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中产家庭 第三季

The Middle (2011)

电视 美国 英语 喜剧 家庭
谁是我们这个时代的英雄?政坛名人?电影明星?体育明星?也许吧……可日常生活中的英雄呢?是辛辛苦苦养育我们的父母。在孝子们眼里,母亲才是最值得崇敬的「超级英雄」。 来瞧瞧我们的「超级英雄」Frankie Heck(Patricia Heaton扮演)。她有三重身份.. 查看全部
谁是我们这个时代的英雄?政坛名人?电影明星?体育明星?也许吧……可日常生活中的英雄呢?是辛辛苦苦养育我们的父母。在孝子们眼里,母亲才是最值得崇敬的「超级英雄」。 来瞧瞧我们的「超级英雄」Frankie Heck(Patricia Heaton扮演)。她有三重身份:贤妻,良母,二手车推销员。她有什么特别的地方?她住在美国中部,过着中产阶级的生活,岁数接近中年,她的生活里一切都带个「中」字。她有什么「超能力」?每天早上把丈夫Mike(Neil Flynn扮演)伺候得舒舒服服的,然后把三个孩子平平安安地送出家门! Frankie Heck和Mike一辈子都住在小镇Jasper(印第安纳州)上,正好夹在两座工厂的中间--一座是糕点厂,一座是轮胎厂。Jasper的居民呼吸什么空气,得看当天刮什么风。也许你上午闻到的是甜甜的蛋糕味,下午就变成了刺鼻的橡胶味。 Mike是个言语不多,但是出言必惊人的男人,他在镇上的采石场担任经理。而Frankie在当地一家二手车行工作,业绩排名第三。不过,车行里也就只有三个销售员……她也许工作能力不足,当不了女强人,也不可能出人头地。可只要回到家里,她「大展拳脚」的时刻就来临了。 Frankie的大儿子Axel(Charlie McDermott扮演)喜欢做白日梦,喜欢枪炮与玫瑰乐队,喜欢一切反传统的东西;女儿Sue(Eden Sher扮演)做事总是毛手毛脚,虽然爱好广泛,但却一事无成;只有7岁的小儿子Brick(Atticus Shaffer扮演)除了自己的书包外再无其他朋友。 这是一部描述家庭关系的情景喜剧,没有跌宕起伏的剧情,也没有浮华的气氛。本剧用平实的故事告诉观众:家庭总是第一位的。不管你做什么,都应该团结家人、形成家庭合力。

导演:Julie Anne Robinson

编剧:Eileen Heisler / DeAnn Heline

主演:帕翠西亚·希顿 / 尼尔·弗林 / 查利·麦克德莫特 / 爱登·舍尔 / 阿蒂库斯·沙弗尔





The daily mishaps of a married woman and her semi-dysfunctional family and their attempts to survive life in general in the town of Orson, Indiana.
李·夏洛特·卡米尔 Lee Shallat Chemel
帕翠西亚·希顿 Patricia Heaton
尼尔·弗林 Neil Flynn
查利·麦克德莫特 Charlie McDermott
爱登·舍尔 Eden Sher
阿蒂库斯·沙弗尔 Atticus Shaffer
保罗•希普 Paul Hipp
玛莎·马森 Marsha Mason
饰 Pat Spence
Brock Ciarlelli
Jen Ray
Katlin Mastandrea
雷·罗马诺 Ray Romano
饰 Nicky Kohlbrenner
第 3 季 共 24 集

第 1 集 Forced Family Fun (1)
Frankie insists that the family go on vacation together before school starts; Mike and Frankie remember their honeymoon, which was ruined by Nicky (Ray Romano), a guy Mike knew in high school.

第 2 集 Forced Family Fun (2)
Frankie insists the family take a few days of vacation before school starts. But Mike's suggestion of a camping trip brings back bad memories of their honeymoon camping trip.

第 3 集 Hecking Order
Mike learns that Brick has been skipping gym class, and goes to meet with his fourth grade teacher. Meanwhile, Axl plans a prank on Sue, who is now in high school with him.

第 4 集 Major Changes
Frankie has a meltdown and forces the family to make significant changes to their lifestyle. But just as she puts these changes into effect, she leaves them to spend a some time relaxing with her mother.

第 5 集 The Test
Frankie learns that Axl's PSAT's are fast approaching and he hasn't been preparing for them. Sue sets her sights high and decides to try out for cheerleading, while Mike decides that Brick needs to toughen up when he gets bullied at school.

第 6 集 Bad Choices
As the Heck home begins to literally fall apart, Frankie and Mike consider leaving homeownership behind and moving the family to an apartment. Meanwhile, Axl tries to fake Frankie out by pretending that he's sick in order to get out of taking a school test - and must later convince her that he's well enough to attend a party that evening; Sue and her ex-sort-of-boyfriend, Brad, volunteer to prepare a school skit about showing the dangers of texting and drinking while driving; and Brick tries to offer a little bit of levity by spouting off Shakespearian quotes.

第 7 集 Halloween II
After being embarrassed over wearing a childish costume at a high school Halloween costume party and being ignored by the guys, Sue asks a flabbergasted Mike for his advice on what boys want when it comes to girls. Meanwhile, Frankie reluctantly volunteers to take Brick's socially awkward school social skills group trick-or-treating, and Axl and his friends devise a plan to trick rather than treat the neighborhood kids on Halloween.

第 8 集 Heck's Best Thing
Frankie and Mike are convinced that slacker son Axl will blow his interview with a football scout, which could earn him a scholarship to college. Meanwhile, Sue and Brick begin a texting marathon - and rack up some serious charges - when they discover that Aunt Edie accidentally gave them her cell phone; and Frankie tries to be completely attentive to the family's needs when she realizes that she's more considerate to outsiders than her own kin.

第 9 集 The Play
Frankie is thrilled when she learns that the Orson Community Theater is putting on a production of "The Wizard of Oz," and that kids don't need to audition to be munchkins, as they will be automatically cast - which is a perfect scenario for a hapless Sue. But things quickly go awry when Frankie is cast in a singing role and learns the director is not happy with Sue's performance and may cut her from the play. Meanwhile, Brick asks his unreliably quirky Uncle Rusty to attend his school's Special Friends Day - with disastrous results.

第 10 集 Thanksgiving III
Frankie's parents, Pat and Tag, invite the Hecks to spend a few days at their house to celebrate Thanksgiving together. But the festivities begin to fall apart quickly when Frankie's sister, Janet, and her family also join in, and soon the siblings are at each other's throats over their widely differing parenting techniques. Meanwhile, Mike tries to offer some advice to Axl on how to pick up girls when he witnesses his son trying to impress a pretty mini-mart cashier - and fails miserably; Brick attempts to prove his innocence when he is accused by Janet of damaging her daughter's expensive toy; and Sue is stoked when Frankie, Pat and Janet invite her to take part in their gossip sessions.

第 11 集 A Christmas Gift
On a tipsy whim - and against Mike's wishes - Frankie decides to throw a Christmas Eve party at the house; Mike buys Frankie a much needed new dishwasher for Christmas, but has a hard time keeping it a secret when she begs him to replace the old one before the party; Sue calls on Reverend TimTom to explain the meaning of Christmas to Brick when he reads the Bible and begins to question it; and Axl gets annoyed with Bob when he tries too hard to be cool in order to befriend him while working together on a Christmas tree lot.

第 12 集 Year of the Hecks
After realizing that no one keeps their New Year's resolutions, Frankie decides that they will be assigned anonymously to each family member, and an all-you-can-eat buffet feast will be the reward for those who can abide by their chosen resolution for a week. But chaos soon ensues when Frankie must spend more time with Brick, Mike needs to smile more, Axl has to keep his bedroom clean, Sue needs to stop trying out for things she'll never make, and Brick must stop reading all of the time.

第 13 集 The Map
Aunty Ginny's funeral is the catalyst for Frankie's vow to begin celebrating all of the family's major life achievements. Axl mistakenly eats Brick's school map project and Sue finds out that a boy on the wrestling team has a crush on her.

第 14 集 Hecking It Up
With Indiana hosting the Super Bowl, Frankie is devastated when she hopes to land a plum assignment as an official volunteer and ends up with a less-than-stellar position. Meanwhile, the entire Heck household takes advantage of the Donahue's new car while they are out of town, and a scary, close call with the car causes Sue to profess her true feelings to her new boyfriend, Matt.

第 15 集 Valentine's Day III
Frankie and Mike decide to try a fresh approach to Valentine's Day by having dinner out with friends. But a clueless Mike angers Frankie by refusing to present her with a simple romantic gesture. Meanwhile, Axl can't think of a life-changing moment that's occurred in his life when he's assigned to write a school paper on the subject, Brick is tasked with writing a report on love, and a hapless Sue doesn't understand why her new boyfriend has suddenly turned into a bad kisser.

第 16 集 The Concert
Frankie pulls out all of the stops in an effort to get an over-excited Sue tickets to a Justin Bieber concert, Mike is thrilled over Brick's enthusiasm to win the school's spelling bee and coaches him for the event, and Axl and his friends attempt to break a road sign's 15-mile-per-hour speed limit - on foot.

第 17 集 The Sit Down
The kids have a meeting with Frankie and Mike about their parenting techniques, and they are thrown for a loop, when their parents attempt to change.

第 18 集 Leap Year
Sue wishes for a big birthday bash for her Leap Year birthday. Meanwhile, Frankie learns that Mike has been taking care of a stray cat, Brick develops a crush at school, and Axl becomes fascinated with vacuuming.

第 19 集 The Paper Route
Brick takes a job delivering newspapers, in order to save up enough money to buy night vision goggles. Meanwhile, Axl tries to convince Sue that a long-distance relationship with Matt won't work. Elsewhere, Frankie discovers that Mike has been hoarding batteries.

第 20 集 Get Your Business Done
Frankie is inspired by the pastor's sermon at the new church the family is attending. She decides to make it her mission that every family member completes their life's destiny before they die. As Mike, Sue, Brick and Axl come up with ideas as to their destiny, Frankie has a hard time figuring out what exactly she should be doing.

第 21 集 The Guidance Counselor
Sue finds a kindred spirit in her awkward school guidance counselor, Jane Marsh (Whoopi Goldberg), who inspires her to reinvent herself. Meanwhile, Frankie is ecstatic when she and Mike buy a much needed new bed but is gobsmacked when her stubborn husband insists on assembling it himself; and Brick attempts to call the President to outlaw the Presidential Fitness Challenge, which would force him to accomplish some strenuous physical exercises at school.

第 22 集 The Clover
Misfortune plagues Brick after he finds a four-leaf clover; Frankie seeks a caregiver for her aunt; Axl struggles with a prom-date dilemma and is also dismayed to learn that Sue is Darrin's prom date.

第 23 集 The Telling
Frankie gets Brick to snitch on his siblings, but Mike disapproves of the tattling. Meanwhile, Sue threatens to get Axl in trouble if he doesn't obey her commands; and Mike reluctantly goes to Brick's school for Parent Day.

第 24 集 The Wedding
The Hecks are pleased to learn that Mike's brother, Rusty is getting married. However, the joy is short-lived, when they discover that the wedding is to be held at their house. Meanwhile, Brick cannot attend a party that same day, due to the nuptials.
中之道 第三季 / 左右不逢源 第三季

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