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兄弟姐妹 第四季

Brothers & Sisters (2009)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 家庭
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欢迎登录YYETS查看最新剧集及动态 中文名: 兄弟姐妹 第四季 英文名称: Brothers and Sisters Season 4 首播时间: 2009年9月27日 官方网站: IMDB链接: 演员: Patricia Wettig 饰 Holly Harper Emily VanCamp 饰 Rebecca Harper Ron Rifkin 饰 Saul Holden Matthew Rhys 饰 Kevin Walker Sarah Jane Morris 饰 Julia Walker Rob Lowe 饰 Robert McCallister Rachel Griffiths 饰 Sarah Walker Balthazar Getty 饰 Thomas Walker Calista Flockhart 饰 Kitty Walker McCallister Sally Field 饰 Nora Walker Dave Annable 饰 Justin Walker Luke Macfarlane 饰 Scotty Wandell 地区: 美国 语言: 英语 简介: [以下简介转自天涯小筑] 《兄弟姐妹》是一部由制片人Ken Olin和Jon Robin Baitz导演的电视剧。住在洛杉矶的沃克一家是一个传统的美国家庭,成年的兄弟姐妹们包括莎拉·威顿,汤米·沃克,凯文·沃克,贾斯汀·沃克和凯蒂·沃克。他们都很努力的去实现父母期望。剧中同时也涉及其他许多人的生活,比如诺拉的哥哥索尔·霍顿,汤米的妻子朱莉娅·沃克,凯文的亲密伴侣斯科特还有神秘的赫莉·海派尔及其女儿瑞贝卡·海派尔。一大家子的人每天都努力的生活。 Brothers and Sisters 的取材角度正是当今美国人生活中最困惑的地方--总是面临各种压力、各种两难选择,总是想不断超越自我。Sarah(Rachel Griffiths),一个事业成功的社团副总裁,为了事业和婚姻两不误,选择回到家族来打理生意;Tommy(Balthazar Getty),对家族忠心耿耿,但是却喜欢整天偎翠依红,泡在温柔乡里;Kevin (Matthew Rhys),律师,一个同性恋,对爱情总是小心谨慎;Justin (Dave Annable),兄弟姐妹中的小弟弟,痛苦地与战争所带来的创伤和毒品做斗争;还有Kitty (Calista Flockhart),右翼电台的主持人,电视评论家,总是父亲眼中的小姑娘。通过这些有趣的角色,本剧想要揭示究竟一个21世纪的美国家庭究竟什么最重要,家中的这些兄弟姐妹在平衡各自利益的前提下,又该如何处理好与父母的观念隔阂? 家族中的长辈是父亲William Walker(Tom Skerritt )和母亲Nora Holden(Sally Field)。父亲作为一家之长,一生颇具传奇色彩,他也是家族生意的总裁。母亲则是个固执己见的女人。其他角色包括:Saul Holden(Ron Rifkin)是Nora Holden的兄弟,一个花花公子;Joe(John Pyper-Ferguson)是大女儿Sarah的丈夫;Julia(Sarah Jane Morris)是Tommy的妻子;还有一个神秘女人(Patricia Wettig)试图整跨Walkers家族的生意。 【人物介绍】 Kitty-McCallister.jpg 下载 (348.38 KB) 2009-10-31 13:27 Calista Flockhart 饰 Kitty Walker Calista Flockhart,一位受过古典艺术训练的舞台演员,在舞台上的古表演受到同行的称赞。因出演有煽动性有争议性的片子《Ally McBeal》,而一夜成名,倍受瞩目。Flockhart即将出演独立制作的惊险影片《Fragile》,由Jaume Balaguero导演。 近期,Flockhart回到老本行,表演名为《Bash》的舞台剧,她的表演受到Neil LaBute很高的赞扬,并且也得到很高的评论。在这之前,她还在由Scott Elliot知道的百老汇剧《The Three Sisters》出演邪恶而又自恋的Natasha。 Flockhart在百老汇的首次登台是在《The Glass Menagerie》中和Julie Harris演对手戏,因此她获得了世界戏剧奖和Clarence Derwent最佳新人奖。 Flockhart还在《Things You Can Tell Just by Looking at Her》中饰演女主角,饰演过的电影包括《A Midsummer Night's Dream》, 《The Birdcage》(该片在美国演员工会奖中获得最佳全体演员奖),还有《Telling Lies in America》等。 由David E. Kelley制作的《Ally McBeal》,是Flockhart在电视广播中出演的第一部电视剧,在其中扮演在法庭上寻找成功在生活中寻找执着的追求个人幸福的Harvard grad,这个角色是她赢得1997年的金球奖,1999年的大众评选奖,1998,1999和2001年艾米,大众评选,SAG,TV Guide和美国戏剧奖的提名。除此她还获得1998,1999和2000年的金球提名。还有很多国际奖项中电视剧最佳女主角的殊荣。 Justin Walker.jpg 下载 (435.98 KB) 2009-10-31 13:27 Dave Annable 饰 Justin Walker Dave Annable出生于New York州的Suffern市,生长于New York州北部的一个小镇Walden。他热衷于体育运动,他最喜爱的体育活动是曲棍球、篮球和橄榄球。 Annable为了实现其成为一名演员的梦想而来到了来到New York市。在其出演了Brittany Murphy的影片《Little Black Book》后,又为FOX台出演了2部电视剧,并因此获得了在影片《Reunion》中饰演Aaron一角。 Kevin Walker.jpg 下载 (324.68 KB) 2009-10-31 13:27 Matthew Rhys 饰 Kevin Walker 出生并成长于英国加的夫的一个城市,母语是威尔士语,说起英国口音韵味非常的足,当年很多国际品牌的广告旁白都是请他配的。 Nora Walker.jpg 下载 (377.83 KB) 2009-10-31 13:27 Sally Field 饰 Nora Walker 这位被无数少女追逐的女演员,是演员Margaret Field的女儿,她于1965以电视剧Gidget开始了其演艺生涯。随后,在1967年至1970年间出演了电视剧《The Flying Nun》。70年代中期,Field在影片《Quirky》中饰演一位女性领袖。而1976年在影片Sybil中的精彩演出为其夺得了一座Emmy奖杯。 1979年Field大胆颠覆自己的形象,出演了诸多不同的角色,在戏剧《Norma Rae》中的表演,为其夺得了当年学院奖的最佳女演员。在整个80年代,她塑造了多个角色:1981年在影片《Absence of Malice》中饰演一个野心勃勃的记者,1982年在影片《Kiss Me Goodbye》饰演一位受尽折磨得寡妇,1984年出演影片《Places in the Heart》。就像其他的影星一样,她开始自己指导影片。她所知道的影片有《Murphy's Romance 》(1985)、《Punchline》(1988)以及《Steel Magnolias》(1989)。 她在1991年又出演了2部影片《Not Without My Daughter》和《Soapdish》。同年,她第一次以制片人的身份制作了影片《The Julia Roberts》。1993年她为影片《Incredible Journeyshe》中的猫Sassy配音;同年在影片《Mrs. Doubtfire》中饰演Robin Williams。1994年在影片《Forrest Gump》中扮演Tom Hanks的母亲。随后她又以演员和制片人的身份重回电视荧屏,制作了电视短剧《A Woman of Independent Means》。 本剧中最大牌的一位演员,两届Oscar影后(而且是两次提名全中!),两座emmy(另三次提名),两座金球(另六次提名)。国内观众知道她大部分是因为阿甘正传中阿甘的妈妈这一角色,46年出生的她今年已经整整60岁了。 Sarah Walker.jpg 下载 (365.68 KB) 2009-10-31 13:28 Rachel Griffiths 饰 Sarah Walker 她的母亲Anna Griffiths是一位艺人经理人。她的叔叔是一位天主教牧师。她有两位哥哥,一个叫Ben,是位滑雪教练。5岁之前她一直居住在Queensland 的黄金海岸边,之后搬到Melbourne居住。在一家天主教会的女子学校开始了自己的演艺之路,在校期间还曾学过芭蕾。在她11岁那年,他的父亲和一位年仅18岁的女士私奔。自那以后她有多年没有见到过自己的父亲。那时,她的母亲是一位艺术教师,她独自一人挑起了养育孩子的重担。她取得了舞蹈和戏剧学位之后在Geelong的The Woolly Jumpers剧院里工作。1994年以影片《Muriel's Wedding》一炮走红。一次Oscar最佳女配提名,两次Emmy最佳女配提名(Six Feet Under)并凭借Six Feet Under获得了金球奖最佳女配另一次提名。 Robert McCallister.jpg 下载 (429.06 KB) 2009-10-31 13:27 Rob Lowe 饰 Senator Robert 出生于弗吉尼亚的夏洛茨维尔,成长于俄亥俄的代顿,Rob Lowe开始他的表扬生涯是在他八岁的时候,在当地的电视台以及剧院。在他的家庭在洛杉矶落脚以后,他出演ABC电视台的《A New Kind of Family》开始了国际性的正式表演。 连续四季都在NBC的力剧《The West Wing》扮演主角Sam Seaborn,在当时,该剧获得艾美奖的四项记录,Lowe因此也被提名。Lowe和他的妻子还有两个儿子现居住在加利福利亚。 holly.jpg 下载 (320.26 KB) 2009-10-31 13:27 Patricia Wettig 饰 Holly Harper PB迷们应该对她很熟悉,她就是越狱里面那位副总统Caroline Reynolds。Patricia Wettig因其在Nancy Weston中的出色表演而赢得了30岁左右人群的喜爱。她因饰演一位妻子和一位母亲与癌症博斗为其博得了2座emmy奖。而那时,她正在挽救她的婚姻和尽力发掘自身的表演天赋。Patricia出身于Cincinnati市,是一位Tennessee篮球教练的女儿。她起初担任Shirley MacLaine的化妆师, 并在New York为Circle Repertory公司服务了7年。1982年她在前往Portsmouth的一列火车上遇到了Ken Olin,他俩都是去出演影片《A street car named desire》。Patricia饰演Stella而Ken则饰演Stanley。他们都有自己的另一半,但是不久两人就坠入爱河。同年他们在 Connecticut州Patricia家里举行了婚礼。两人膝下育有两子,Clifford(生于1983年),Roxanne(生于1986年)。 1982年Patricia在影片《St. Elsewhere》中再次大获成功。她还在《Alias》中友情演出,饰演精神上有问题的Vaughn。《Alias》也是他们夫妇俩的再度携手合作,Ken在本片中担任制片人。凭借在thirtysomething中的精彩表现共获得三座emmy一座金球奖的剧情类最佳女主角。 Rebecca Harper.jpg 下载 (370.78 KB) 2009-10-31 13:27 Emily VanCamp 饰 Rebecca Harper 在电视剧和电影中令人难忘的身影,Emily VanCamp很快成为好莱坞的新兴演员。出演过WB的《Everwood》。接下来VanCamp将出演即将播映的惊险片《Carriers for Paramount》,由Alex和David Pastor导演和编剧。 近期出演过《The Ring 2》,《Lost & Delirious》和《No Good Deed》。 出生并成长于安大略的Port Perry,3岁就开始表演唱歌跳舞,12岁的时候搬到蒙特利尔,她的姐姐Katie也是一位舞蹈演员。 Saul Holden.jpg 下载 (365.29 KB) 2009-10-31 13:28 Ron Rifkin 饰 Saul Holden Ron Rifkin身高5英尺10英寸,1966年与Iva Rifkin结为夫妇。Rifkin于1998年凭借在影片《Broadway revival of Cabaret》中的表演,获得Tony奖的最佳男演员的提名。他的代表作有David Hirson的《Wrong Mountain》,Arthur Miller的《Broken Glass》,Turgenev的《Month in the Country》以及Neil Simon的《Proposals》。Rifkin最初在影片《Isaac Geldhart》中饰演Jon Robin Baitz,而因影片《Substance of Fire》使其获得Obie奖。Rifkin的电影代表作包括《Boiler Room》、《Keeping the Faith》、《The Negotiator》、《L.A. Confidential》,根据《Substance of Fire》而改变的影片,Woody Allen指导的《Husbands and Wives》以及《Manhattan Murder Mystery》。他出演过如下影片:《Hamptons》、《Wolf》、《JFK》、《The Sting II》、《The Big Fix》、《The Sunshine Boys》和《Silent Running》。在电视表演方面,Rifkin出演了不少根据电视剧而改变的电影和短剧,代表作有:《Flowers for Algernon》、《Norma Jean and Marilyn》、《The Sunset Gang》、《Concealed Enemies》、《Buying a Landslide》、《Evergreen》、《The Winds of War》以及《Dress Gray》。他出演的连续剧有:《One Day at a Time》和《The Trials of Rosie O'Neill》,在电视剧《ER》、《Law & Order》、《Falcon Crest》、《Soap》、《Hill Street Blues》和《The Outer Limits》中出演多个角色。98年获得Tony奖,和Sarah Jessica Parker是好朋友。 Scotty-Wandell.jpg 下载 (416.83 KB) 2009-10-31 13:28 Luke Macfarlane 饰 Scotty Wandell Luke Macfarlane是加拿大的演员和音乐人。出演过《Tanner On Tanner》,《Recalled》,《Iron Road》,《Kisney》。曾经是乐队Nameless的主唱和作曲。2006公开了同志身份。曾经与《Grey's Atanomy》的T.R.Kight是同性伴侣。现在被传是《越狱》男主角米帅的男友。 walker家的淫乱史

导演:Ken Olin / Michael Owen Morris

编剧:Jon Robin Baitz / David Marshall Grant

主演:戴夫·安纳布尔 / 卡莉斯塔·弗洛克哈特 / 瑞切尔·格里菲斯 / 马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys / 卢克·马可法莱恩 Luke Macfarlane





The story of the drama surrounding a family's adult siblings.
迈克尔·莫里斯 Michael Morris
劳拉·伊内斯 Laura Innes
戴夫·安纳布尔 Dave Annable
卡莉斯塔·弗洛克哈特 Calista Flockhart
瑞切尔·格里菲斯 Rachel Griffiths
卢克·马可法莱恩 Luke Macfarlane
贾斯汀·亨利 Justin Henry
安娜·伍德 Anna Wood
马特·莱斯切尔 Matt Letscher
马修·瑞斯 Matthew Rhys
詹尼佛·莱文 Jennifer Levin
Gillian O'Neill
第 4 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 The Road Ahead
Kitty guards a devastating secret that could change the Walker family forever. Meanwhile, Nora and Holly work together to thrown an engagement party for Justin and Rebecca; Tommy remains in Mexico; and Sarah heads to France.

第 2 集 Breaking the News
As Robert worries about news of his recent heart attack leaking to the press, Kitty struggles with an untold secret that will deeply affect their marriage and bring the Walker family together like never before. Meanwhile, Kevin and Scotty discuss the real possibility and challenge of surrogacy.

第 3 集 Almost Normal
Kitty, Robert and Nora struggle to accept Kitty's cancer and to come to an agreement on the best possible treatment, but as they prepare to share the news with the entire family, a surprise visitor from afar makes the burden a bit easier to bear.

第 4 集 From France With Love
After returning from France, Sarah manages to distract Kitty through her chemo treatments by using tales of her romance with a French artist. Meanwhile, Justin has problems with his anatomy class and seeks his professor for help with surviving the semester with his teenage genius lab partner.

第 5 集 Last Tango in Pasadena
The Walker family, with the exception of Nora, are surprised by the charms and tango lessongs of Luc Laurent, Sarah's new lover. However, Nora quickly uncovers that her French houseguest is a very good comfort during a very difficult time. Meanwhile, Robert needs to distract Kitty from the cancer, and he uses his most romantic efforts into the situation.

第 6 集 Zen and the Art of Mole Making
In the throes of chemo, Kitty is thrilled when a surprise visitor comes to town, while Sarah finally realizes that she has to tell her kids about Luc (Gilles Marini as Luc Laurent). Meanwhile, with Ryan and Rebecca’s help, Holly finds a way to keep her financial future from unraveling, and Kevin and Scotty finally agree on a possible surrogate.

第 7 集 The Wig Party
Kitty is devastated when she must face the aftereffects of her cancer treatment. Meanwhile, Nora makes an unexpected friend; and Scotty's father shares some shocking news about his marriage.

第 8 集 The Wine Festival
Ojai's newest wine is submitted at a local festival; Justin and Rebecca keep life-changing secrets from themselves; Nora has a crush on a younger man; Sarah and Luc may not be as compatible as they thought they were.

第 9 集 Pregnant Pause
Rebecca has a secret that could make or break her relationship with Justin; Holly's financial situation worsens; Sarah becomes jealous of Nora's new romance.

第 10 集 Nearlyweds
Justin and Rebecca's beachside wedding has the Walker family stunned. Tommy risks everything to have his daughter beside him.

第 11 集 A Bone to Pick
Kitty's life is in jeopardy as the Walkers frantically search for a bone marrow donor.

第 12 集 The Science Fair
A divorced dad at Paige's school piques Sarah's interest, while Justin uncovers the key to his learning challenges. Meanwhile, Nora reunites with her eyes wide open.

第 13 集 Run Baby Run
Sarah has a new romantic interest for the first time since her divorce; Scotty and Kevin await the results of their first try at surrogacy; Kitty and Robert reach another impasse over politics.

第 14 集 The Pasadena Primary
Robert and Nora get to work as guest chefs in Scotty's struggling restaurant to boost business, Kitty puts her idea to run for Robert's senate seat up for a Walker family vote, and Sarah reaches a point of frustration with Roy but is quickly rewarded for speaking up.

第 15 集 A Valued Family
The Walker family shares love and loss on Valentine's Day as Sarah rediscovers the love of her life, Kitty makes a grand but heartfelt entree in to politics with her family and new campaign manager by her side, Justin and Rebecca face the struggles of impending parenthood and Holly makes a tough decision about what to do with her shares of Ojai.

第 16 集 Leap of Faith
Luc’s visa issues cause monumental problems for Sarah, who not only struggles with her feelings for him, but worries that she might lose him again – this time to another woman. Meanwhile, Rebecca wrestles with Justin and with herself to move on after a huge loss, Kevin discovers breaking up with Robert is hard to do, and Holly thinks she has found the hidden value of Ojai Foods.

第 17 集
Kitty's newfound fame creates havoc for Luc and Sarah, as Luc faces possible deportation. Meanwhile, Nora swallows her pride and reaches out to Tommy to help her save the company from the Walkers' longtime nemesis, Dennis York.

第 18 集 Time After Time Part 1
In an effort to get to the root of the secret that William's nemesis, Dennis York, holds over their heads, the Walkers recall their memories, both good and horrifying, of their family's days at Ojai Foods in 1986. Then, as they continue to flashback to their younger days, they finally recall the shocking secret and the shameful cover-up that led to York's power play, and are forced to deal with the remorse of a tragic event. Meanwhile, Nora and Holly take an uncharacteristic trip, a la "Thelma & Louise," to search for answers about Ojai's hidden worth, and Justin and Rebecca finally get their happily ever after.

第 19 集 Time After Time Part 2
In an effort to get to the root of the secret that William's nemesis, Dennis York, holds over their heads, the Walkers recall their memories, both good and horrifying, of their family's days at Ojai Foods in 1986. Then, as they continue to flashback to their younger days, they finally recall the shocking secret and the shameful cover-up that led to York's power play, and are forced to deal with the remorse of a tragic event. Meanwhile, Nora and Holly take an uncharacteristic trip, a la "Thelma & Louise," to search for answers about Ojai's hidden worth, and Justin and Rebecca finally get their happily ever after.

第 20 集 If You Bake It, He Will Come
Still reeling from his discovery of Nora’s buried secrets about his childhood, Kevin refuses to attend his own birthday party. Meanwhile Justin, Tommy and Kevin confront Dennis York.

第 21 集 Where There's Smoke...
More than one member of the Walker family suspects she might be pregnant, Nora offers to take her aging mother in when it's discovered she has dementia, and Luc gets an exciting delivery in the mail.

第 22 集 Love All
The Walkers seem to all being going through an adjustment period, as Cooper acts out against Sarah while Luc becomes a member of the family, Justin has trouble finding the same passion for medicine that he had while serving in Iraq, and Kevin struggles with his newfound unemployed status.

第 23 集 Lights Out
The Walkers are heartbroken as they prepare to shut the doors of Ojai Foods for good, but new opportunities and secret alliances develop as a result of the family's loss.

第 24 集 On the Road Again
As the Walkers try to cope with the sadness and financial ruin that lingers as a result of the closure of Ojai Foods, they discover a small ray of hope in one of William Walker’s many secret investments. Meanwhile, Robert’s health and the safety of his family are compromised when he finds himself in way over his head in a subversive business deal, and newlyweds Justin and Rebecca consider a trial separation.
兄妹 第四季

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