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青蛙军曹 第一季

ケロロ軍曹 1stシーズン (2004)

电视 日本 日语 喜剧 科幻 动画
真的有外星人么?他们长什么样?来地球做啥?《青蛙军曹》里,这批号称要侵略地球的外星入侵者是来自Gamma星云第58号行星“K隆星”的人,不,更准确的说应该是“蛙”。5蛙先遣小部队来蓝星做取样调查,结果队长keroro军曹行踪败露,被蓝星人日向一家发现并活捉,侵略利器“Kero球”也落到了弟弟日向冬树手里。而大本营侵略飞船见情况不妙,便仓皇逃离。留下了先遣部队5蛙组散落在蓝星,等待后续商讨。 .. 查看全部
真的有外星人么?他们长什么样?来地球做啥?《青蛙军曹》里,这批号称要侵略地球的外星入侵者是来自Gamma星云第58号行星“K隆星”的人,不,更准确的说应该是“蛙”。5蛙先遣小部队来蓝星做取样调查,结果队长keroro军曹行踪败露,被蓝星人日向一家发现并活捉,侵略利器“Kero球”也落到了弟弟日向冬树手里。而大本营侵略飞船见情况不妙,便仓皇逃离。留下了先遣部队5蛙组散落在蓝星,等待后续商讨。 无依无靠的keroro开始驻扎在日向家,被日向姐弟监视一举一动,表面顺服的keroro背地里建起了小基地,也在积极联系散落在各地的其它伙伴。其它成员也慢慢现出真身,小部队能达成他们的心愿,攻陷地球么?地球的命运会如何?敬请收看《K隆星大战蓝星》,又名《外星人在地球的幸福生活》。


编剧:吉崎观音 / 池田真美子 / 横谷昌宏

主演:渡边久美子 / 小樱悦子 / 中田让治 / 子安武人 / 草尾毅 / 川上伦子 / 斋藤千和 / 平松晶子 / 池泽春菜 / 能登麻美子 / 广桥凉 / 石田彰 / 藤原启治





An alien frog plotting the conquest of Earth is forced to work out of a not-so-typical Japanese household.
佐藤顺一 Junichi Sato
渡边久美子 Kumiko Watanabe
小樱悦子 Etsuko Kozakura
中田让治 Jôji Nakata
子安武人 Takehito Koyasu
草尾毅 Takeshi Kusao
川上伦子 Tomoko Kawakami
斋藤千和 Chiwa Saito
平松晶子 Akiko Hiramatsu
池泽春菜 Haruna Ikezawa
能登麻美子 Mamiko Noto
广桥凉 Ryô Hirohashi
第 1 季 共 51 集

第 1 集 I Am Sergeant Keroro! / Sergeant Keroro Rising
Keroro’s invasion of Earth doesn’t go exactly as planned, and he ends up running a vacuum instead of ruling the planet. But hey, at least he gets his own room!

第 2 集 Momoka & Tamama Move Out! / Momoka & Tamama: Operation Overload the Hinatas
Momoka has a major thing for Fuyuki. She also has something in her backpack with a cola addiction and an out-of-this-world farting problem.

第 3 集 Keroro's Critical Point Breached! / Keroro's Secret Mission Begins
Keroro is tired of being stuck inside all day and eventually finds a way to wander around Tokyo without being seen. The Hinatas believe he is up to no good and set up secret cameras around the house.

第 4 集 Giroro: The Most Dangerous Man in the Universe / Keroro: Rain with a Slight Chance of a Dangerous Man
Giroro, the weapons expert of the Keroro Platoon, has finally tracked down Tamama and Keroro. To say he is displeased about Keroro's recent leadership would be quite the understatement. He plans to whip Keroro back into shape and move forward with the Pekopon invasion.

第 5 集 The Song of Men Who Love Their Toys
Keroro finds the perfect addition to his Gundam model collection and uses his new allowance to travel to the Trojan Horse toy store. He's devastated to find out that the store is about to go out of business and tries everything in his power to save it.

第 6 集 Momoka's Romantic Plan on the South Seas / Momoka's Spooky Plan on the South Seas
Momoka invites the Hinata family to a private beach for a little one-on-one time with Fuyuki. Unfortunately for her, the frogs are coming along, too. She comes up with increasingly-complex schemes to get her first kiss from the boy of her dreams...

第 7 集 Mois: My First Destruction of Earth / Tamama vs. Mois: Tamama Loses
The legendary Angelmois of Armageddon descends from the heavens... but she's five years late! And what's this? She seems to be really good friends with "Uncle" Keroro... leading Tamama on a jealous campaign to get rid of her.

第 8 集 Keroro: Invasion Status is Never Better / Keroro: Building a Base for Dummies
The Keroro Platoon builds a secret base under the Hinata household to further their invasion plan against Pekopon. They're the ones who end up being invaded when unknown intruders discover the base.

第 9 集 Natsumi: Where Love Blooms, Kululu Looms / Hinata Aki: A Dynamite Woman
The Keroro Platoon search for another missing member - Kululu, the brains of the operation. But he's already causing havoc in the Hinata household when he invents a device that can revert adults to their "bittersweet youth."

第 10 集 Face-off! Decisive Battle Over Molar-3
When Keroro gets a cavity, the entire platoon is up in arms! Tiny invaders have set up a secret base inside Keroro's molar tooth, and it's time to take the fight inside his mouth!

第 11 集 The Keroro Platoon Appears on TV
Keroro gets word that celebrities from the universe's most popular reality show are visiting Pekopon! But you know what they say - never meet your heroes...

第 12 集 Sumomo: A Pop Star Travels Across Space / Giroro: A Small Angel on the Battlefield
Sumomo, an intergalactic pop star, travels to Pekopon for a taste of normal life. / Giroro loses his signature belt, and with it, his confidence. But he's able to find respite from an unexpected place...

第 13 集 Dororo: The Forgotten Warrior / Dororo & Koyuki: Friendship, How Beautiful It Is
The final member of the platoon has been found, no thanks to Keroro. But Dororo has cast aside his previous life - he'll protect Pekopon from alien invaders, even if that means making enemies of his former friends.

第 14 集 The Five Assemble! Probably The Longest Day
The newly reunited Keroro Platoon embark on their first mission as a full team, and it's, uh... filling the town with flowers?!

第 15 集 Momoka: The Dark Momoka Descends / Dark Momoka: The Lie Behind the Lie
There's two sides to Momoka: a normal side, and a dark side. But when a freak accident splits her into two, Dark Momoka isn't afraid to take charge.

第 16 集 Mois: Dark Mois Descends / Mois: More and Mois Mayhem
Mois has been seen beating people up and stealing their wallets. Has she been living a dark secret life this entire time, or is something else to blame?

第 17 集 Keroro vs. Natsumi: The Great Battle in the Water / Fuyuki: Welcome to Horror World
The platoon heads to the local swimming pool for some good old-fashioned high jinks. / Keroro organizes a ghost story competition - Aliens vs Pekoponians.

第 18 集 Natsumi: Hilarity! Adult Beachside Story
Kululu turns Natsumi into an adult so everyone can go to the beach without parental supervision. Keroro tries to win a collector's Gundam model in a duo's comedy contest.

第 19 集 Keroro vs. Natsumi: The Ultimate Showdown at a Festival / Keroro: A Radio to Invade Your Ears
Keroro tries to make a quick buck at the festival. / Keroro tries to make a quick buck by starting a new radio show.

第 20 集 Fuyuki Meets a Girl / Fuyuki: The Ambassador of Nontolma
The Keroro platoon conquers the bottom of the open in their brand-new submarine. The only problem is that the current residents of the ocean aren't too happy with that.

第 21 集 Keroro's Energy-Saving Invasion / Keroro's Countryside Exploration
The Hinata family and the Keroro Platoon have to deal with a power failure in the heat of summer. / Keroro and Co. stow away on the Hinata's family visit, and must keep themselves hidden from Grandma.

第 22 集 Tamama: I'll be the Leader from Now On
A message from Keron HQ: Tamama is the new platoon leader! And boy, are there gonna be some changes around here...

第 23 集 Panic! The Hinata Household's Wildest Day Ever
Keroro steals the Kero Ball and accidentally makes hundreds of clones of himself. Chaos ensues.

第 24 集 Keroro: The Noble but Poor Space Detectives / 556: How to Become an Action Star
A childhood friend of Keroro's moves to Pekopon in order to follow his dreams of being a space detective. The platoon helps him find a job that fits his "unique" abilities.

第 25 集 Momoka: Love, Youth and a Hectic Getaway
A family dispute between Momoka and her father causes an all-out war between the Keroro Platoon and the elite forces of the Nishizawa Corporation.

第 26 集 Keroro: Everyone Unite! Let's Conquer Sports Day
The Keroro Platoon engages in a mission to delay the events at Sports Day for as long as possible, so that Aki Hinata can arrive in time for the three-legged race.

第 27 集 Keroro's Father's Coming and Father's Leaving / Keroro: Hot Spring, Go! Go! Go! Sir!
Keroro's father arrives on Pekopon to check on the invasion progress, or lack thereof. / The platoon decides to drill underground, hoping to build a natural hot spring in their secret base.

第 28 集 Keroro: Snowball Fight Survival / Kululu's Kukuku & Ku
The platoon experiences snow for the first time... SNOWBALL FIGHT!! / Kululu gets on everyone's bad side with his evil-hearted pranks. Who can make him see reason?

第 29 集 Natsumi & Koyuki's Youthful Energy on Stage / Keroro: The Scoop is No Good
Natsumi has a starring role in the school play, but she's a terrible actress. / Members of the school newspaper suspect that aliens live in the Hinata household and are prepared to get evidence by any means necessary.

第 30 集 Tamama: The Boy Who Came From Planet Keron / Momoka Wants a Nice Body
Tamama's friend comes to Pekopon to see if all the stories of the invasion are true. They're not. / Momoka will do anything to develop her body more... and Keroro takes the opportunity for a quick buck to sell her junky "fitness solutions."

第 31 集 Keroro Can't Find the Way Home
Keroro runs away from home on his new flying saucer. But when it breaks down and he's stuck in the middle of nowhere, he realizes all too late what the Hinatas mean to him. How will he get home?

第 32 集 Keroro: A Whole Bunch of Animal Soldiers / Giroro: The Cat Wants to Speak
In an effort to gain more soldiers for the invasion, Keroro decides to turn all the animals at the zoo into humans. / Giroro has been feeling blue. The stray cat he took in seems to want to say something to him, but can't. But what if...?

第 33 集 The Keroro Platoon Invades Pekopon with Anime
The Keroro platoon wants to make their own anime the "easy way". Of course, there's no such thing...

第 34 集 Momoka vs. Koyuki: Battle for Hot Springs / Keroro & Fuyuki: Let's Take It Easy

第 35 集 Top Secret! Natsumi's Surprise Birthday Party

第 36 集 Keroro's Desperate Struggle! Sergeant vs. General Winter / Fuyuki: Nishizawa-san's Oustranding Coincidence

第 37 集 Dororo: Come to My Ninja School / Keroro's Dinosaur

第 38 集 Giroro: The Mobile Soldier in Love / Giroro vs. Natsumi: The Encounter

第 39 集 Keroro: Operation Christmas / Keroro: Taking Charge of Year-end Housecleaning

第 40 集 Mois: Or, Like, Happy New Year, Sir? / Keroro: New Year's Food is Also Good, but Don't Forget Your Homework

第 41 集 Keroro: The Glory of Sugoroku / Dororo's Blood is Really Boiling

第 42 集 Keroro: The Red-blooded Keroro Platoon / Tamama: The Friendship Jealousy Shot

第 43 集 Giroro: No Tears for the Red Oni / Giroro: Let Setsubun Fly

第 44 集 Keroro vs. Fuyuki: A Sports Showdown / Kululu vs. Aki: A Devastating Assault Robot Battle

第 45 集 Keroro's Instant Dumplings of Love / Natsumi & Momoka: Commence Operation V for Valentine

第 46 集 Keroro: Have You Been Forgotten, Sir?

第 47 集 Natsumi: Preserve Girls' Day / Keroro: It's an Afro, Myoww

第 48 集 Keroro Platoon: Mission on a Fine Spring Day / Fuyuki: Resident Idle Rescue Mission

第 49 集 Kululu: How to Succeed in the Universe / Momoka: W(hite)-Day:Operation Pinnacle

第 50 集 Natsumi: The Fiery Warrior of Earth / Giroro: If I Don't Do It, Who Will?

第 51 集 The Keroro Platoon Retreats! Farewell, Pekopon
Keroro军曹 / Keroro Gunsô / Sergeant Keroro / 개구리 중사 케로로

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