 集 Meeting Mildred: Rob M.
Rob's life consists of 2 women:his godmother Mildred,and his girlfriend of a year Terri.He wants them to meet.Rob likes wearing dashikis,jeans and Tye dyed shirts,His apartment shows that he likes cultural stuff but he has problems displaying it.His dreads are messy and his love of photography is limited. Carson mixes Robs' tastes with more grown up things.Jai takes Rob to a friends where he gets some of his photos looked over and later Rob gets a better printer.Kyan gets Robs' dreads some TLC,and gives Rob a shaving kit. Ted tells him how to prepare a fish stew.Thom matures Robs' apartment. The prep mainly consists of Rob cooking the stew,and then he has to be forced out of the shower when his guests arrive.Finally and most importantly Mildred and Terri meets and seem to be friendly toward each other. At the end of the party Rob tells his friends and loved ones how much they mean to them.

第 22 集 Training Day: James M.
James needs help. His mother has helped him decorate by sending him stuff from Korea. The furniture is vile and the house smells like fish and James's dog is a nightmare. He has a girlfriend, Taebe, and he wants to be more focused on her. He's an Ivy-league guy, so his stuff is preppy- and he can't iron. Carson takes him to get preppy yet hip stuff, Ted takes him to learn how to decorate lemon tarts, and sets him up with a catered Moroccan dinner, and sets him up to make home-made sorbet, Thom gets him all new furniture and makes the place just nice, Kyan gets him lessons on a Thai message, and Jai takes James' dog and his own little dog Nemo to obedience school . The end is probably the worst disaster ever. The sorbet is soupy, the guy just gives up on the ironing, the dog pees everywhere and chews up one of the shoes, and the girlfriend didn't like anything he did, just the house and the outfit.

第 23 集 Do You Know the Mullet Man?:Mark F.
Freddy Krueger's alive!how? he created Mark,whose hair is one of Kyan's nightmares.It is a mullet,kept together with loads of cheap products.Mark's stepdaughter Karly is leaving for college,and just before that its her 18th birthday and Mark is changing himself as his present.Problems:his clothes are either super dressy or complete slob,his house is gorgeous except the kitchen,and he likes being a guest more than a host.So Carson gets him sports wear(casual blazers, button up shirts),Jai tells him that he should try and connect more with Karly and to demonstrate that takes him to a rock gym which is all about trust when belaying. He also gets gift bags for the kids at the surprise party that night and shows Mark his present :a real Kate Spade bag.Kyan kills the mullet (yeah!) and gets him to cut off the mustache he has had forever making him look at least 10,15 years younger. Ted shows Mark how to make pizza,and Thom puts in new appliances in the kitchen, he also redoes Karly's room an

第 24 集 You Never Forget Your First Straight Guy: Lawson C.
The fab five at are at it again, good ole Carson,Ted,James,Sam and Charlie.Wait, who the %$#! are Sam,James,and Charlie? the originals who were asked to leave.This episode is filled with commentary from Carson& Ted and from show creator and producers David Collins and David Metzler as they drive. Anyway, The event is Lawson's girlfriend Gable is turning 30 and Lawson wants to surprise her with a romantic date. Carson after doing the first throw out notes that Lawson like being an individual so he takes him to a place called Map and also gets thrown out of a mall. Charlie transforms Lawson's plain apartment into Thom quality.James,gets more music that's not from the 80's.Sam does some manscaping on Lawson's back and gets him a manicure,while Ted gets some chocolate and wine for gable's Dulce appetite. The prep is quick as we don't see most of it,and then we see the couple enjoy the wine and candy and find out from Carson that they've gotten engaged!

第 25 集 Romancing the Coach: Mark Fi
The Fab Five has gotten used to receiving letters,calls,and emails from desperate wives,moms,and girlfriends pleading to change their significant men,so when the Pelham High School Girls Volleyball team emailed them about their coach it was a no brainer.Upon meeting mark,Carson notes the need for variation so he takes Mark to a golfing store for outfits he can wear to the course,out with his wife Cindy and times for coaching games.Jai shows Mark virtual golf,and they talk his relationship with his Cindy and how much he is thankful to have her,to show that Jai gets him a locket with their wedding photo and a picture of their son.Kyan takes him to a spa and gets him some hair gel.Ted after learning that Cindy is allergic to Gluten takes Mark to a health store where they gets lots of gluten free food and Ted teaches mark how to make a raspberry parfait.Mark's house was built in 1926, and so Thom gets modern pieces that mix with the architecture of the house, he also rearranges the living

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