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十字架与吸血姬 CAPU2

ロザリオとバンパイア CAPU2 (2008)

电视 日本 日语 剧情 动画
青野月音(岸尾大辅 配音)是一个平凡的高中男生,在升学考试之中,月音发挥失常,导致了无学可上的尴尬局面,就在此时,一间名为阳海学园的学校向月音抛出了橄榄枝,这是月音继续接受教育唯一的希望了,月音当然毫不犹豫的接受了。 然而,阳海学园可不是什么普通的学校,这是一所.. 查看全部
青野月音(岸尾大辅 配音)是一个平凡的高中男生,在升学考试之中,月音发挥失常,导致了无学可上的尴尬局面,就在此时,一间名为阳海学园的学校向月音抛出了橄榄枝,这是月音继续接受教育唯一的希望了,月音当然毫不犹豫的接受了。 然而,阳海学园可不是什么普通的学校,这是一所专门供给各种各样的妖怪们学习的学校,照理来说,人类是不可以进入校园的,一旦被发现真实身份,便会被妖怪们杀死。一次偶然中,月音邂逅了名为萌香(水树奈奈 配音)的吸血鬼少女,萌香意外的发现月音的血有着至高无上的美味,于是决定帮助月音隐瞒身份,在这所学校里生存下去。

导演:稻垣隆行 / 太田雅彦 / 矢花馨

编剧:山口宏 / 池田晃久

主演:水树奈奈 / 岸尾大辅 / 斋藤千和 / 福圆美里 / 古山贵实子 / 钉宫理惠 / 井上喜久子 / 关智一 / 千叶纱子 / 子安武人 / 矢作纱友里 / 后藤沙绪里 / 阿澄佳奈 / 真堂圭 / 本多知惠子 / 皆口裕子 / 川村万梨阿 / 国府田麻理子 / 冰上恭子 / 松本和香子 / 七绪春日 / 小岛幸子 / 桧山修之 / 加濑康之 / 三宅健太 / 佐藤正治 / 堀内贤雄 / 鸟海浩辅 / 小野冢贵志 / 铃木千寻 / 兴津和幸 / 堀江一真 / 铃木恭辅 / 酒卷光宏 / 金光宣明 / 井上伦宏 / 森功至





Tskune accidentally gets on a bus to a school of monsters.
稻垣隆行 Takayuki Inagaki
太田雅彦 Masahiko Ôta
矢花馨 Yabana Kaoru
水树奈奈 Nana Mizuki
岸尾大辅 Daisuke Kishio
斋藤千和 Chiwa Saito
福圆美里 Misato Fukuen
古山贵实子 Kimiko Koyama
钉宫理惠 Rie Kugimiya
井上喜久子 Kikuko Inoue
关智一 Tomokazu Seki
千叶纱子 Saeko Chiba
第 2 季 共 13 集

第 1 集 Reunion and a Vampire
It has been one year since Tsukune entered Youkai School. After spring break, Tsukune hurries to school to reunite with Moka-san only to collide with a mysterious girl on a bicycle who was also extremely cute. In school, Moka and friends were quickly surrounded with fuss by the new students. In addition, a large amount of fan mail was found in the shoe cabinet of Moka which came from the new students who also adores her, but there was one special letter. A dangerous threatening letter that said, "I’m taking your life."

第 2 集 Little Sister and a Vampire
The new girl at school shares quite a history with Moka - they’re sisters! Back in the day, Moka was able to defeat her younger sibling every time they sparred. Now it looks like Kokoa is out for vengeance!

第 3 集 Mother and Child and a Vampire
While it is meant to enhance the relationships within a nuclear family so that the youthful student excels academically to prosperity, this Parents' Day at Youkai Academy becomes another day for both Mizore's mother Tsurara and Kurumu's mother Ageha to prosecute their long-standing rivalry that has proven to be a stalemate on all counts. Under the mirage of Tsukune as her daughter's boyfriend, both Tsurara and Ageha endeavor to coerce matrimonial copulation of Tsukune with their respective offspring. Hopefully Tsukune will survive the barrage of love...

第 4 集 Body Measurements and a Vampire
Yukari is bothered by the fact that she is still a child and with the help of someone, she has been given the chance to experience life as a grown up. Of all the possibilities of her new live, getting Tsukune's love is one of the top priorities. But while all the other boys - and girls - of the high school seem to react to her new appearance, the target of all her trouble seems to be ignorant to it. Will Yukari be able to change the tide?

第 5 集 Curry and a Vampire
Moka, Kurumu, Yukari and Mizore want to win Tsukune's affection by practicing on making a perfect curry dish. While Mizore is trying to improve her cooking by herself, Moka, Kurumu and Yukari are attending a cooking class with a very passionate teacher when it comes to Indian curry. But will all the cooking at Youkai Academy find a way to Tsukune's stomach and heart or will all attempts be in vain?

第 6 集 School Trip and a Vampire
The group goes on a field trip to the human world. While there Moka wants to spend more time with Tsukune, but Kurumu, Mizore and Yukari make it impossible as they try to get close to him themselves. Will Moka chan finally be able to get her private time with Tsukune or will she have to share once more?

第 7 集 Bathroom and a Vampire
Tsukune's decision to use a portion of his time on the field trip to pay his mother Kasumi a visit at home that is meant to be a quiet heartfelt family event, begins its metamorphsis into a circus when Moka follows Tsukune home, much to Kasumi's shock. But before long, the madness that usually fills Youkai Academy finds it way to Tsukune's home.

第 8 集 Youth and a Vampire
This episode holds multiple small comical story lines: from Ruby-san getting annoyed because of the short skirts that all girls are wearing to Nekonome-sensei trying out new clothes to wear and many more.

第 9 集 Skiing and a Vampire
A ski trip turns into disaster when Kokoa goes after Moka in the snow! After a massive avalanche roars down the mountain, Tsukune becomes trapped in a cave - and he’s not alone.

第 10 集 Pretty Boy and a Vampire
A new transfer student called Ijuuin Kotaro attends Youkai Academy. By muttering the words "Je t'aime", which is French for "I like you", he can control anyone who hears him mutter those words as he wish. Meanwhile, Kokoa is looking for her pet bat, Komori, who has disappeared. Kotaro eventually manages to hypnotize the entire female population (except Kokoa) and even Gin. Kokoa eventually deduces that Koutaro is really Komori in disguise, when he accidentally calls her "Kokoa-sama" and adds "dechu" at the end of his sentence. Tsukune eventually removes Moka's rosario and the Inner Moka defeats the student with Kokoa's help. Koumori returns to his original bat form, and one of his teeth falls off and releases some kind of dark spirit. At the end, Kokoa thanks her "Onee-sama" for saving, but Inner Moka told Kokoa to thank the other Moka for trying to save her, even if she was still under the spell. Kokoa still thinks the Outer Moka isn't her real "Onee-sama".

第 11 集 Lilith's Mirror and a Vampire
Tsukune's sister stops by the Academy for a visit, but chaos ensues when she gets her hands on a special mirror that has the power to reveal the true nature of the student body.

第 12 集 Holy Seal and a Vampire
Moka sacrifices her own rosary to seal the deteriorating barrier between the human world and the monster world. Will she ever be able to contain her true identity again?

第 13 集 Cross and Family and a Vampire
If they ever hope to see the sweet side of Moka again, Tsukune and the girls must survive the perilous journey through the demon world to confront a monster whose powers are even greater than Moka’s!
十字架与吸血鬼 第二季

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