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远古外星人 第十九季

Ancient Aliens (2023)

电视 美国 英语 纪录片 历史
《古代外星人》节目组探讨了外星人造访地球已有数百万年之久这一有争议的理论。从恐龙时代到古埃及,从早期洞穴绘画到美国的目击事件。每一集都为围绕问题辩论、第一手资料和基础理论提供了历史性的深度。几千年前,来自外太空的智慧生物是否曾造访过地球? Ancient Ali.. 查看全部
《古代外星人》节目组探讨了外星人造访地球已有数百万年之久这一有争议的理论。从恐龙时代到古埃及,从早期洞穴绘画到美国的目击事件。每一集都为围绕问题辩论、第一手资料和基础理论提供了历史性的深度。几千年前,来自外太空的智慧生物是否曾造访过地球? Ancient Aliens explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years. From the age of the dinosaurs to ancient Egypt, early cave drawings to sightings in the US. Each episode gives historic depth to the questions, first-hand accounts and grounded theories surrounding the debate. Did intelligent beings from outer space visit Earth thousands of years ago? ; 第十九季 (播出目录) (2023) Season 19 , S19E01 UFO热点连接 UFO Hotspots Connection (2023年01月06日播出); S19E02 作物圈代码 The Crop Circle Code (2023年01月13日播出); S19E03 失落神庙之谜 Mystery of the Lost Temple (2023年01月20日播出); S19E04 方尖碑的力量 The Power of the Obelisks (2023年02月03日播出); S19E05 UFO互动网文件 The MUFON Files (2023年02月10日播出); S19E06 宇宙影响 Cosmic Impacts (2023年02月17日播出); S19E07 第五类邂逅 Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind (2023年02月24日播出); S19E08 阿拉斯加之谜 The Mysteries of Alaska (2023年03月03日播出); S19E09 外星人在我们的空域 Aliens in our Airspace (2023年03月10日播出); S19E10 马耳他巨人族 The Giants of Malta (2023年03月17日播出); S19E11 十大金字塔遗址 The Top Ten Pyramid Sites (2023年06月30日播出); S19E12 十大神秘设备 The Top Ten Mysterious Devices (2023年07月07日播出); S19E13 十大神秘岛屿 The Top Ten Mysterious Islands (2023年07月14日播出); S19E14 十大外星飞船 The Top Ten Alien Craft (2023年07月21日播出); S19E15 埃德加·凯西:沉睡的先知 Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet (2023年08月04日播出); S19E16 希腊众神 The Gods Of Greece (2023年08月11日播出); S19E17 幽浮新猎人 The New UFO Hunters (2023年08月18日播出); S19E18 魔符的力量 Power Of The Talisman (2023年08月25日播出); S19E19 十大深海谜团 The Top Ten Mysteries Of The Deep (2023年09月08日播出); S19E20 十大外星象形文字 The Top Ten Alien Petroglyphs (2023年09月15日播出);

导演:David Childress 大卫·柴尔德里斯

编剧:Robert Clotworthy 罗伯特·克洛沃西

主演:Giorgio A. Tsoukalos 乔治·A·索卡罗斯





Science and mythology - and how they are the same thing.
第 19 季 共 20 集

第 1 集 The Hotspot Connection
Studies have shown that up to 70% of all UFO sightings happen in so-called ‘hotspots’ where reports of visions, mysterious lights and unusual phenomena are regularly witnessed–and not only in modern times, but dating back thousands of years. Could there be something about these locations that attracts extraterrestrial visitors?

第 2 集 The Crop Circle Code
More than 10,000 crop circle formations have been documented in over 50 countries, and many display properties that defy conventional explanations. Are they of otherworldly origin? And if so, what is their purpose? Could it be that reconnection with our alien ancestors will only come when we finally crack the crop circle code?

第 3 集 Mystery of the Lost Civilization
The discovery of the ancient megalithic site of Karahan Tepe in southern Turkey turned the world of archaeology on its head, displaying engineering skills far beyond what the people of the time were thought to be capable of. But could new evidence reveal that this more than 11,000-year-old complex was built not by humans…but giants?

第 4 集 The Power of the Obelisks
The towering obelisks of ancient Egypt weigh hundreds of tons and each was perfectly carved from a single granite rock. While mainstream scholars identify them as monuments to the pharaohs, Ancient Astronaut Theorists suggest they may have served a technological purpose–they powered a technology that allowed for communication with the gods who came from the stars.

第 5 集 The MUFON Files
The Mutual UFO Network is an organization devoted to the scientific investigation of unidentified aerial phenomena and other unexplained encounters; with more than five decades of investigations, MUFON's extensive database could contain proof.

第 6 集 Cosmic Impacts
Meteor impacts have significantly altered our world, creating the perfect environment for the rise of humankind and delivering metals essential to the development of an advanced civilization. But could new evidence reveal that celestial objects have been directed to Earth by an alien intelligence?

第 7 集 Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind
The Center for the Study of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence defines a “Close Encounter of The Fifth Kind” as direct human contact and communication with extraterrestrial life. But is this a classification that will only be useful in the distant future, or have such encounters already taken place… and within the highest levels of the U.S. government?

第 8 集 The Mysteries of Alaska
The vast Alaskan wilderness is known for mysterious disappearances, electromagnetic anomalies, stories of strange creatures and UFO sightings; Alaska's many mysteries could be due to a presence that is not of this world.

第 9 集 Aliens in our Airspace
Terrifying encounters at 40,000 feet. Pilot accounts of UFOs taking control of their aircraft. Entire jumbo jets disappearing into thin air. Since the dawn of aviation, pilots have experienced unexplainable events in the sky. Could they have witnessed aliens in our airspace?

第 10 集 The Giants of Malta
Enormous, megalithic structures of mysterious origins. A vast underground complex containing the remains of what some believe to be otherworldly beings. Could the ancient mysteries that exist on the Mediterranean islands of Malta be connected to local legends of alien visitation–and giant hybrid beings?

第 11 集 The Top Ten Pyramid Sites
Ancient Aliens is counting down the world’s top ten pyramid sites, from a valley in Peru with over 250 hidden pyramids to an ancient Greek city with mysterious 4800-year-old ruins to Egypt’s famous Giza Plateau. Could the extraordinary structures that stand at these sites provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

第 12 集 The Top Ten Mysterious Devices
Ancient Aliens is counting down the world’s top ten mysterious devices, from strange, grooved disks found in a cave in China to an ancient Greek computer to an incredible crystal skull unearthed in Mexico. Might these sensational artifacts provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

第 13 集 The Top Ten Mysterious Islands
Ancient Aliens is counting down the world’s top ten mysterious islands, including sites said to be home to giants, remote landmasses that are home to massive megalithic structures, and even islands that disappear into thin air. Could these incredible sites provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

第 14 集 The Top Ten Alien Craft
Around the world and throughout history, people have reported seeing very similar types of unidentified objects in the sky. Now, Ancient Aliens is counting down the top ten alien craft, from V-shaped objects to orbs of light to flying saucers. Could the ubiquity of these sightings provide evidence of extraterrestrial visitation?

第 15 集 Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet
In the early 1900s, a modern-day prophet from the hills of Kentucky became a worldwide sensation: Edgar Cayce. He claimed to receive visions of both the past and the future while in a trance, he healed the sick, and alleged to have encounters with otherworldly beings. Could it be that Edgar Cayce was a vessel used to carry out an alien agenda?

第 16 集 The Gods of Greece
More than 3,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks built an empire that is considered the birthplace of Western Civilization, and they credited their most monumental achievements to gods like Zeus, Apollo, and Poseidon. But is it possible that these powerful beings from Mt. Olympus were, in fact, extraterrestrial visitors to Earth?

第 17 集 The New UFO Hunters
In the 21st century, UFOs have gone from fringe science to mainstream obsession. A new generation of UFO hunters is employing incredible technology, and Unidentified Flying Objects are being openly investigated by the government. Are we closer than ever to understanding the strange events happening in our skies?

第 18 集 Power of the Talisman
For thousands of years, people have held the belief that everyday objects can possess hidden energy; talismans are seen to provide protection, good fortune, and some are thought to embody a higher power.

第 19 集 The Top Ten Mysteries of the Deep
Counting down 10 mysteries of the deep, from sunken continents to puzzling ruins on the ocean floor and even artifacts that might be remnants of Atlantis; these underwater mysteries could provide a record of extraterrestrial visitation.

第 20 集 The Top Ten Alien Petroglyphs
"Ancient Aliens" is looking at alien petroglyphs around the world; from strange, human-like figures to flying craft and carvings of what appear to be astronauts.
Ancient Aliens Series / 来自远古星星的你 / 远古外星理论

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