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The Big Picture with Kal Penn (2015)

电视 美国 英语 纪录片
EP01: 犯罪大企业 Crime, Inc. 本集的主题是组织犯罪,凯尔要探讨是什么让犯罪成为世上最富有的企业。他要揭露美国非法活动的热点,首先是佛蒙特,这里有个年轻人透过自家经营的酪农场贩卖毒品。另外节目还要介绍美国监狱最多的地方,即科罗拉多州的坎扬城。最后.. 查看全部
EP01: 犯罪大企业 Crime, Inc. 本集的主题是组织犯罪,凯尔要探讨是什么让犯罪成为世上最富有的企业。他要揭露美国非法活动的热点,首先是佛蒙特,这里有个年轻人透过自家经营的酪农场贩卖毒品。另外节目还要介绍美国监狱最多的地方,即科罗拉多州的坎扬城。最后还要跟着警方看他们如何打击犯罪,不是利用枪枝等武器,而是社群网站。 EP02: 寻宝线索 Treasure Hunt 这次凯尔要带你寻找真正的宝藏,有可能埋在你家地底深处,只要循着资料就能找到。现在的藏宝图是依循数据与追溯历史所组成,有可能让你得到非常大的报酬。我们要到内华达州的矿坑,那里以富含黄金着称,另外还要到俄亥俄州一座小镇,那里有人鸿运当头,因为他在阿姨家的阁楼找到价值三百万美元的棒球卡。 EP03: 性趣盎然 Sex Drive 美国近来有什么腥闻?你研究过高潮的科学吗?你的祖父母是否比你更「性福」?透过数据剖析,凯尔潘恩将带领大家一窥世界各地的闺房趣事。首先来到威斯康辛州的赫立。这个小镇为何能超越拉斯维加斯,成为美国脱衣舞俱乐部之冠呢?想知道哪个城市最有「性趣」吗?接下来就带大家到佛罗里达州的德雷比奇,看看有多少阿公、阿嬷性致勃勃。银发族的性病传染竟是成长最快速的一群。节目最后来到务实的瑞士。苏黎世开创欧洲第一家得来速妓院,购买情趣就像购买汉堡一样简单。 EP04: 恐怖病毒 Going Viral 本节目将告诉你全球各地传染病的成因和如何传播,以及这些传染病可能会变得比你想像得更危险。节目将带观众深入中国的活体动物市场,这里是全球最可怕传染病之一的源头。并跟着科学家进入实验室,看看这些第一线工作人员,如何与全世界最危险的生物--蚊子--奋战。此外,还要看看顶尖秘密实验室如何为美国做好准备,迎战可能发生的生化恐怖攻击。 EP05: 梦幻运动游戏 Fantasy Sports 本集节目将走访全球,准备打造一项终极梦幻运动产业,凯尔找到了最好的球员、球迷,甚至是吉祥物。我们将见到为何一个路易斯安那州小镇,能够培养出这么多职业美式足球选手?替喜欢的阿根廷足球队欢呼为何会有危险?以及要具备什么条件才能担任吉祥物?凯尔将归纳所有数字与统计资料,来组成「大局队」。 EP06: 无情天灾 Surviving Nature's Fury 本节目将探讨天灾,看看地球上某些最严重的灾区,正面临大自然最恶劣的天候。一年365天,天灾每天都在发生。我们前往德州圣安吉洛学习如何让天空下雨,一名气象学家正在对抗家乡多年来罕见的严重旱灾。生活在活火山脚下是什么样子?为何不搬到其他地方居住?我们带着疑惑遇见了密苏里州新马德里的一群好人,这里却是美国最不幸的天灾区,当你习惯了与地震、龙卷风与洪水三兄弟共处,最好随时有备无患。 EP07: 网路世界 Born To Be Wired 别被骗了,网际网路并非肉眼看不见或是只靠无线传播,我们的资料也不是真的储存「在云端」。今天的网路世界是由真实的地点组成,而且地点的位置比想像中更重要。本集节目将描绘出当今的高科技面貌,跟随资料和数据将让人惊讶地发现,加州的嬉皮、罗马尼亚的诈骗高手、与迈阿密海滩拾荒者,如何将自己的社群变成技术上的热点?愤怒鸟真的比电话还重要吗?谁家的祖母意外的为了全国利益而服务?请看主持人凯尔潘恩解构人们彼此之间的关联性。 EP08: 无所不吃 Eat This! 由于人类有上千种植物可食用,以及从蟋蟀到负鼠各种肉类可选择,「晚餐吃什么」这个问题,将出现令人惊讶的答案。跟着主持人凯尔潘恩剖析全球口味,端出不太常见、不太合法和非常奇怪的饮食。我们从佛州奥兰多出发,见过一生只吃乳酪披萨的男人,再到墨西哥瓦哈卡州,在那儿蚱蜢才是当红美食。最后要踏上非法私酿酒的小径,看这笔生意如何从蛮荒之森扩展至全美各地。 EP09: 入侵太空 Space Invasion 本集节目要探讨我们如何能在外太空过得自在,从卫星定位系统到电视转播,我们有许多日常的活动都得仰赖外太空。我们会拜访异世界般的犹他州沙漠,那里有一群想要移民火星的人,正在模拟在这颗红色星球上的生活,以便探索这种生活的可能性。在堪萨斯州的哈维兰,我们要去寻找四万年前在布伦罕大规模陨石雨坠落的陨石。我们也要跟一群年轻爱好者,一同打造与发射自制卫星。 EP10: 垃圾聚宝盆 Cash For Trash 废弃物?垃圾?又臭又恶心的东西?无论是丢弃、重新利用或是倒入马桶冲掉,人遇到垃圾都只想离得越远越好。不过只要看看数据,你很快就会发现自己浪费了一些大好机会。世界各地都有聪明的人善用我们的垃圾,并且靠垃圾发大财。请跟本节目主持人凯尔潘恩,一同探讨路边的垃圾到底有多值钱。 EP11: 人体城市 Body City 人的身体非常复杂,很难掌握里面到底怎么运作。我们可以把身体跟我们每天看得到、在周遭运作的城市做比较。欢迎来到人体都会:你体内的城市。这个节目追溯迷人且出乎意料的人体地图,一路上我们会探访印制人耳的实验室;在肮脏的匹兹堡车库里,有生物「骇客」正为自己的身体升级;还有一座满是死尸的森林。这都是为了更加了解我们是谁、由何构成、前往何处。就像任何城市一样,我们会看着人体都会兴起、演化、最终崩塌。 EP12: 被遗忘的地方 Off The Map 本节目将探索不为人知、错误标示,或根本没出现在地图上的地方。凯尔来到了华府住宅区,要调查藏身其中的政府神秘通讯碉堡。另外,他也将了解一群公民科学家如何震撼海底探险社群。以前,海洋探险是要靠政府赞助的庞大计划,如今这些海洋学家只用不到一千美元的经费,就能进行探险任务。不过并非每个地方都能透过科技的方式戡测。本节目将拜访的地下洞穴,只有一个方法能戡测,那就是爬进去。



主演:Kal Penn / Gilbert Soto / Eric Cahill





A variety of topics are analyzed using interviews and data collection to create information maps with statistics.
第 1 季 共 12 集

第 1 集 Crime, Inc.
Explore how the small, rural town of St. Albans, Vermont, is making big money for drug dealers; how the local economy in Canon City, Colorado, benefits from incarceration; and how the gangs in Washington, D.C., compete to control territory, a fight that is happening more and more through social media.

第 2 集 Treasure Hunt
We’re on a quest to dig up the goods, from the most remote ends of the earth to our own backyards. And we’re charting a course to where X really does mark the spot of buried treasure. We’ll travel to northeastern Nevada, where more gold has been found than in the entire California Gold Rush. And in Defiance, Ohio, we’ll meet a family who discovered a bin of old baseball cards and found out that these rare collectibles are worth millions. Finally, we journey to Lodz, Poland, with treasure hunters seeking gold and jewels thought to be lost forever from World War II.

第 3 集 Sex Drive
All sex is not created equal, and some places are blessed with more of it than others. We travel to Hurley, Wisconsin, a town with the unlikely distinction of being the Strip Club Capital of America. Know where to find the fastest-growing group of sexually active people? We head to Delray Beach, Florida, where senior citizens are turning retirement communities into sexual meccas. And as more countries experiment with legalized prostitution, we journey to Switzerland, to a drive-in brothel in Zurich.

第 4 集 Going Viral
When an idea goes viral, it spreads like a disease. When a sickness goes viral, all of us are at risk. Whether it starts with animals, humans or bombs, how can we improve our chances of surviving the next global pandemic? At the Centers for Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta, a researcher studies mosquitoes (the world’s most dangerous animals) by letting them suck blood from his arms. Starting in the Hong Kong hotel where SARS turned into an epidemic, we trace how the disease spread worldwide. In a top secret U.S. government lab in Los Alamos, New Mexico, researchers track biological weapons around the world and map their potential impact.

第 5 集 Fantasy Sports
Data and number crunching have taken over the world of sports. The highest proportion of NFL players comes from the small towns of the Louisiana bayou, thanks to a unique combination of roads, talent and history. We travel to Argentina to meet the highly organized soccer hooligans of Buenos Aires, who look more like a mafia than a fan club. Picking a name and mascot for your team is a serious business. Is it better to go for a top name (“‘Eagles” is most popular in the U.S.) or a rare one?

第 6 集 Surviving Nature’s Fury
As we build an overlapping map of natural disaster threats around the world, we make an unsettling discovery: Mother Nature has handed us our eviction notice, and almost no place is truly safe. Drought is a major threat around the world, and in San Angelo, Texas, pilots are fighting back by seeding the clouds to create weather the local ranchers desperately need. We travel to Iceland to delve into a town on the edge of a volcano where residents dodge molten lava and constantly rebuild as eruptions eat their property. The U.S. has more damaging weather and disaster threats than any other nation, and the epicenter of it all is New Madrid, Missouri, home to the biggest earthquake in American history, along with a laundry list of other potentially deadly natural disasters.

第 7 集 Born to be Wired
We explore the role LSD played in making Silicon Valley the hub of today's PC and Internet revolutions and journey to a town in Romania that is getting rich from running Internet scams that milk unsuspecting victims out of millions.

第 8 集 Eat This!
We're building a plate of the world's most popular dishes, including going to the number one pizza town in the U.S. to meet a guy who has lived on nothing but pizza for 25 years.

第 9 集 Cash for Trash
They say that one man's trash is another man's treasure. But in the right hands, all trash has the potential to be treasure.

第 10 集 Space Invasion
At the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, a group of ambitious scientists is conducting research into how humans could survive on Mars.

第 11 集 Body City
Think of the human body as a city unto itself, with buildings, utilities, traffic patterns and rules and regulations that make the whole place hum. Our bodies aren't done evolving — they have urban development too, in the form of new technology implanted to enhance our abilities.

第 12 集 Off the Map
You’d think after thousands of years of exploring and mapping the earth that we’d know where everything is by now. Well, we don’t. Not even close. We’re going on a global quest to reveal the mislabeled, the mysterious and the just plain missing places off the map. We travel to Washington, D.C., to discover that the U.S. government has its own maps, and they reveal a very different country where top secret installations are connected by unmarked roads and underground tunnels.

National Geographic
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