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辛普森一家 第二十三季

The Simpsons (2011)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧 动画
《辛普森一家》是福克斯电视台迄今为止最成功的电视动画片。同时也是美国电视史上播放时间最长的动画片。其剧场版已于 2007年上映,亦取得票房及口碑的巨大成功。 《辛普森一家》最早是FOX喜剧小品《特蕾西-厄尔曼秀》(The Tracey Ullman Show)中.. 查看全部
《辛普森一家》是福克斯电视台迄今为止最成功的电视动画片。同时也是美国电视史上播放时间最长的动画片。其剧场版已于 2007年上映,亦取得票房及口碑的巨大成功。 《辛普森一家》最早是FOX喜剧小品《特蕾西-厄尔曼秀》(The Tracey Ullman Show)中的一系列动画小品。这部动画片主要描述了辛普森一家在Springfield的生活。辛普森家的家长Homer不是传统意义上的“居家男人 ”。他作为一家之主,努力想领导没大没小的家庭成员,可经常发生的情况是他才是那个被领导的。这个家庭里有爱,蓝头发的女家长Marge,麻烦大王儿子 Bart,优秀的出人意料的女儿Lisa,还有婴儿Maggie。这个家庭从来不会变老,但Springfield小镇的背景却在随着年代变化。无论情况多困窘,辛普森一家幸福的住在一起。 这部长盛不衰的动画片吸引了全世界最顶级的巨星前来客串配音,其中包括迈克尔-杰克逊、达斯汀-霍夫曼、保罗-麦卡特尼、滚石乐队、“披头士”乐队的其中三位成员、英国首相布莱尔、美国前总统克林顿、《哈利波特》作者罗琳、运动员姚明以及好莱坞传奇女星伊丽莎白泰勒等。 辛普森一家被许多评论家看作是有史以来最伟大的动画。时代杂志在2000年将之题名为20世纪最伟大的电视节目。它对于流行文化的影响至今无可比拟。

导演:斯蒂文·迪恩·摩尔 / 马修·方南 / 马克·柯克兰 / 鲍勃·安德森 / 迈克尔·玻尔奇诺 / 罗伯·奥利弗 / 克里斯·克莱门茨 / 查克·希茨 / 兰斯·克雷默

编剧:马特·格罗宁 / 萨姆·西蒙 / 詹姆斯·L·布鲁克斯 / 蒂姆·朗 / 卡罗琳·奥麦恩 / 马特·塞尔曼 / 丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔 / J·斯图尔特·伯恩斯 / 约翰·弗林克 / 迈克尔·普莱斯 / 马克·威尔摩尔 / 比利·金宝 / 伊安·马克斯通-格雷厄姆 / 马特·沃尔伯顿

主演:丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔 / 朱莉·卡夫娜 / 南茜·卡特莱特 / 雅德丽·史密斯 / 汉克·阿扎利亚 / 哈里·谢尔 / 潘蜜拉·海登 / 露西·泰勒 / 麦琪·罗丝威尔 / 特蕾丝·麦克尼尔 / 玛西娅·华莱士 / 克里斯·埃杰利 / 基弗·萨瑟兰 / 汤姆·库里其奥 / 凯文·迈克尔·理查德森 / 西奥多·罗斯福 / 杰基·梅森 / 阿龙·罗尔斯顿 / 简·林奇 / 马利欧·巴塔利 / 安东尼·波登 / 蒂姆·海德克 / 艾里克·维尔海姆 / 戈登·拉姆齐 / 尼尔·盖曼 / 安迪·加西亚 / 约翰·斯拉特里 / 马修·韦纳 / 凯文·狄龙 / 詹妮安·加罗法洛 / 琼·里弗斯 / 达纳·古尔德 / 泰德·纳森特 / 大卫·莱特曼 / 艾米·汉莫 / 杰瑞米·艾恩斯 / 迈克尔·塞拉 / 杰米·韩门 / 亚当·萨维奇 / 凯尔希·格兰莫 / 艾丽森·克劳丝 / 朱利安·阿桑奇 / 大卫·伯恩 / 格伦·克洛斯 / 布伦特·斯皮内 / 比尔·普莱姆顿 / 史蒂夫·库根 / 特里特·威廉斯 / 艾瑞克·爱都 / 布莱恩·克兰斯顿 / Lady Gaga





The satiric adventures of a working-class family in the misfit city of Springfield.
斯蒂文·迪恩·摩尔 Steven Dean Moore
马修·方南 Matthew Faughnan
马克·柯克兰 Mark Kirkland
鲍勃·安德森 Bob Anderson
迈克尔·玻尔奇诺 Michael Polcino
罗伯·奥利弗 Rob Oliver
克里斯·克莱门茨 Chris Clements
查克·希茨 Chunk Sheetz
兰斯·克雷默 Lance Kramer
马修·纳斯奇克 Matthew Nastuk
丹·卡斯泰兰尼塔 Dan Castellaneta
朱莉·卡夫娜 Julie Kavner
第 23 季 共 22 集

第 1 集 The Falcon and the D'ohman
Homer befriends Wayne, a reserved security guard recently hired by the nuclear power plant. Plagued by violent flashbacks from his past as a CIA agent, he must overcome his tortured nightmares to save Homer from a Ukranian terrorist. Meanwhile, Marge fantasizes about being a contestant on "Top Chef" hosted by Tom Colicchio, and the future of Springfield's hottest "it" couple Nedna, Edna Krabappel and Ned Flanders, will be revealed after months of online fan voting and speculation.

第 2 集 Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts
Superintendent Chalmers reveals his hero as former President Theodore Roosevelt, who makes an appearance in the episode with the use of archival recordings.

第 3 集 Treehouse of Horror XXII
Simpsons' twentysecond Halloween show.<br /> <br /> The Diving Bell and the Butterball:<br /> <br /> Homer is bitten by a radioactive spider.<br /> <br /> Dial "D" for Diddly:<br /> <br /> Ned becomes a serial killer.<br /> <br /> In the Na'Vi:<br /> <br /> Bart and Milhouse in an Avatar spoof.

第 4 集 Replaceable You
Bart’s science fair project, a mechanical baby seal, outshines Lisa’s brainy asteroid model and quickly becomes a popular pet among the retirement home patrons. Meanwhile, Homer’s new and eager assistant Roz, steals Homer’s job, forcing him to team up with Flanders to reveal her true colors and evil past.

第 5 集 The Food Wife
Marge takes Bart and Lisa on a weekend excursion, and when an unexpected restaurant detour awakens their taste buds, fellow foodies Amuse Bruce and Fois Garth (guest voices Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim) inspire them to start their own food blog, “The Three Mouthketeers.”

第 6 集 The Book Job
Lisa becomes disheartened when she learns the shocking truth behind the “tween lit” industry and her beloved fantasy novel characters, but Homer decides to cash in on the craze and forms a team to group-write the next “tween lit” hit, with the king of fantasy, Neil Gaiman, lending his expertise to the effort.

第 7 集 The Man in the Blue Flannel Pants
The Simpsons host a tastemaker party at their home to promote Absolut Krusty, Krusty the Clown's own brand of liquor. Mr. Burns takes notice of the party's success and decides to promote Homer to "Account Man" for the Springfield Nuclear Plant.

第 8 集 The Ten-Per-Cent Solution
Krusty the Clown becomes depressed after getting fired from his television show for being unpopular with children. The Simpson family encourages him to make a comeback, suggesting that he seek help from an agent they met earlier at a television museum. This agent turns out to be Annie Dubinsky, who was Krusty's first agent and former girlfriend.

第 9 集 Holidays of Future Passed
In this futuristic holiday episode, Bart is a deadbeat dad living in Springfield Elementary (which is now an apartment complex instead of a school) with Principal Skinner as his landlord. Meanwhile, a pregnant Maggie goes into labor during a family dinner.

第 10 集 Politically Inept, with Homer Simpson
Homer lands his own political talk show and becomes the spokesperson for the Gravy Movement. He then is asked to select the next Republican nominee for President and officially endorses right-wing rock star Ted Nugent.

第 11 集 The D'oh-cial Network
Lisa creates her own social networking service, SpringFace, and subsequently makes everyone addicted to the internet. Meanwhile, Patty and Selma challenge the Winklevoss twins at the 2012 Summer Olympics.

第 12 集 Moe Goes from Rags to Riches
After Moe is heckled for not having any real companions, Moe's best friend and beloved bar rag narrates his incredible thousand-year journey to Springfield.<br /> <br /> Beginning in the Middle Ages, the bar rag was loomed into a beautiful and ornate medieval tapestry and traveled around the globe through the hands of royalty before finding himself found himself at Moe's Tavern.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, Bart begs Milhouse for forgiveness after the two friends get into a tiff, and when the bar rag goes missing, Moe realizes that he has more friends than he thought.

第 13 集 The Daughter Also Rises
Marge and Lisa's mother-daughter Valentine's Day plans take a turn when Lisa meets Nick, an intellectual romantic who shares the same passion for culture, history and literature. Lisa and Nick fall head over heels for each other in a fairytale romance and make a secret getaway to Mulberry Island to profess their eternal love.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, Bart and Milhouse are inspired by the hosts of "MythCrackers" to "crack" Springfield Elementary's own legends.

第 14 集 At Long Last Leave
The Simpsons are evicted from Springfield and join an off-the-grid community outside of town.<br /> <br /> But when Homer and Marge try to sneak back into Springfield, they are welcomed with hostility from their former friends and neighbors and begin to appreciate their new and more accepting home.

第 15 集 Exit Through the Kwik-E-Mart
In order to get back at his dad, Bart goes undercover as a graffiti street artist and plasters Homer's unflattering image all over Springfield. But one night, Bart and Milhouse get caught in the act by established street artists Shepard Fairey, Ron English, Kenny Scharf and Robbie Conal (guest voicing as themselves), and to Bart's surprise, they invite him to exhibit his satirical artwork in his very own gallery show.<br /> <br /> Meanwhile, a hip, new health food superstore opens in Springfield that threatens to put Apu and the Kwik-E-Mart out of business.

第 16 集 How I Wet Your Mother
Karma gets the best of Homer after he gets his friends in trouble, and as a result, his bedwetting problem worsens. The family goes on a mission to infiltrate his dreams to search for clues in his subconscious to determine the source of his problem. But just as things take a dangerous turn in the dream, a figure from Homer's past appears, and he is finally reassured that the fond memories of his mother Mona (guest voice Glenn Close) remain alive, giving him just the right amount of reassurance to cure him of his problem.

第 17 集 Them, Robot
Mr. Burns replaces all of Springfield Power Plant's employees with robots (guest voice Brent Spiner) but decides to keep Homer as the sole human worker. With unemployment at an all-time high and mechanical arms operating the workplace, Springfield becomes a dismal and humorless place. But when Homer's machine-programmed peers start to turn on the community and his former real-life employees come to the rescue, they all realize that robots can't replace human friends.

第 18 集 Beware My Cheating Bart
When Bart supervises Jimbo's girlfriend at a movie, she develops a crush on him; Homer is persuaded to buy a state-of-the-art treadmill with a television, and he becomes obsessed with watching it from the treadmill, but not actually working out.

第 19 集 A Totally Fun Thing That Bart Will Never Do Again
When Bart gets his wish for a family vacation, he becomes determined to make it last forever.

第 20 集 The Spy Who Learned Me
Homer embarrasses Marge at the movies during a film featuring superspy Stradivarius Cain, and his apologies fall on deaf ears. In an effort to become a better husband, he seeks help from someone he believes to be the real Stradivarius Cain.

第 21 集 Ned 'n Edna's Blend Agenda
When word gets out that Edna and Ned have secretly wed, Marge offers to throw them a party, but bringing folks together makes them all realize that no marriage is perfect. Meanwhile, Edna tries to help Ned's children become more socially acceptable. Watch the credits... there's a treat!

第 22 集 Lisa Goes Gaga
In the Season 23 finale, Lisa tries to boost her popularity by ghost writing positive things about herself on the school blog. The effort fails miserably, until a psychic force tells Lady Gaga (who provides her own voice) that Lisa needs her help.

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