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老友记 第二季

Friends (1995)

电视 美国 英语 / 意大利语 喜剧 爱情
罗斯(大卫·休默 David Schwimmer 饰)不知瑞秋(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)对他的感觉,并和老同学茱莉开始恋爱。瑞秋对此很不开心,并尝试破坏这一对恋人。已经开始新恋情的瑞秋在一次就酒醉时通过电话留言机跟罗斯表白。让罗斯在瑞秋和茱莉见无所适从,在钱德勒(马修·派瑞 Matthew Perry 饰)的建议下罗列两人的优缺点比较决定。但罗斯知道自己真正爱的还是.. 查看全部
罗斯(大卫·休默 David Schwimmer 饰)不知瑞秋(詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston 饰)对他的感觉,并和老同学茱莉开始恋爱。瑞秋对此很不开心,并尝试破坏这一对恋人。已经开始新恋情的瑞秋在一次就酒醉时通过电话留言机跟罗斯表白。让罗斯在瑞秋和茱莉见无所适从,在钱德勒(马修·派瑞 Matthew Perry 饰)的建议下罗列两人的优缺点比较决定。但罗斯知道自己真正爱的还是瑞秋,于是很快与茱莉分手。经历重重波折终于和瑞秋重新开始。乔伊(马特·理勃兰 Matt LeBlanc 饰)由于在肥皂剧扮演雷莫瑞医生大获成功,赚够钱可以住进自己的公寓。菲比(莉莎·库卓 Lisa Kudrow 饰)找到了同父异母的弟弟小弗兰克。莫妮卡(柯特妮·考克斯 Courteney Cox 饰)也开始与父亲的老朋友理查德交往。但孩子的问题让,一心想要孩子的莫妮卡忍痛与其分手。


编剧:玛尔塔·考夫曼 / 大卫·克拉尼

主演:詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 / 柯特妮·考克斯 / 丽莎·库卓 / 马特·勒布朗 / 马修·派瑞 / 大卫·休默





收视率最高的是第五季第十四集《Friends: The One Where Everybody Finds Out》(1999)小钱钱和莫妮卡被发现,和第十季第十八集《Friends: The Last One》(2004)即最后一集。

在剧集播出前,丽莎·库卓已经客串了《为你疯狂》(1992)两年,饰演Ursula Buffay。他们决定让菲比成为双胞胎,以创造两部剧的交叉集。


Follows the personal and professional lives of six twenty to thirty year-old friends living in the Manhattan borough of New York City.
迈克尔·莱拜克 Michael Lembeck
詹姆斯·伯罗斯 James Burrows
托马斯·施拉梅 Thomas Schlamme
凯文·布莱特 Kevin Bright
彼得·博内兹 Peter Bonerz
盖尔·曼库索 Gail Mancuso
玛丽·凯·普莱斯 Mary Kay Place
詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 Jennifer Aniston
饰 Rachel Green
柯特妮·考克斯 Courteney Cox
饰 Monica Geller
丽莎·库卓 Lisa Kudrow
饰 Phoebe Buffay
马特·勒布朗 Matt LeBlanc
饰 Joey Tribbiani
马修·派瑞 Matthew Perry
饰 Chandler Bing
第 2 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 The One with Ross's New Girlfriend
Rachel waits patiently at the airport for Ross, not knowing he is returning with a new girlfriend, Julie. Meanwhile, after giving Joey and Chandler new haircuts, Phoebe is persuaded to cut Monica's hair, but gives her an awful haircut. And Joey learns that his tailor is a very naughty man.

第 2 集 The One with the Breast Milk
The guys are uncomfortable with Carol's breast milk and Rachel is uncomfortable with Monica's growing friendship with Julie. Meanwhile, Joey competes with a fellow cologne spritzer for the affections of a beautiful colleague.

第 3 集 The One Where Heckles Dies
After Mr. Heckles dies and leaves all his belongings to Monica and Rachel, Chandler discovers eerie similarities between the late eccentric man and his own life. Ross and Phoebe have a dispute over the progression of evolution.

第 4 集 The One with Phoebe's Husband
The gang is amazed to learn that Phoebe married a gay Canadian ice dancer to help him get his green card. And Ross seeks relationship advice from Rachel after revealing that he and Julie have yet to consummate their relationship.

第 5 集 The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant
When a sexy woman calls the wrong number, Chandler seeks to make the most of the situation. And income issues divide the friends: the well-off Ross, Chandler and Monica versus the not-so-well-off Phoebe, Rachel and Joey. This all changes, however, when Monica is accused of taking kickbacks and fired.

第 6 集 The One with the Baby on the Bus
Chandler and Joey baby-sit Ross's son Ben and accidentally lose him while scoping babes on a bus. Phoebe loses her Central Perk singing gig to a professional singer. And Ross has an allergic reaction to Monica's kiwi-lime pie.

第 7 集 The One Where Ross Finds Out
A drunken Rachel is persuaded to call Ross and reveals her feelings for him on his answering machine. And when he finds out, he must make the choice between her and Julie. Meanwhile, Monica finds work as Chandler's personal trainer and Phoebe has a hard time trying to get her boyfriend to have sex with her.

第 8 集 The One with the List
Ross must choose between Rachel and Julie and enlists Joey and Chandler's help in making a list of the pros and cons of each. Big mistake. Meanwhile, Monica gets a job making food with a synthetic chocolate substitute called Mockolate.

第 9 集 The One with Phoebe's Dad
It's Christmas time and Monica tries tipping with cookies, rather than cash, with mixed results. Phoebe learns that the guy in the picture frames her grandmother keeps around is not her father and tries to track down her real father. And Chandler and Joey wait too late to shop for presents.

第 10 集 The One with Russ
Monica gets back together with Fun Bobby, but discovers that when he's not drinking, he's not so fun. Joey wins the role of Dr. Drake Ramoray, a neurosurgeon, on Days of Our Lives. And Rachel, dating a guy named Russ, can't see his uncanny resemblance to Ross.

第 11 集 The One with the Lesbian Wedding
Ross's ex and her lesbian lover tie the knot, providing Monica with a job: catering the wedding. Phoebe is possessed by the spirit of an eighty-two year old massage client who dies in the middle of a session. Mrs. Adelman cannot depart until she's "seen everything" (needless to say, her spirit departs after the lesbian wedding). And Rachel's mom comes to visit and drops a bombshell: she's getting divorced from Rachel's dad.

第 12 集 The One After the Super Bowl (1)
Ross goes to visit Marcel while on a trip to California, and finds that the monkey is working in commercials. Joey gets his first fan letter and ends up dating the woman, who turns out to be a stalker who thinks that the happenings on Days of Our Lives are real. Phoebe is asked to sing for the children at the library, but their parents are horrified by her lyrics.

第 13 集 The One After the Super Bowl (2)
Rachel and Monica compete for the affections of Jean-Claude Van Damme after meeting him on a movie set. Chandler meets a former schoolmate, a makeup artist, who seems to have the hots for him. An excited Joey gets a role as an extra in the movie and Ross and Marcel go on a whirlwind tour of the city.

第 14 集 The One with the Prom Video
After getting his big break, with Days of Our Lives, Joey pays Chandler back with $812 and an extremely tacky bracelet. Also, an unemployed Monica is hard up for money. And Monica and Rachel's prom video reveals Monica's former girth, Rachel's former nose and the way Ross has always felt about Rachel. This video brings Rachel to forgive Ross for the list.

第 15 集 The One Where Ross and Rachel... You Know
Joey buys a big screen TV and two leather recliners with his newfound money. He and Chandler then spend a day refusing to leave the chairs. They even have food delivered to the girls apartment so they don't have to answer the door. Monica has a catering job for a friend of her parents, the attractive Dr. Burke. She ends up kissing him the next day at an un-needed eye exam and though there is a 21-year age difference between them, they begin dating. Ross and Rachel attempt to have their first real date, but Rachel laughs every time they kiss. When they try again the next evening, they are interrupted when Ross is called into the museum. It's too late to go to the restaurant so they have a picnic in the planetarium and end up waking up the next day naked in the display area with a group of Catholic school children looking in.

第 16 集 The One Where Joey Moves Out
After having a fight with Chandler, Joey decides to move out. Rachel and Phoebe decide to get tattoos. And on his birthday, Mr. Geller receives the unsettling news that his best friend, Richard, and his daughter, Monica, are dating.

第 17 集 The One Where Eddie Moves In
Phoebe is discovered by a record producer who wants to make "Smelly Cat" a video. Ross's new relationship with Rachel makes Monica feel like she's living with her brother again...and she hates it. And Joey considers moving back in with Chandler, but Chandler has a new roommate.

第 18 集 The One Where Dr. Ramoray Dies
Chandler finds out that Eddy is not only much less fun than Joey, but positively crazy. Ross is stressing out to learn that Rachel had 'animal sex' with Paolo; Richard and Monica are uncomfortable to learn she is only his second lover, while he is the last in a long row; there's a logistical dilemma for both couples' make up-sex. After Joey tells a TV digest he 'rewrites some of his dialogs on DOOL', an insulted scenarist writes his character Dr. Drake Ramoray to fall to his death, ending his DOOL-career.

第 19 集 The One Where Eddie Won't Go
Creeped out by his bizarre new roommate, Chandler demands he move out. Eddie agrees...but doesn't go. Joey has trouble coming to grips with the death of Dr. Drake Ramoray and the accompanying change in his lifestyle. And a new book on empowerment of women inspires the female friends to have a "goddess meeting."

第 20 集 The One Where Old Yeller Dies
Phoebe's world view is shattered when she learns how "Old Yeller" really ends. Monica becomes jealous when Richard begins going out with other people, namely Joey and Chandler. And Rachel becomes upset when she learns that Ross has planned their whole life together.

第 21 集 The One with the Bullies
Chandler and Ross run into two bullies at the coffee shop; one of whom steals Chandler's hat. After trying to avoid them, the guys confront the bullies and are ready to fight. When a thief steals their stuff, the bullies join Ross and Chandler in trying to get it back. Monica, down to her last few dollars of savings, plays the stock market based solely on the ticker symbols. After she loses it all she's forced to take a job at a 50s theme restaurant where she'll have to dance and wear "flame retardant boobs." Phoebe makes multiple attempts to go visit her birth father and when she finally does, she finds out he's no longer there. She does meet her half-brother, though.

第 22 集 The One with the Two Parties
The gang plans a surprise party for Rachel, but the real surprise is when both of her estranged parents show up for the same party. "Think!" urges Chandler. "What would Jack and Chrissy do?" Why, split it into two parties, of course -- one for each parent. But complications inevitably ensue.

第 23 集 The One with the Chicken Pox
Ryan, a guy in the navy who Phoebe used to go out with is coming to the city for 2 whole weeks. Ben has chicken pox and everybody except Phoebe has had them. So of course Phoebe has the chicken pox now but unfortunately Ryan hasn't had them but he wouldn't let the pox stand between them. Chandler organizes a job as a processor for Joey and Joey does a little too much acting like he was a processor. Ryan and Phoebe both have the chicken pox and the itching drives them crazy. Joey is really annoying at work and always ratting Chandler out. They agree that Joey will quit...

第 24 集 The One with Barry and Mindy's Wedding
Rachel agrees to be maid of honor at her ex-fiancé's wedding, but a fashion faux pas focuses attention away from the bride. To get a role in Warren Beatty's new movie, Joey needs to practice kissing...guys. Monica ponders her future with Richard and Chandler falls for a mystery woman on the Internet...who turns out to be Janice!
英语 / 意大利语
六人行 第二季 / 都市六人行 第二季 / F·R·I·E·N·D·S / Six of One

7.0 5.3
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