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星际旅行:重返地球 第三季

Star Trek: Voyager (1996)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 科幻 冒险
《星际旅行:航海家号》(Star Trek: Voyager)是第4部星际旅行系列电视剧. 由Rick Berman, Michael Piller 和 Jeri Taylor创作, 在美国UPN 频道播放了7季, 从1995年到2001年。这个系列因其轻松幽默, 吸引人的战斗片段和高概念性的科幻设定而最为着名! 台湾电视台曾播出过,台译名为重返地球。作为第四部星际旅行剧集,航海家号仍继承甚至发扬.. 查看全部
《星际旅行:航海家号》(Star Trek: Voyager)是第4部星际旅行系列电视剧. 由Rick Berman, Michael Piller 和 Jeri Taylor创作, 在美国UPN 频道播放了7季, 从1995年到2001年。这个系列因其轻松幽默, 吸引人的战斗片段和高概念性的科幻设定而最为着名! 台湾电视台曾播出过,台译名为重返地球。作为第四部星际旅行剧集,航海家号仍继承甚至发扬了星际旅行特有的人文主义精神和民主哲学的理念,让更多人变成Trekkie(星际旅行爱好者)。 《星际旅行:航海家号》共获得6项艾美奖,18项其他各类奖和53项各类提名。 联邦星舰"航海家号"被一股神秘的外星力量送入了δ象限, 船员们面对的是一条长达75年的漫长的返乡旅程。 由舰长凯瑟琳·珍妮薇(Kathryn Janeway)指挥的联邦星舰航海家号,在第一次任务中同前马奇队员汤姆·派瑞斯奉命寻找一艘马奇船(马奇组织,是由一些反对星际联邦和卡达西人签订条约的联邦殖民者组成),而同马奇船一同被一个叫守护者"Caretaker" 的实体由阿尔法象限带到了离家7万光年的δ象限,在这次横跨银河系的传送中,航海家号失去了他们的大副和医官。在δ象限,两艘星舰同时被希望得到守护者的先进科技的卡松人(Kazon)所攻击,为了共同返乡,马奇舰选择了同航海家号合作,而这时航海家号舰长珍妮薇却决定毁灭即将死去的守护者,以保护这个星域的势力平衡和一个叫欧康帕的种族的安全,于是马奇舰长查克泰牺牲自己的星舰毁灭了守护者,在关键时刻所有马奇队员都被传送上了航海家号。虽然卡松人就此撤退,可是航海家号上的人们却面临着即使使用最高曲速也需要75年才能返乡的境地,于是两艘星舰上的船员合二为一,共同为返乡努力。在航向α象限的过程中,航海家号上还拥有了两名新的成员,泰莱克斯族人尼利克斯以及欧康帕族人凯斯。航海家上的船员们共同经历了以摄取别的种族器官来维持自己生命的维仃人,和联邦面对过的最强大的敌人,博格人,还有生存与液态空间的种族8472。其中也有曾经是敌人的星联船员和前马奇队员的冲突与重归于好,甚至还有一位博格船员7/9的加入,这一切都让航海家号返乡的旅途即漫长,却又丰富多彩。再经过了7年漫长的航行后,航海家号终于通过博格人的超曲速信道顺利返乡,而航海家号也成为了博物馆,舰长凯瑟琳·珍妮薇晋升为上将。 (以上介绍转自飞翔科幻网)

导演:Rick Berman / 迈克尔·皮勒 / Jeri Taylor

编剧:布兰农·布拉加 / 迈克尔·皮勒 / 肯尼士·比勒 / Jeri Taylor

主演:凯特·穆格鲁 / 罗伯特·贝尔特兰 / 罗克珊·道森 / 罗伯特·邓肯·麦克尼尔 / 伊桑·菲利普斯 / 罗伯特·皮卡多 / 蒂姆·罗斯 / 王以瞻 / Tarik Ergin / 洁蕊·瑞恩





Pulled to the far side of the galaxy, where the Federation is seventy-five years away at maximum warp speed, a Starfleet ship must cooperate with Maquis rebels to find a way home.
Rick Berman
迈克尔·皮勒 Michael Piller
Jeri Taylor
凯特·穆格鲁 Kate Mulgrew
罗伯特·贝尔特兰 Robert Beltran
罗克珊·道森 Roxann Dawson
罗伯特·邓肯·麦克尼尔 Robert Duncan McNeill
伊桑·菲利普斯 Ethan Phillips
罗伯特·皮卡多 Robert Picardo
蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Russ
Garrett Wang
洁蕊·瑞恩 Jeri Ryan
第 3 季 共 26 集

第 1 集 Basics (2)
Stardate: 50023.4<br /> <br /> Voyager is captured by the Kazon and the crew are dumped on a planet in its early stages of evolution. As only Tom Paris and Lon Suder have evaded capture, it's up to them and the EMH to come up with a plan to retake the ship.

第 2 集 Flashback
Stardate: 50126.4<br /> <br /> After falling ill to what appears to be a repressed memory Tuvok must perform a mind-meld with Captain Janeway in order to survive. The meld takes them back to when Tuvok was a junior science officer aboard the U.S.S. Excelsior under the command of Captain Hikaru Sulu.

第 3 集 The Chute
Stardate: 50156.2<br /> <br /> Paris and Kim are sent to an Akritian prison after being accused of a terrorist bombing.

第 4 集 The Swarm
Stardate: 50252.3<br /> <br /> Voyager encounters a region of space owned by a mysterious race of aliens that would take 15 months to go around. Upon crossing the boundaries, a swarm of ships attach themselves to Voyager's hull - an act which drains the ship's power supplies and threatens to destroy it.

第 5 集 False Profits
Stardate: 50074.3<br /> <br /> A pair of Ferengi is found masquerading as Gods to a culture still in its Bronze Age. It is discovered that they had arrived through the Barzan Wormhole, which leads back to the Alpha Quadrant, however, its Delta Quadrant end is highly unstable and always moving.

第 6 集 Remember
Stardate: 50203.1<br /> <br /> After Voyager encounter a telepathic species, B'Elanna starts having powerful dreams that depict the life of a woman and her lover in a time of great political and social upheaval.

第 7 集 Sacred Ground
Stardate: 50063.2<br /> <br /> Captain Janeway has to undergo a rigorous ritual in order to save Kes' life when she is knocked unconscious.

第 8 集 Future's End (1)
Stardate: Unknown<br /> <br /> Both Voyager and a 29th century Federation Timeship, the Aeon are pulled back in time to Earth in the late 20th century. The Timeship Aeon crashes in Arizona during the 1960's, while Voyager appears in orbit around Earth during 1996.

第 9 集 Future's End (2)
Stardate: 50312.5<br /> <br /> While trying to rescue Paris and Tuvok, Torres and Chakotay are captured by a gang of weapons smugglers who believe that they are from the government.

第 10 集 Warlord
Stardate: 50348.1<br /> <br /> An injured alien named Tieran transfers his consciousness into Kes' mind moments before he dies. He then gains control over her and begins using her abilities to steal a shuttlecraft and return to his home world to attempt a political coup.

第 11 集 The Q and the Grey
Stardate: 50384.2<br /> <br /> Voyager encounters several supernova in a small region of space. Time soon reveals that it is the after effects of a civil war within the Q-Continuum. Q appears and believes that the solution to the problem is for him to produce a child, and his mate of choice is Captain Kathryn Janeway. Matters are complicated when a jealous female Q appears claiming that Q was her boyfriend.

第 12 集 Macrocosm
After returning from a first contact mission, Janeway, Neelix and the Doctor must retake Voyager from an infestation of microorganisms that grow to an alarming size.

第 13 集 Fair Trade
Stardate: Unknown<br /> <br /> Voyager encounters a region of space named the Nekrit Expanse. Since Neelix has no knowledge about the space after this point, he tries to make himself feel useful to the crew by trying to obtain a map from an old friend named Wixiban, who uses him as a courier for illegal substances.

第 14 集 Alter Ego
Stardate: 50460.3<br /> <br /> Ensign Kim asks Tuvok to teach him Vulcan emotional control techniques when he falls in love with a holodeck character named Marayna. Kim soon becomes jealous when he sees Tuvok interacting with her behind his back as she tries to seduce him.

第 15 集 Coda
Stardate: 50518.6<br /> <br /> Captain Janeway repeatedly dies after she and Chakotay crash into a planet in what appears to be a time loop. Soon, her deceased father appears and tells her that she is dead and must accept her situation and move on.

第 16 集 Blood Fever
Stardate: 50537.2<br /> <br /> Ensign Vorik expresses his desire to mate with B'Elanna during his Pon-Farr. After they get in a brawl over the matter, Torres begins showing signs of the Pon-Farr herself.

第 17 集 Unity
Stardate: 50614.2<br /> <br /> During an away mission, Chakotay discovers a Federation hailing signature coming from an alien planet. After landing, he learns that all is not peaceful, and those helping him have not been entirely honest about their true origins.

第 18 集 Darkling
Stardate: 50693.2<br /> <br /> When the doctor tries to improve his personality by incorporating the psychological profiles of famous and historical people, he is overwhelmed by their dark sides and begins exhibiting signs of a split personality, one the regular doctor, and the other dark and evil. Kes asks to leave Voyager when they encounter a race with vast knowledge of the region of space they are currently exploring.

第 19 集 Rise
Stardate: Unknown<br /> <br /> Neelix is pushed to the limits when Tuvok's attitude becomes too much to bear while the pair is on an away mission to help evacuate a Nezu planet, which is being bombarded with asteroids.

第 20 集 Favorite Son
Stardate: 50732.4<br /> <br /> Harry Kim experiences strong senses of deja vu in an unknown region of space. He soon learns that he is native to this region and that he is T'Karian, not human.

第 21 集 Before and After
Stardate: 50973<br /> <br /> Kes begins traveling backwards through time from the moment of her death. With each shift, she comes closer to a solution but she also grows months and years younger at a time.

第 22 集 Real Life
Stardate: 50863.2<br /> <br /> The Doctor decides he should create a holographic family in order to expand himself. When B'Elanna is disgusted by its unrealistic perfectionism, she alters the program to include random events and outcomes with interesting and devastating results.

第 23 集 Distant Origin
Stardate: Unknown<br /> <br /> An alien paleontologist discovers a common ancestral link between his people and humans. He believes that this proves that his people (the Voth) evolved on Earth and migrated to the Delta Quadrant millions of years ago, but his government is not as willing to believe his interpretation of the evidence.

第 24 集 Displaced
Stardate: 50912.4<br /> <br /> Crew members are replaced one-by-one with aliens from an unknown race.

第 25 集 Worst Case Scenario
Stardate: 50953.4<br /> <br /> B'Elanna Torres discovers a holodeck program where Chakotay and the Maquis rebel against Janeway.

第 26 集 Scorpion (1)
Stardate: 50984.3<br /> <br /> Voyager finally enters Borg space, only to discover a threat more powerful than the Borg themselves.
星际迷航:航海家号 第三季 / 星空奇遇记(港):重返地球 第三季 / 星际争霸战(台):航海家号 第三季 / 星舰奇航记:重返地球 第三季 / 星舰迷航:重返地球 第三季

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