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豪斯医生 第八季

House M.D. (2011)

电视 美国 英语 剧情 悬疑
继将好兄弟Wilson的爱车开进旧情人Cuddy的客厅后,备受伤害的House终于在等待假释的看守所内找到了新的刺激。当然,编剧没有忘记为House安插新的小朋友进行调教:这次被House征服的是具有一副混血面孔的美丽女医生Adams。 House在新剧集里再次.. 查看全部
继将好兄弟Wilson的爱车开进旧情人Cuddy的客厅后,备受伤害的House终于在等待假释的看守所内找到了新的刺激。当然,编剧没有忘记为House安插新的小朋友进行调教:这次被House征服的是具有一副混血面孔的美丽女医生Adams。 House在新剧集里再次展现了惊人的天赋。过人的观察力、大胆的推理、剑走偏锋的行事风格和神乎其技的查体功底一览无遗。曾在Hopkins训练过的高材生Adams医生态度也从开始的倨傲转向惊奇,并最终成为House式行动的追随者。 本集的病例依旧稀有。与往常不同,House这次并没有充沛的医疗资源可加利用,诊断完全依靠最原始的手段。一名年轻男子在狱中相继出现了关节痛、发热、皮疹等症状,Adams起初认为是淋病,但House以更有说服力的红斑狼疮推翻了Adams。不过患者的表现远不止这么简单,该男子被烟草熏黄的手指和接下来发生的骨折使House转向晚期肺癌的诊断。此时的House表现出神乎其技的听诊技能:在没有听诊器的情况下House准确地查出患者肺部存在阴影。有经验的临床专家通过轻拍即可了解患者两肺的情况,更有奇人可仅凭听诊估算患者心脏的EF值(射血分数,通常需要心脏超声的帮助来进行模拟计算)。House的天赋大概集中了全世界最有经验医生的传奇,当然,对于绝大多数中庸之资的凡人来说,追求这种境界其实远不如读好一张胸片或安排一次可靠的超声来的保险。House的神奇并没有帮到这名患者,胸片显示该男子的肺部阴影并非癌症。患者极易流血不止的表现也不符合肺癌晚期常有的高凝状态,病情更趋复杂了。除此之外,患者又发生了过敏性休克,幸好有医生在场,简易情形下的气管切开术挽救了这个年轻人的生命。现在,所有的临床表现终于齐全了:凝血功能障碍、皮疹、骨质疏松、过敏,答案会是什么呢?即将离开的House想到了肥大细胞增多症(Mastocytosis)。这种血液系统疾病能够侵犯全身多个系统,并常常表现为发作性过敏。肥大细胞释放组胺等炎症介质,使得患者产生荨麻疹、喉头水肿甚至窒息。不过,潮红、低血压等类过敏征象并非仅限于肥大细胞增多症,在做出此项诊断之前,还需要谨慎考虑脓毒症、类癌综合征、神经内分泌肿瘤如VIP瘤或嗜铬细胞瘤、甲状腺髓样癌等疾患。而这些疾病的排除需要细致的全身检查和多种实验室检查。House的编剧在此简化了细节,选择利用阿司匹林来进行简易诊断。阿司匹林(乙酰水杨酸)是一种环氧化酶抑制剂,可抑制前列腺素(PG)的生物合成,同时又可促进产生过敏介质白三烯(LT),增强肥大细胞诱发的过敏反应。因此,当已有过敏潜质的患者服用阿司匹林后,很可能当场诱发过敏性休克。这将有助于排除上述其他原因造成的类似表现。晚餐上的纸条证明,House又一次猜中了结局。 当然,本剧的亮点远非这个case本身。House在深陷江湖危机之时还不忘为室友拯救中毒的宠物蟋蟀,所用的手段仍然令人耳目一新。而这个成功的解救也为后来House乱中解围埋下了伏笔。 House的天赋来自编剧。能够写出各种各样奇怪病例的House编剧,医学功底也相当了得。凑巧的是,在《新英格兰医学杂志》上,就刊有一篇关于肥大细胞增多症的病例报告。在这份报告中,患者在使用阿司匹林后过敏症状加重,麻省总医院(MGH)的现实版House们终于经过周密的诊治手段确认了病情。当然,在鉴别分析及治疗细节上,专业的医学期刊所体现的又是另一种美感了。本集House的故事原型,是否脱胎于此呢?而如此专业的态度,大概也正是国内编剧所无法企及的高度了吧。


编剧:萨拉·海斯 / 丽兹·弗里德曼

主演:休·劳瑞 / 罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 / 杰西·斯宾塞 / 欧玛·艾普斯 / 奥黛塔·安纳布尔





An antisocial maverick doctor who specializes in diagnostic medicine does whatever it takes to solve puzzling cases that come his way using his crack team of doctors and his wits.
大卫·肖 David Shore
布莱克.安德森 Blake Anderson
丹尼尔·艾提奥斯 Daniel Attias
米格尔·萨普什尼克 Miguel Sapochnik
科林·巴克西 Colin Bucksey
斯特凡·施瓦茨 Stefan Schwartz
彼得·威勒 Peter Weller
休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie
罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 Robert Sean Leonard
杰西·斯宾塞 Jesse Spencer
欧玛·艾普斯 Omar Epps
奥黛塔·安纳布尔 Odette Annable
第 8 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 Twenty Vicodin
House is serving out a lengthy prison sentence for his various misdeeds, including his trip outside the country in an attempt to escape responsibility. Entirely cut off from his old life, House determines his current problems are the result of his inability to deal with people. Feeling he will never be able to practice medicine again, he plans instead to go back to university to earn a doctorate in physics - a field that will all but assure his isolation from other human beings.

第 2 集 Transplant
A surprising visitor makes House an offer he can't refuse by giving him the opportunity to help the Princeton Plainsboro team treat a unique patient in order to save the life of an organ recipient being treated by Wilson. Although House finds himself back on familiar ground, he quickly realizes that much has changed since he left, and he is forced to work on the case with smart yet timid resident Dr. Chi Park. After several inconclusive treatments and with time running out, House and Dr. Park are left with one last option to examine the patient's medical history that could compromise House's conditional agreement with the hospital. Meanwhile, House makes an effort to reconnect with Wilson despite a cold reception.

第 3 集 Charity Case
House and Park treat a patient, Benjamin, who collapsed after making a surprisingly large charity donation, and come to suspect that the altruistic behavior is a symptom of a deeper disorder. When the patient offers to donate an organ for another patient, the doctors must convince Dr. Adams to help them confirm whether Benjamin is in his right mind or not.

第 4 集 Risky Business
A CEO falls mysteriously ill just days before he signs a contract that would relocate his company's entire labor force to China. House attempts to make an underhanded business transaction with his wealthy patient, but when the patient's condition worsens, the team must work around the clock to save his life. Meanwhile, Park prepares for her hearing with the Princeton Plainsboro Disciplinary Committee chaired by Foreman, and Adams' outlook on her patient's business venture reveals her deeper feelings about loyalty.

第 5 集 The Confession
A man well-respected in his community suddenly collapses, and in the process of diagnosing his symptoms, the team discovers that the patient has been hiding dark and dishonest secrets about his personal and professional life. But when the patient openly confesses his wrongdoings to his family and community, he compromises his chances of receiving the proper medical treatment. Meanwhile, House will stop at nothing to manipulate Taub into taking a DNA test to prove he is the father of his two six-month-old daughters.

第 6 集 Parents
A teenage boy attempting to follow in his late father’s footsteps as an entertainer is admitted to Princeton Plainsboro with partial paralysis. As the team searches for a bone marrow match, they uncover a disturbing family secret. Meanwhile, House looks for creative ways to remove his ankle monitor so that he can attend a boxing match in Atlantic City, and he treats a patient who is convinced he is suffering from diabetes. Also, Taub faces a tough decision when his ex-wife Rachel tells him that she wants to move across the country with their infant daughter.

第 7 集 Dead & Buried
The team learns that their 14-year-old patient is suffering from more than teen angst when her physical symptoms worsen. Despite Foreman’s firm opposition, House becomes obsessed with solving a peculiar case of a deceased four-year-old patient, which gets him into serious trouble. Meanwhile, Park tries to get Chase (Jesse Spencer) to admit the reason behind his recent obsession with grooming.

第 8 集 Perils of Paranoia
A prosecutor suffers from what he believes to be cardiac arrest during an interrogation at the witness stand. The team's preliminary diagnosis is hyper-anxiety, but when Adams and Park investigate the patient's home and find a hidden arsenal of firearms, they uncover a more alarming and deep-seated psychological disorder.

第 9 集 Better Half
House and his team treat an Alzheimer's patient who vomits blood and flies into violent rages. Meanwhile, when Wilson tells House about a patient who has never had sex with her husband of 10 years, claiming A-sexuality, House makes a wager with him that there has to be an underlying cause.

第 10 集 Runaways
When a runaway teen requires hospitalization, Adams butts heads with House when she insists they contact Social Services. Meanwhile, Taub has trouble forming a personal connection with his baby daughters and Foreman's relationship with a married woman comes out.

第 11 集 Nobody's Fault
House and his team are placed under review after a staff member gets hurt.

第 12 集 Chase
Chase's religious faith bubbles to the surface when he treats a young nun. In addition, he and House reach a fundamental disagreement about the patient that may finally end Chase's reputation as House's "yes man" but also bring's House's methods, reputation and objectivity are given more serious scrutiny.

第 13 集 Man of the House
House's green-card wife, Dominika, will return in order to prove to the proper authorities that she and House are actually married. This in turn will lead to a crash course in which both will learn a little something about love and marriage.

第 14 集 Love Is Blind
"Love Is Blind" is the fourteenth episode of the season eight of House and the 169th overall. The episode debuted in Canada on Global on February 27, 2012, and aired three weeks later in the United States on Fox on March 19, 2012. The unusual three-week delay was a byproduct of the 2012 Daytona 500 rain delay of 30 hours.

第 15 集 Blowing the Whistle
The team treats an Army veteran charged with treason after he leaked classified information. But the patient's life is put at risk when he refuses treatment unless he and his brother are given information about their late father, a war veteran, which raises questions about loyalty to one's family and country. Meanwhile, Adams suspects House may be sick, so she recruits Wilson and the other team members to plan an intervention and investigate his illness.

第 16 集 Gut Check
House and the team take on the case of a 22-year-old minor league hockey player who collapsed while coughing up blood after a fight on the ice. Meanwhile, House drops a bomb on Wilson, and Chase offers to help Park change her living arrangement.

第 17 集 We Need the Eggs
House and the team take on the case of a man who starts tearing blood. Meanwhile, House is interviewing for a new favorite hooker, since his current favorite, Emily, has decided to get married and leave the business. Desperate for Emily "companionship," House teams up with his "wife" Dominika to sabotage Emily's budding relationship.

第 18 集 Body and Soul
House and the team take on the case of a young boy who has violent dreams of being choked, and then wakes up but still can't take in air. Meanwhile, Park is having intimate dreams involving co-workers, which causes the team to question whether or not there's significance to what each of them dreams. Dominika discovers House has been keeping a secret from her and Wilson drops a bombshell on him.

第 19 集 The C-Word
When House and Wilson disappear off the grid for several days, without explanation, the team is left to deal with a complicated case of a 6-year old with numerous problems and complications, including an overbearing mother who also happens to be her physician.

第 20 集 Post Mortem
Over the years, during the course of performing autopsies at Princeton-Plainsboro, Dr. Peter Treiber has often identified mistakes made by physicians that caused the patient's death. These observations have left him questioning the skills of nearly all the doctors on staff... all, that is, except House. When he falls ill, he demands that only House make medical decisions concerning his care. Unfortunately, House and Wilson have taken off on an impromptu road trip without telling anyone, leaving the team to fend alone and lie to their patient to make him believe that House is the guy calling all the shots.

第 21 集 Holding On
The team takes on the case of Derrick, a 19-year-old college student who had a mysterious nose bleed during cheerleading practice, and discovers that his health issues are likely both physiological and psychological. Possibly suffering from schizophrenia, Derrick claims to hear his deceased brother’s voice in his head. Meanwhile, Foreman tries a different approach with House.

第 22 集 Everybody Dies
Facing a 6-month jail term, and the realization that he won't be there for Wilson at the end, House finds himself examining his entire life while contemplating a dismal future without his best friend.
医神 第八季 / 流氓医生 第八季 / 怪杰医生豪斯 第八季 / 怪医豪斯 第八季 / Dr. House Season 8

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